Nov 6, 2008 at 8:22 PM
Join Date: Mar 24, 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 197
Age: 33

Season 1) The beginning of it all
The first step is always a doozy! -1
Man of iron. -2
Emptiness... -3
Fail Story. -4
Totally worth it... -5
Your stick is never big enough. No exceptions. -6
What does the scouter say about his power level?! -7
Duck and cover! -8
Boosh! -9
Life capsule. -10
I.O.U -12
Vengence is a dish best served in a single panel. -13
Falcon Fail! -14
Remember kids, don't forget to save! -15
Again...? OH GOD! -16
3-D!!! -17
Not everything should be equipped. -18
Doors are not your friend. -20
Monicles and top hats: Part 1. -21
Season 2) Saving Sue.
Mr. Unhappy pants. -22
Haikus for the win! -23
Freefalling anyone? -24
Cry some Mimiga. -25
I think I'm pregnant... -26
Plot device -27
Horsey! -28
Riding the Elderly. -29
Awesome Face -30
Shotgun! -31
Birthday boy... -32 (Filler)
Horsey again -33
Low maintenance -34
Hiatus over....maybe. -35
Entering the Reservoir -36
The sunset. -37
Vacation -38
Meeting Kenpachi -39
Piledriver -40
Q + ½╥ + 9001₧ ≡ Teh random Comic series
The Random begins. -1
Brady bunch! -2
A lesson is learned. -3
Co-Creator: Dannon (Aka: Darth Morshu)
Super-Mega-Awesome-Omega-Helper: andwhyisit
Joke-Helpist-2000-beta: Alex (Aka: Vallin)
A comic made by me (Trevor), Vallin(Alex) and Darth Morshu(Dannon)
Constructive criticism is <3'd!
All comments are <3'd! Please comment I love when people comment on mah work!
Edit: Thanks to "Andwhyisit" our comic improved a bit, and by a bit I mean a lot!, Thank you =D!
Side Note
Link to the BEST MOD EVER!!!
Link to the BEST MOD EVER!!!
I have found a GOD TIER mod that I highly recommend that everyone should try. It's not only a great challenge, but the story development is great! It's a mod based on cavestory through Curly Brace's eyes. As of right now, it's unfinished, but it's VERY well made and worth the play. It's called Curly Brace's story and it's made by Kaeso. If you enjoyed cavestory as much as I did, and you like Curly as much as I do, and you love a challenge I suggest you play this game NAO!
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