Ah, this thread made me laugh at first; but there are some good ideas.
One should be suspicious of Booster, too many things about him are a little off. First off, his survival is the initial key to the Best Ending. Second his shack, is right above the entrance to hell...? His notebook or something around there has the power to "turn back time"?
He visits Jenka at the end, even though no other humans have visited her as far as we know... [I mean how could they have visited her with the Sunstone seals in place anyways?]
Booster is initally shocked a bit oddly by Quote. Sure it could be just that he's a killer robot, but nobody else in the game that recognized him made that same reaction... If there weren't other strange things surrounding Booster I might agree about it just being because he's a killer robot. But... with everything else it adds to doubt.
It is a bit odd, but "I pray for your victory." Is said by Booster, and by the waterway cabin computer. This doesn't mean that Booster is contacting Quote by any means... As by his reaction when Quote meets him back at the village. But, more strangeness... [you could say it's just a common catchphrase, but it's a bit unique sounding]
As for Booster being Ballos... I think it's absurd... But, his connection to Jenka, Quote and Curly... and maybe Ballos might be more concrete than we might have imagined.
Now for a debunk attempt:
I extremeeeeeeely, highly doubt that the helicopter/the expedition landed *Right* on the balcony; just a hop, skip away from the Demon Crown.
I looked up quotes to support this once and wrote about it but... Lemme just try to remember...
Well in Sue's letter; Sue says the Doctor came with them to the island, and he tended to their needs... at least until he found the demon crown.
I'm sorry but, I don't think Sue meant to say,
the Doctor came with them to the island, but soon as he got off the helicopter he took the Demon Crown OMGWTF! or...
We arrived at the island and we think we found what caused the war 10 years ago, I'm going to get it before my mom does! The doctor said he'll help me!

Anyways, in the intro to Cave Story the throne room is totally pitch black. That leads me to believe the area was probably caved in...
And I'd bet anything that the rest of the balcony was pretty caved in too; just like after it must have been when all the rocks fell at the end of the game.
Also when the island is falling apart... the rocks falling from above, continue to fall all the way till the edge of the island. That makes me think that the Balcony is in a niche, a large opening on the side of the island (near the top); either that or it was on the top and previously covered up. (or there's a mountain/hill nearby and it's a landslide or something]
Otherwise it's just too ridiculous if the Balcony was on the surface of the island, uncovered all this time; and somehow the Demon Crown was not claimed earlier. It's a large island, and why would they land there out of all places? None of the scientists seemed interested in the demon crown... just the doctor; and I doubt he chose the landing spot.
The dark intro is my main clue anyways... I personally think there is an alternate way into the throne room [just like the block that blows up to reveal an upstairs, there should also be one for downstairs...]
So my theory is they probably landed the helicopter elsewhere on the island, and the Doctor continued to look for the crown; but once he found it; he could easily take the helicopter and move it; or have misery move it.
Ohhh that reminds me also

Booster... falling... is there already a theory on Booster's critical moment? As to why talking to Booster results in Curly's immient death, or ignoring Booster clearly falling in front of you results in the best ending?
Also when Booster warps in the screen flashes... but no other time when Misery or the Doctor warps in does the screen flash...
What if like the game Ever17 or the tv show Fringe, Quote actually was able to see a point where multiple realities collided? If you ignore Booster, it's as if he was never injured; or broke his glasses. But if you interact with Booster, he is on the verge of dying and does so right in front of your eyes...
You can't say that other strange events aren't occurring on the island... there's even time travel. This decisive moment is like seeing two realities at once.
EDIT: some other oddities I thought of ...
The shack whether it's built recently or later; being right over hell... Booster seemed intent on building a booster to explore the island, is it possible that he already knew about hell being under there? And the reason for the booster was to explore hell specifically? It's just odd that his notebook about building the booster would be in the shack to hell.
And that if Booster lives, you get a message about Jenka and Ballos when Curly gives you the airtank...
I think Curly, Quote and Booster are somehow connected from maybe the 10 years ago...
I think there was some other stuff, but the post is long enough