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Cave Story Dreams

May 17, 2022 at 9:08 PM
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I was playing an epilogue of Cave Story and then when I spoke to Jenka two times a bunch of red crystal duplicates suddenly took Quote away and an extremely long cutscene played showing the entire sprite of the island including the landscape behind it turning red as if someone was using the paint bucket tool in an art program. It was so incredibly long that I closed the program thinking that it wasn't worth watching such a cutscene leading to what was probably a bad ending.
What did Jenka say?
May 18, 2022 at 12:21 AM
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May 20, 2022 at 2:50 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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May 20, 2022 at 6:33 PM
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May 21, 2022 at 11:27 PM
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Cave Story dreams...
Many of my dreams have to do with current interests, I often remember dreams quite vividly, and considering Cave Story is one of my most recurring video game interests, I have had far too many (even vaguely) CS related dreams over the years to count :0
I might pop into this thread once in a while to share one that I remember, but for now, here's a couple notable ones that I can recount
This was from within the first month or so I discovered Cave Story, it started with a first person view of walking down an empty black tunnel for a little while before transitioning to an extremely low quality view of Cave Story, specifically an altered version of the first Labyrinth map
(recreation in Booster's Lab)
Quote came out of the left side. This whole part of the dream looked like it was from a 144p YouTube video, and it had no music. I didn't check the right side of the map, nor did I attempt to go through the door, but when I walked right under Sue, a textbox appeared with her facepic that had text, I don't recall what it said though. I tried to jump onto the platform where she was at, but it was just barely out of reach for Quote's jump height, and even then, there wouldn't have been any way to progress higher beyond that regardless.
I don't remember the year I had this one, but I assume it was from 2016-2018. Lost Machine was directly inspired by this one, and many of the areas and some progression was based on it with some differences, below is a more cohesive writing of an older description of the dream from July 2021 or so

Quote's sprite was bluish, and visibly seemingly run down. It started in a one screen room with a floor and a wall on the right side of the screen where the player's at, the left side open with visible rain. After entering a door, I entered an area with a slightly modified core room tileset and robotic parts scattered across the floor, the layout and appearance of this area pretty much being directly remade in Lost Machine.
After entering another door on the right side of the map, I came to an abandoned town with the mimiga village tileset. (according to my earlier description, it had Quiet playing as the background music, but i don't remember that being true now??) The tileset was somewhat desaturated, and it had a rain effect on the screen with added rain ambiance and hazy/foggy looking background. The ground was mostly flat, and abandoned buildings were scattered.
Inside one building was a teleporter, and after using it it took me to an area called "Grasstown". (the Lush Cavern from Lost Machine was loosely based on this) The map was around the same width as the official Cave Story Grasstown, but it was much taller, making the map almost square shaped. It had simple enemies and a lot of platforming using fans, according to my older description of the dream. Around the top of the map, I found a key in a chest, and I backtracked to the bottom and used the teleporter to return back to the abandoned town.
I then used the key on another locked abandoned building, this time containing a teleporter leading to a map with a tileset "like some fusion of the living waterway's and egg corridor's". This area had large rectangular platforms with smaller platforms connecting them that I needed to use to explore, with much tougher enemies. (The Dark Cave was very loosely based on this, I changed it to the Labyrinth tileset in Lost Machine). From this point onward my memory of the dream fades but I believe the goal of this area was to generally progress to the upper-right corner of the map, where it led to a long area with the Balcony tileset, where I was meant to "uncover the truth". Of course, I don't recall very far into that area in the dream at all, so this is where Lost Machine concludes in the Bad Ending.
May 21, 2022 at 11:45 PM
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That's really neat, Aqua. That's nice that you were able to vividly re-create some of these scenarios from your dreams in a modding tool, and in the case of Lost Machine, adapt it into an entire mod. My dreams generally aren't coherent enough for me to adapt them into a tangible project, so it's nice to hear when others do so.
May 28, 2022 at 7:21 AM
Ms. Haze
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Meeting online friends in real life can be difficult
It really can.
I just realized I never mentioned this in here but a while back I mentioned the city I live in in the discord group (and you can tell it was a while back, because I haven't been in the discord group for years), and I found out that Doors/Robin/Slither lives in literally the same city.
It wasn't difficult, I just think it was cool.
We really aughtta hang out again; it's been tough since covid.
Jul 9, 2022 at 11:50 PM
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(copy pasted from the csmc)
had a weird dream where Booster's Lab was the outdated early cave story editor but it looked like a slightly less shitty Miza with a bunch of random booster related assembly hacks as quick change options on the top bar
there was this mod made with it that for some reason was like cave story but 2.5d where it had voxel maps but you still moved in 2d and the sprites and textures were still vanilla cave story and shit
you had to go down this really deep small pit with a bunch of side cave openings in it
after you make it to the bottom, turns out this game is apparently multiplayer and it changes to a minigames sort of area
one had some form of like checkers as a 4x4 grid of yellow and red map tiles, another was some sort of duck hunt type thing where it spawned a bunch of the annoying sand zone birds flying in the air and you had to shoot em all
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Sep 7, 2022 at 2:37 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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My dream last night was all a blur besides a single detail I remember vividly: Nicalis (or maybe Pixel?) tweeted an image of Sue and Toroko holding up a lesbian pride flag. With how vivid it was compared to everything else, it took me a few minutes after I woke up to realize that part was a dream.