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Cave Story 3DS Discussion

Jun 28, 2011 at 11:42 PM
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I made another Cave Story 3DS thread

Apparently that's the cool thing to do now?
Jun 28, 2011 at 11:45 PM
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Re: I made another Cave Story 3DS thread

Jun 28, 2011 at 11:51 PM
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Good point.

Pick one thread and use it.
Jun 29, 2011 at 12:13 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I have merged 4 or so threads about Cave Story 3D to this thread.

Please try to keep all discussion of CS 3D in one thread.
Jul 1, 2011 at 8:38 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I don't quite like what I saw in the trailer. The graphics just seem creepy to me, and the animation (as I saw with the skeleton crocs) looks like they still have plenty of work to do. One of the reasons I enjoyed cave story was it's retro aesthetics, but with this, that charm is gone save for the HUD. I'm really hoping those are not finalised graphics because it will look to a new player like it's a beta or something. Also, the Booster 2.0 and carrying curly only happen in the best ending path, and that's a pretty well kept secret from new players, why would you put that up front for all the new players to see?
Jul 2, 2011 at 2:02 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

But you have to remember that new players wont know how to do that stuff. So I think it's safe to show the Booster 2.0 (and besides, it's in every YouTube Cave Story video).
Jul 2, 2011 at 2:29 AM
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This fire is too hot

Yoshi340 said:
I don't quite like what I saw in the trailer. The graphics just seem creepy to me, and the animation (as I saw with the skeleton crocs) looks like they still have plenty of work to do. One of the reasons I enjoyed cave story was it's retro aesthetics, but with this, that charm is gone save for the HUD.
That's, uh, sorta the whole reason it's being remade into 3D. Retro is the oppisite of what they're going for.
If you don't like the lack of retro, stick with the original and don't ever come back out of your cave.

Yoshi340 said:
I'm really hoping those are not finalised graphics because it will look to a new player like it's a beta or something. Also, the Booster 2.0 and carrying curly only happen in the best ending path, and that's a pretty well kept secret from new players, why would you put that up front for all the new players to see?
The graphics look fine to me for a portable, {I haven't really seen too many 3DS games} and a remake of a game who, as you said, was retro to begin with.
The only thing I see horrid right now is ohmygodwhat'swrongwiththeparrot'sanimation, and guessing by that and a release date about half a year away, of course they're not finished yet.

While the Booster is something of a good point, like Jersey point out it means nothing to a new player; they'd have to know what it was and what it meant first, and by then it's not a spoiler anymore.
They'll either A) Ignore it and play the game, get the bad ending and maybe remember the fancier Booster and look it up, or B) Look it up sometime during gameplay, these are usually the people who do it regardless and always follow strategy guides.
Either way they'd have to look it up, which you have to do regardless to even know how to get it {And the real ending} in the first place unless you're an asshole and left
Professor Booster to die you got extremely lucky and cleared that jump somehow without checking on Professor Booster first. {And I don't think there's a single person who has yet}
Booster v2.0 means nothing by itself. It might've been better if they left it unseen, but at the same time it might make people realize there's a better ending than the crappy one they got.
Also, by this second remake, I'm pretty sure there's much less new players following the 3D release. They'll've either played the original already/while they wait for the new release, or the Wii remake. {Or also as Jersey said, seen the now even larger number of videos} Who'd follow this random trailer of a game they'd never heard of so closely that the Booster v2.0 would be a spoiler?
Jul 2, 2011 at 2:33 AM
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Re: This fire is too hot

VoidMage_Lowell said:
cleared that jump
You know there's a marking on the stone that shows where to jump from, right? It's not really luck.
Jul 2, 2011 at 2:38 AM
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You raise the bar too high

Lace said:
You know there's a marking on the stone that shows where to jump from, right? It's not really luck.
You know the mark doesn't really mean anything to your average player? It's luck understanding it.
Even then you're most likely going to ignore it to check on Booster first.
Jul 4, 2011 at 12:07 PM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I hope the 3DS port goes well. It looks pretty good from what I've seen.

I'm not sure that the chibi style was necessary... but meh. It looks okay to me.

I hope they'll do a better job on the translation this time, though. The Wii version's wording just felt... wrong. And they kept talking about the Mimigas and red flowers in singular (i.e. 'during the war, the Mimiga ate the red flower' - which Mimiga and which flower?). Plus, do I even need to mention 'OH YEAH!'?

On the whole, however, I'm looking forward to the game, but I'm not entirely decided. My decision on whether to buy a 3DS or not rests on the outcome of this game's development.

(Yay! First post... not a lurker any more)
Jul 4, 2011 at 12:10 PM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

It seems that aside for one or two people im the only one who was never bothered by oh yea.
Jul 4, 2011 at 12:13 PM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Omega said:
It seems that aside for one or two people im the only one who was never bothered by oh yea.

It isn't that bad, but it's jarring after coming from the PC version.

The problem is that on the internet, 'Huzzah' became iconic of not only Balrog, but Cave Story in general as well.

Plus it sounds like the Kool-Aid Man.
Jul 4, 2011 at 8:08 PM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

The singular is likely an error. In Japanese, there is no plural form for anything. It's all like the word deer.
Also, welcome!
Jul 9, 2011 at 9:59 AM
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Re: This fire is too hot

VoidMage_Lowell said:
That's, uh, sorta the whole reason it's being remade into 3D. Retro is the oppisite of what they're going for.
If you don't like the lack of retro, stick with the original and don't ever come back out of your cave.

The graphics look fine to me for a portable, {I haven't really seen too many 3DS games} and a remake of a game who, as you said, was retro to begin with.
The only thing I see horrid right now is ohmygodwhat'swrongwiththeparrot'sanimation, and guessing by that and a release date about half a year away, of course they're not finished yet.

While the Booster is something of a good point, like Jersey point out it means nothing to a new player; they'd have to know what it was and what it meant first, and by then it's not a spoiler anymore.
They'll either A) Ignore it and play the game, get the bad ending and maybe remember the fancier Booster and look it up, or B) Look it up sometime during gameplay, these are usually the people who do it regardless and always follow strategy guides.
Either way they'd have to look it up, which you have to do regardless to even know how to get it {And the real ending} in the first place unless you're an asshole and left
Professor Booster to die you got extremely lucky and cleared that jump somehow without checking on Professor Booster first. {And I don't think there's a single person who has yet}
Booster v2.0 means nothing by itself. It might've been better if they left it unseen, but at the same time it might make people realize there's a better ending than the crappy one they got.
Also, by this second remake, I'm pretty sure there's much less new players following the 3D release. They'll've either played the original already/while they wait for the new release, or the Wii remake. {Or also as Jersey said, seen the now even larger number of videos} Who'd follow this random trailer of a game they'd never heard of so closely that the Booster v2.0 would be a spoiler?

At this point in time, video games are basically expected to have plausible graphics. You can either make the graphics pretty, or go the complete other direction and make it look retro. Along with those styles comes an explanation of play style. Cave Story had a retro play style to suit its retro art style. My point is that you can't stand in the middle of the road. If you are going to make the game pretty, make sure that its pretty; if you are making the game retro, make sure it fits with that style, but don't stand in the middle of the road. Chances are if you are trying to reach a larger audience than before, you'll go with the pretty graphics because in all honesty, not that many people really appreciate retro style as much as some of us do. I understand completely that they are still working on it, and I'm relieved about that, but if you're gonna make it have new aged graphics, give it new aged gameplay too, like instead of making it 2.5D, let the player venture into a fully functional 3D environment. The entire future of Cave Story is depending on this game, because if it flops, there won't be a chance for a sequel or any more of pixel's works getting remade, and right now I can't say that if I were a consumer that never heard what Cave Story was that I'm willing to shell out 40 dollars for what I saw in that trailer. On the other side of that scenario, if this goes successfully, we might get more games, and a sequel, and maybe, just maybe if there is some righteous force in the universe we can see an appearance of Quote in the next Smash Brothers game. (A boy can have dreams.)
Jul 9, 2011 at 4:00 PM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I wouldn't say the entire future of Cave Story rests on this game. Probably just the future of Cave Story on a console. If he ever wants to, Pixel can just make a Cave Story 2 in his free time. It's not like game devloping is his only job. (Also, I don't think Quote would be in the next smash brothers game. Only if Cave Story got 500 times more popular in the next few years.)
Jul 10, 2011 at 1:22 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I wouldn't be too optimistic about the game's success given the sort of comments you see on the CS3D trailer on YouTube. Then again... it is YouTube.

About a third of the comments are people (unfamiliar with Cave Story) saying how 'liek lol teh graphix are fail'.

Another third is 'Ruined FOREVER', 'They Changed It Now It Sucks' people, and the rest of the comments are people telling the other two thirds to shut up.
Jul 10, 2011 at 1:31 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I just don't really like how they've taken an already amazing game that was FREE and made new versions that you have to pay for. It's like it's being whored out to all these different platforms.
Jul 10, 2011 at 1:32 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Drunken Applesauce said:
I just don't really like how they've taken an already amazing game that was FREE and made new versions that you have to pay for. It's like it's being whored out to all these different platforms.

Their argument is that you can always just play the free one if it bothers you. I think it's nice to see pixel profit a bit from his game, and for it to be able to reach more people.
Jul 12, 2011 at 6:31 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

After beating cave Story 2 times (first time on PC with normal ending, and the PSP Port with Normal ending), I am REALLY excited about this.
Im generally excited with any remake (should have saw me on the announcement on the Metal Gear Solid HD Colection).

Im loving the new art, the 3d enviroments and character models. Plays 2d with 3d enviroments, so 2.5d. Makes me happy.
Cannot wait to hear the music. Since its being composed by the people who made the Super Meat Boy sound track (that soundtrack was epic), I cannot wait to hear how it turns out, especially Gestation, Gravity, moonsong, and Assuming the rumors are true, the Wind Fortress.

If I remember reading somwhere, the 3ds remake will have the originally cut out level from the original game, the Wind Fortress (original song exits on youtube, its beautiful).

I Dont own a 3ds yet but this will be first buy along with Orcarina of Time and Mercinaries 3D(or revelations).
Jul 12, 2011 at 7:34 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

About Quote being in the new Smash Bros., I would say probably not but a few things make me say mabye. Nintendo seems to love Cave Story for one, and hey, if ROB could get in, any less popular character could get in.

And about the many delays, just fuck. Although I am glad they are putting much effort into it.