Carrotlord said:
1. Why are you porting anything? This is Cave Story, NOT your own game.
Nicalis could easily sue you. You're right - they probably won't, but porting it isn't actually legal, especially if you're trying to make a faithful recreation of the game.
Pixel and Nicalis have said very explicitly: they control all ports, and no more ports will be made. This is final.
2. Do not say that you can support mods until you have a working port. I mean a fully working port, not the examples you have now.
3. Do you know how hard it is to port mods to the PSP? Why can't we easily port mods to Mac and Linux? There is a good reason. A very good reason that you should never attempt to fix by yourself unless you are an industry leader.
I consider real mods to be real mods. Also, this is just a minor gripe, but it would be nice of both of you two could get avatars. It is confusing to talk to you right now when I can barely tell who's who.
1. Ah, yes. I have heard this argument.
I want to explain something.
I wanted to play CaveStory on my iPhone and I found NXEngine. As I'm C++ developer, I have all needed skills to fullfill my wish. After the first success, I was carried away liitle bit and made misleading statements. I have already changed the title of mine youtube video demonstration. When I come back from my travel, I will change another names, texts, e.t.c.
Before coming to this forum, I was not aware about Nicalis, Pixel, disallow of game ports. Now I understand the situation better, so let me put it this way.
I'm not porting the game Cave Story. I'm porting game engine named NXEngine. Yes, this engine is able to interprete cave story game files. Hell, it was its purpose. And I use Cave Story game files to debug engine (so the files are in current development build and avilable from the repo). I will delete game files as fast as possible (in the next week). By the way, no one explained me yet the legal status of Cave Story game files. Is the game freeware, isn't it? Who can redistribute game (original game, not the CaveStory+)? It can be downloaded only from site of Pixel? From this site? Where is the list of allowed sites?
About suing me. Until someone will prove that GNU GPL v3 license of NXEngine is not valid - I'm able to do and improve my port of NXEngine for iOS. But maybe I'm wrong? I came from exUSSR country. We have very low legal culture.
2 and 3. I'm not saying that it supports mods. What I said is, if some mod changes only game files and not the engine, there is possibility that it will work using NXEngine. I have no idea, do mods change original CaveStory engine or not. For example, most mods for half-life use unchanged engine, so I was sure that cave story are the same. Looking to your 3-rd point, mods do change game engine, if there are problems to run them not under windows. Then, obviosuly, it's not possible to run mods using NXEngine.
By the way. Just out of curiosity. If mods chage original game engine (using some hacking and meddling with binary), is it ok for Pixel and Nicalis? I suppose, there is no official way to extend and modify the game. And for me, it looks like modding is what Nicalis do with the PC game (leaving aside releases on wii and stuff - there they do real deal).
Avatar - maybe after I will return from the trip.
EDIT: oh. xperia64 also build his own wall of text. And it seems, that he has the same thoughts as me.