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Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

May 20, 2013 at 5:57 PM
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Another one? Seriously? That mod is so popular. Personally, I wish someone would make a sequel to Jenka's Nightmare. I do NOT like how it ended. Poor Curly... :(
May 20, 2013 at 6:53 PM
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So it never actually ended? That's good. For me, if something is good enough, I consider it canon to the main story. Jenka's Nightmare is good enough, and I don't want Curly to be dead forever in what I consider to be the canon story.
May 20, 2013 at 8:31 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
JNR is shit (and its creator agrees)
I wasn't aware he actually admitted that to such a degree (even if you aren't referring to the revamped version).

TheAntLion said:
I do NOT like how it ended. Poor Curly... :(
TheAntLion said:
I don't want Curly to be dead forever in what I consider to be the canon story.
To be fair, a version was released in November of last year that enabled you to save Curly, as well as improved on some other things. Although I must say that as a whole I was still disappointed by even the latest version.
May 20, 2013 at 9:23 PM
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Where have you been hayden I say that about my mod every chance I get
May 23, 2013 at 4:12 AM
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I think TheAntLion thinks that JNR was canon beyond where it stopped being canon. Failing to understand the source material makes me wonder what grounds he's claiming 'another one' from...

Anyway, no, Curly doesn't die.

Oh right, today's Monday, isn't it?

Update of the week:

Playtesting playtesting, dialog dialog, blah blah blah. You also saw the hacked organya, which includes:


and two (mostly) non-Pixel tracks,


It goes without saying that the tracks are ordered roughly similar to when you'll hear them in the game casually.

I'm still doing some work on it today and trying to redo the Chimney, and double-back to do the town hall cutscene and teleporter stuff with Curly and Sue later tonight. Hopefully just a few more weekends and Demo 2 will be out.


May 23, 2013 at 7:54 PM
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The art in the second screenshot looks awesome. Whats the wine cellar for, though?
May 23, 2013 at 8:13 PM
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Clearly it's for getting hammered in preparation for the teleporter puzzle.

I mean, obviously.
May 23, 2013 at 11:56 PM
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I am really looking forward to this, I played JNR and found it to be pretty cool, yet extremely difficult and confusing at times.

I made it all the way to the true final boss but was disappointed that I couldn't actually fight a boss and beat the game.

Everything that you have done so far Zarro has been great, keep up the good work.
May 24, 2013 at 2:00 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
So if you use the wine before the puzzle the Sand Zone map will just be a copy of the original JN's?
The map is already a copy of the original JN's. I just made it look (a lot) prettier.

Also I guess I should write a walk-through for Demo 2 sometime, considering some of the changes and additions rendering the old walk-through obsolete.
Jun 19, 2013 at 8:14 PM
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Honestly I've tested it so much that I'm not even sure how people were able to get lost in the first place. The only way I can think of is solely that there was no indication the teleporter destination changed at all, in which case the puzzle is either really fucking stupid and unfair, or (in the addition of teleporter destination text) made clear to the player, and they deduce the outcome theirself.

The hint from Cthulhu is still (initially) the same, but I'm not about to gimp the player's understanding just to make the puzzle more puzzling.

Update of the week:

Chimney is done with some minor additive tweaks toward its top (not that you'll be able to get to the top in the demo anyway, unless I do Oblivion's lair too). Teleporter events are also done save for the ones that don't exist yet, and I've added something else.


Choosing the location you're already at results in nothing happening.

Triple Post:

Context-less images are the best images.


Update of the week

Lots of small things. Work has begun on the Aqueduct, so we're close to the final stretch now.


Quintuple Post:

I'll leave a few notes here of the past few week's progress, and what I'll do here on this topic in the future.

I've been slowly tackling a few different things at once, both Genesis areas from different angles. I'll try to have some thematic relationship to the original, but because of the lack of a Booster 2.0 (and it being a water level in Cave Story in general), it also borrows a lot of the approach in the original game's Waterway: Fast-motion underwater platforming.

Genesis Light is also being made a bit longer and more serene. There will be some enemies in the later half of the area, but they will also be used as event directors to open the back wall as an optional set-piece. The first half of the area is thematically identical to the original mod.

Something else I'm thinking of doing is making the Snake act heavily on a hit-number basis as opposed to a general damage basis. This will make it more powerful without giving it the ability to (entirely) rip bosses to shreds, and warrant the limited ammo. (I'd seriously consider giving it ammo regeneration, but there's no room in ASM, and I don't know how jumps work (or at least how not to horribly break the game when attempting to move pieces of existing code). But if someone can help out with how to relocate some of the ASM function, that would greatly help out with balancing the mod)

Finally, I'm also working on a new walkthrough for the mod since we're approaching some puzzles that might require it, and the old walkthrough is far since obsolete. Said walkthrough will focus heavily on direction and how to solve a puzzle, completely ignoring the plot itself or explanation, and will be 99% spoiler free unless you skip down to the 'Secrets' section.


I won't post as often here until the 2nd Demo is complete, since I don't think saying "Didn't do a lot this week" several times in a row, in the same post chain, really matters enough to post at all. So when I post again here, barring reply to questions or Dunc flipping his shit, it will be a post with a link to Demo 2's topic. Hopefully I won't get killed by a forum curse or something between now and then.
Jun 21, 2013 at 2:51 AM
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God damnit dunc why are you always so confrontational
Jun 21, 2013 at 4:47 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
I will not leave you alone until I know at least one real piece of important information about you
Even age would keep me silent for a while

I'd like to know, as well.
Jun 21, 2013 at 5:13 AM
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No that was a joke because he wasn't being the thing that I said
Jul 2, 2013 at 1:16 AM
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Aqueduct is done. Did some other optional dialogs too. All that's left is the Genesis:Light area and some other small things (and music replacement, and ASM boss HP tweaking).

My goal is to release the 2nd Demo next week, which is incidentally a four-day weekend for me, giving me plenty of time to clean up. I'll try to work on some chunks of what's left during the week too, since I really want to get the Demo out already.



So I've done a ton, actually. I finished all the little bonus things available after the Labyrinth, added the Conduit for one of the Life Pot ingredients (and the Little's new house), and a lot of small rebalancing things.

Genesis:Light is all that's left, and the problem is tedium. It takes me roughly twenty minutes of counting and scripting for every time I want the back wall to open. It's disheartening and unfun.

But I'm done the first half of it, wherein it's the densest.

You can kinda tell in the original JN that Shmitz also gave up on the concept part-way through. The end of the second section is just a clump of gradienting back colors, devoid of any additional scripts. What I'm doing instead is shifting from trigger events to enemy kill events to ease the number of them and keep things fresh toward the end of the map.

So I'll update this final to-do list for the Demo 2 release as I do it. Here's hoping for next weekend for real.

[X] Finish goddamn Genesis:Light
[X] Finish the events immediately after Genesis:Light that grant you the Booster v2.0, and more or less end the Demo
[X] ASM hack the boss HPs to be more fitting of their new locations
[X] Polish up the Walkthrough for the Demo release
[X] Resource-hack the new music and a new icon for the exe
[X] Pray to fucking GOD a bug in Booster's Lab doesn't nuke any scripts made between Demo 1 and now
Jul 2, 2013 at 5:31 AM
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Sounds exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labors.

ZarroTsu said:
[_] Pray a bug in Booster's Lab doesn't nuke any scripts made between Demo 1 and now
Forgive my naivety, but are you keeping a backup or duplicate copy of your work? That way if you do get script nuked, you'd have another copy that you turn to without having lost much, right?
Jul 27, 2013 at 6:10 AM
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