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Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

Apr 21, 2013 at 7:27 AM
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Did a bit of offset work here. The hitbox is actually centered!
Apr 21, 2013 at 3:32 PM
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Looks good, also how do you take cave story screenshots?
Apr 21, 2013 at 3:35 PM
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If you're on Windows, the best thing to use is PrtScr. Then go to Paint, paste the image, edit it, and save.
Apr 21, 2013 at 7:59 PM
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shuddup dunc everyone knows that everything that happened in the original was wrong and you have to move everything to fix it
Apr 21, 2013 at 9:12 PM
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oh right, I'd forgotten that everything about JN was wrong and that the only way to fix it is to change literally everything
zarrot is a god among men for taking the immense task of redeeming the terrible monstrosity that is JN
Apr 21, 2013 at 10:14 PM
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I think all the moving around is fine. It adds some more variety. If you breeze through the game up to Egg Corridor, and then things are differently done after that, it makes the transition slightly jarring.

Painting over the whole game in Zarro's style makes things a little smoother.
Apr 21, 2013 at 11:36 PM
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Look on the bright side Dunc, after the next Demo you'll have nothing left to whine about.
Apr 21, 2013 at 11:48 PM
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And then the world will begin anew
Life will finally be brought back to this forsaken game
And the CSTSF will rejoice
Apr 22, 2013 at 3:59 AM
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Apr 22, 2013 at 7:20 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
Not "any change" screws it up, but rather changing literally the entire game is the part that screws it up
I've been following this thread for a while and I don't really see it that way to be honest. But whatever.
Apr 23, 2013 at 12:58 AM
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Dunc's still hung up over the way Genesis works and the general layout of the game as a structure, or lack thereof. Long-ass spoiler rant ahead:

From my understanding of his argument, he took the below screenshot way the fuck out of context:


From this, and maybe some other broadly defined text boxes, he (and others apparently) deduced that this meant Genesis, as a location - not the entity itself - linked to itself through time and space in other locations on the island.

A general problem was that Genesis was both the name of the entity and its locations where it was fucking around with matter. As such, from a general perspective of bad writing, people like Dunc wound crazy ideas like the areas themselves being unstable because of this gem by Booster:

"I don't know about Genesis, as entrances to it seem to come and go."

Which itself brings up some... problems with the thing in itself.

(1) Ignoring the fourth wall names, how would ANYONE deduce that locations are "Genesis"?

Let's assume these names come to locations where Genesis is currently at play, creating shit and doing what it likes to do. If this spans the entire island, why isn't every room in the game called "Genesis: bluh"? We clearly see something at play with the collapsing floor under the storehouse toward the end of Grasstown. Even if Genesis is a location, what exactly barriers itself as 'doing genesis things' and 'not'? Wouldn't it outreach to every location in the island as soon as enough holes are punched in walls?

(2) Even if we assume it's a location, or domain to the actual Genesis, how would this directly connect locations like sandzone to the waterway, ignoring the labyrinth or Mimiga village, but then also somehow the Mimiga graveyard?

If we assume genesis, as a location or domain, is a tangible object or... location or domain, what shape does it take? I'd generally assume a sphere of some kind if the beast is working outward. And if we assume that yes, sandzone waterway and mimiga graveyard are all next to one another in a neat triangle shape (but also somehow under the island too with genesis:sky???) and they have doors leading to one another, then it really just brings more questions into play about space, the third dimension, and a whole lotta other bullshit.

(3) What about Oblivion?

If we assume both entities have their own unique domains, it only really serves to completely ignore the very things Booster and Misery explained prior: Genesis creates from what Oblivion destroys, and vice versa.

If Genesis is a beast whose sole power is creation, then it cannot create without oblivion breaking shit for it to create FROM. And if we assume it just transmorphs shit to new locations and new shapes, that only really serves to define what I assume Booster originally meant by the quote above:

The entrances move around because they keep re-sealing.

And to be frank, that makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything that may or may not have been mentioned by Shmitz himself in any mod topic he owned at the time. And, to quote the original mod again,

"One of them, Oblivion, destroys matter, and the other, Genesis, creates from what has been destroyed."

And you're sure as shit I've done very little to paraphrase in my own script:


Update of the week:

Not a lot, but I finished the Balrog cutscenes I've been dreading. The sand one has turned out excellently, while the aquatic one is possibly the funniest scene in the game (I cracked up after play testing it myself). The following screenshot will spoil the joke though, so be advised you might not want to open the spoiler. If you need a proper screenshot fix, open the spoiler above and scroll down to this point to see a new one above here.

Apr 23, 2013 at 1:17 AM
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You know what I am not even going to try and explain this to you because you seem to be insistent that everything in the original is terrible and I am the polar opposite and any discussion between us that ends up as an argument does not end

Fuck you zarrot, I'm done
Apr 23, 2013 at 1:39 AM
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Apr 23, 2013 at 1:44 AM
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Apr 23, 2013 at 2:04 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
You know what I am not even going to try and explain this to you because you seem to be insistent that everything in the original is terrible and I am the polar opposite and any discussion between us that ends up as an argument does not end
Which is exactly why I used the coherent presented logic in the game to destroy the dumb presented logic in the game while also supporting the coherent presented logic in the game. So terrible.
Apr 23, 2013 at 2:33 AM
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Dunc, grow the hell up, seriously. Everytime I see you post you're basically borderline trolling.

I don't know how you got past the "Ban Immature Posters" filter on this forum.