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Cave Story for Android/iOS (via PSX4droid/PSX4All) Theory

Apr 6, 2012 at 9:03 PM
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Ok... I've read few topics and I've come to realize... the only handheld, closest port is the PSP...
PSX4* can Play PSX4PSP eboot files... meaning... If We Can Get the Whole package (eboot+data.csz) into a psx compatible package :3 we might be able to play it on our devices!! (Yes, Im a bit unwaitable for Cave Story for iOS :3)

Any Suggestions??

IF There's such a thing as "GXP2 emulator for handhelds" it would be even cooler for us :3

IF there were such a port as a port for DOS, x10 Easier! We all get to have the DOSBox! (iDOS for iOS though)

PS:: Android/iPT4 Owner, iOS Dev.

IDEA >> We Could Port the NX-Engine! :D (Cave Story Emulator/Port)
Apr 6, 2012 at 9:21 PM
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  • Thanks for double posting.
  • Nicalis has asked for no more Cave Story ports to be made, since that is their business now and they own the rights to Cave Story.
  • Welcome to the forums.
  • :3
Apr 6, 2012 at 9:35 PM
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Awe D: Ok ... -sadface- But it would be worth the try.. Since the port is alredy made... :o :3 And Thankyou.
Apr 7, 2012 at 4:16 AM
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Okay I have two problems with this:
1- Touch controls can be a bitch most of he time, unless the game was designed to be played on a touch screen. Why do you think that so many people disliked playing the iOS ports for Mega Man 2 and Sanik so much? Why do you think that Tommy Refenes, programmer of Super Meat Boy, dislikes touch controls so much that he said publically that he won't make a port for iOS devices?
2- iDOS can't be accessed normally anymore because Apple said so. As good as iDOS is (minus the touch controls), it's not built for all devices, which would go against Amaya's philosophy for getting his game out for everyone and as many people to enjoy.

But if you *really* want to do this then go ahead.
Apr 7, 2012 at 8:59 AM
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I mean, if you were to EMULATE the PSP port somehow, that probably wouldn't count as a 'new port'.
Apr 7, 2012 at 5:56 PM
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My Point is : iDOS is just another DOSBox Port...
PSP Ver is already out. but PSX emus can Emulate it? (Tried with FPse and Didn;t Work)
And In Agreement with ShinyElectricBlueTiger, this eventually will go aggainst it..

PS : Both, iOS and Android have cracked packages (Pirated), How come iOS is safer? Too me, it's the same thing :o
Apr 9, 2012 at 3:51 AM
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1. It was Pixel that requested a halt on ports, not Nicalis.
2. Pixel has no interest in having Cave Story ported to touchscreen-only devices.
3. PSX means Playstation 1, the Playstation had the name PlayStation Experimental or PSX during development and the abbreviation PSX stuck. Cave Story is an unsigned PSP eboot, you cannot emulate it on a PSX emulator.
4. There is no DOS Cave Story port.
5. PSX4PSP eboots are just Playstation 1 isos packaged into an eboot to use on the psp's inbuilt PSX emulator. This doesn't mean that it can acually emulate PSP eboots.
6. You'd have a better chance of finding a GP2X emulator than a PSP one working on iOS or Android, and even that is unlikely. Let's be honest here.
7. I hear NXEngine has problems with it like broken hitboxes and the like.

Linux for iOS might be your best bet, but it's still in the works.

EDIT: But you can already get linux with Andriod by the looks so you can try that if you have an android phone.


You might be able to skip ubuntu and run CS Linux directly from the command line if you want. *shrug*

Of course you will likely need to edit key assignments in the CS Linux binary with a hex editor in order to make it work with the keypad. You'll also need to find a way to inject CS Linux into the linux .img file if you are running from ubuntu. Oh and make sure that SDL 1.2 is installed.

Any way you look at it you'll have a fair amount of work ahead of you trying to get this working and it won't be as simple as plugging it into an emulator.
Apr 9, 2012 at 12:55 PM
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I know that Pixel halted Ports (I requested Permission to continue the GBA Port)
Sadly thats true. BUT Cave Story was Signed Recently (google it bro :p)
No But NX Engine could :s
GP2X Emulator... the closest I've benn.. Mame4All
NX-Engine is C++ Strictly made for the original Cave Story... Therefore, not all mods work... Besides that, I beat the game with it (it was Somewhat faster when I was running it on a Old PC)

Lol That actually could work... but In My Case, I have a Galaxy Fit (no Hard keyboard) But It's worth the try
Apr 9, 2012 at 1:16 PM
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Apr 9, 2012 at 2:39 PM
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Yes xD The Closes Failure related to GP2X in the Market...
Apr 9, 2012 at 11:50 PM
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I have no idea what you are saying. The closest "failure"?

Plus I know what Mame is, I just can't see its relevance to the GP2X.
Apr 10, 2012 at 2:21 PM
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I searched GP2X in the markey, what came u was mame... then trus out its based on gp2x\'s mame thats why it a failiure
Apr 13, 2012 at 11:34 PM
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Is it just me or did none of that last post make sense?... Anyway as Pixel and Nicalis have stated, No ports are allowed to be continued/developed and they also admitted Cave Story would not work well on touch devices..

In another thread I stated that me and a friend had a very early version of a port to Ios.. We used Idos (Early Version) as a base and built it from there... It runs sluggish and hase a handfull of graphical issues but the point is, it runs.
I respect the decision to stop all development on ports and I am not willing to release what I have so far. I may carry the port on for personal experience.

Pixel stated no ports hould be released. Would a video showing the port in action be permitted? I'd be more than happy to demonstrate that.
Apr 14, 2012 at 6:35 AM
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That's a windows version in an iDos shell right? Isn't that just emulation rather than a port? If that's not the case then put your case across to Pixel, the worst he can do is say no.

And of course a video would be permitted, why wouldn't it be?
Aug 23, 2012 at 10:24 AM
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Sorry for the bump, but does that mean that 'Pixel' Amaya won't let AT ALL a port of Cave Story to any other system?!?! Even if they make the engine from scratch, albeit a bit different than the original engine?
Aug 23, 2012 at 12:08 PM
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You may not port Cave Story to any system now.
You are free to create a engine similar to Cave Story but with different graphics / features and that's fine.
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:21 PM
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Okay, it seems you are still confused. Let me explain in greater detail.

This is what you must do to port a program that is very similar to Cave Story to a certain OS:
Aug 23, 2012 at 9:28 PM
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Or, y'know, port NXEngine.

But that's still too tough for me to do,
and I don't really want to see a port developed against Pixel's wishes even if I'm opposed to his policy.
Regardless of any philosophy about public modding of software, in this case it'd just feel wrong, y'know?

Still, I am interested in the DOSbox -> Windows -> Cave Story idea. I haven't had any luck with the various linux on android methods, though since I finally upgraded my phone to the Gingerbread, it might work now.
Oct 20, 2012 at 12:07 AM
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Not sure if I have to make post here or to create new thread. Anyway.

I'm making the port of NXEngine to iOS platform.
Proof is here:
Project page is here: https://github.com/PIlin/NXEngine-iOS

Work in progress, but, as you can see, game is already in a good state.

There are no packages yet, source only. And I don't think, that the game will appear in appstore in near future. I'm not even sure that it is possible to submit it to appstore due to of legal regulations, licensing, rights and such stuff.

I would appreciate any help. For example:

1. Can someone check the licensing? I think, original game files are free and NXEngine is GNU GPL, but all this legal stuff makes me really confused.

2. Can someone make an icon for application?

3. If someone have experience for packaging apps for jailbroken devices, feel free to help me and distribute it on cydia.

4. I would appreciate, if you manage to build and launch the game, find and report the bugs. And then, make the patches ;)