Jan 10, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 24, 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 197
Age: 33
Celtic Minstrel said:But that would be harder than using a dedicated comic host such as DrunkDuck or SmackJeeves... unless of course you're also offering to install comic management software such as iStrip or ComicPress?
Yay! *favourites*Linknight said:
Yes, this is true. Then again, sites with their own hosting have ads too.Schokobecher said:I'am not a big fan of Free Host Sites, cause they make their Money with spamming User Stuff with a bunch of Ads.
Celtic Minstrel said:Yay! *favourites*
Now I just have to figure out how to convince Kalir to get a DD, WCN, or SJ account...
Yes, this is true. Then again, sites with their own hosting have ads too.
Gah! Must. Resist. Urge to sticky. O.o;Linknight said:Jeez, next thing you know I'm gonna get stickied here. o.o;
andwhyisit said:Gah! Must. Resist. Urge to sticky. O.o;
jcys810 said:Oh yeah, I read that on DrunkDuck.
Put it in his pooper