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Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

Feb 9, 2013 at 10:36 PM
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Feb 9, 2013 at 11:49 PM
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(Feel free to suggest a better background color than brown)
Feb 10, 2013 at 5:02 AM
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Brown looks really good in the background for that level. Also since you're remaking JN can you make the puppy puzzle easier (I literately had to follow a walkthrough to beat it the first time around)?
Feb 10, 2013 at 5:55 AM
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liammillay said:
Also since you're remaking JN can you make the puppy puzzle easier (I literately had to follow a walkthrough to beat it the first time around)?
I believe he said he'd add more hints and make the puppies say what the teleporters go to ^_^

Also, nice progress on the maps, Zarro. I agree with Liam, brown looks fine.
Feb 10, 2013 at 7:16 PM
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I don't agree, go with purple.
Feb 11, 2013 at 1:17 AM
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Done so far: First Cave, Mimiga Town, Pipeworks.

This is taking a little longer than I anticipated. Anyone wanna propose a time in which I release a demo of what I've done? After I finish ____? Not that I mind keeping you guys in the dark for another few weeks while I redesign areas and rewrite dialog chains.
Feb 11, 2013 at 1:46 AM
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Demo, huh...

Maybe sometime around Genesis Sky, or whatever fancy name you have for it. That's kinda a long way off, though...we'll see.

EDIT: Speaking of which, since you're relatively close to a demo release, I think it's best you choose a name. The mod can't stay "Another Jenka's Nightmare Remake" forever, sadly ;)

I personally suggest you try "Another Cave Story Mod Version 2: Jenka's Nightmare Remastered Rad Remix Edition:Gaiden 2:Eclectic Boogaloo of the North Star".
Or maybe something that isn't "Jenka's Nightmare" at all. :p
Feb 11, 2013 at 3:55 AM
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Title screen's back on page 4.

I'll either put out a demo when I'm done Grasstown or, yeah, Genesis: Sky (Which I'm just calling 'The Underside', and fans of that game can bite me).

Since Grasstown is rather large and the design's pretty good as-is, I won't be completely redesigning it. I ~will~ be redoing the underside to be a bit longer, however. And have the player to pick up the fireball as a forced replacement weapon.
Feb 11, 2013 at 4:24 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
ZarroTsu, on 10 Feb 2013 - 18:24, said:
This is taking a little longer than I anticipated. Anyone wanna propose a time in which I release a demo of what I've done? After I finish ____? Not that I mind keeping you guys in the dark for another few weeks while I redesign areas and rewrite dialog chains.
How about "After I finish the game.". I'd prefer to see it when it's in a mostly complete state myself.
Feb 11, 2013 at 4:27 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
Title screen's back on page 4.

...oh, right.
So it's just "Jenka's Nightmare"? If Shmitz had many fanboys that would be a very bad idea, but most of the people here are cooler than that. It works, I guess.
ZarroTsu said:
And have the player to pick up the fireball as a forced replacement weapon.

Feb 11, 2013 at 1:28 PM
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How about "After I finish the game.". I'd prefer to see it when it's in a mostly complete state myself.
Then... Don't download any demos?

Seeing as "Demo" is shorthand for "demonstration", it's fitting to provide one to example all the changes I have made, as a demonstration. Yes, there'll be less content than the original version, but it will all be 'new' content (technically) nonetheless.
Feb 11, 2013 at 2:54 PM
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I support having at least one demo to help get feedback on the direction/shape of the mod.
Although since you seem to make a lot of updates on the thread it may not be necessary.
Feb 14, 2013 at 5:59 AM
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Still, while I'm supplying screenshots and information, nobody's actually been able to play it from point A to point B and discuss whether or not everything made sense. I might be able to explain it here, but if the game itself can't do an adequate job of it, then something's wrong.

Update: Grasstown's map is done. Will be working on the events and enemy placement tomorrow. If all goes well, the demo will be ready by this weekend.
Feb 15, 2013 at 12:14 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
Update: Grasstown's map is done. Will be working on the events and enemy placement tomorrow. If all goes well, the demo will be ready by this weekend.
Any screenies? :D
Feb 16, 2013 at 3:08 AM
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andwhyisit said:
Any screenies? :D
I'm going to leave this one and the Underside as surprises for the demo. Grasstown is kind of the same structural layout, only a fucktillion times less messy.

Update: I finished the Underside, but still haven't actually done Grasstown's events yet. Should be done by Monday, I think.

Since I'm a little late, here's a reluctant spoiler shot of the underside:
Feb 16, 2013 at 3:56 AM
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Whoa, that looks really cool. I also love the added background tiles, it adds a lot of depth.
Feb 21, 2013 at 5:54 PM
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Nice work on Grasstown. It's certainly less confusing now :]
Feb 21, 2013 at 8:30 PM
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Note that most npcs have/will have at least two chunks of dialog to say.


~ Demo 2 will end where the original JN ended; after 'Genesis: Light' (Renamed Speleothem)

~ I will be tweaking the opening dialog a bit to give Curly a better excuse than 'robots like us should never have been made' (This, in hindsight, is a really, REALLY dumb excuse).

~ I will add another Life Capsule in the Pipeworks area (There already was one there, but it was in the shutter. Going to swap it with the Bubbler ammo in 'Pipeworks E')

~ Sand Zone's Teleport Puzzle will not be changed outright, but will be made a lot clearer both how to solve it, and what step you're at in solving it

~ The 'Going in Circles' puzzle in the Labyrinth will be made as just clockwise/counterclockwise circles, instead of that bullshit not-really-a-circle backtrack thing

~ At least one more 'Secret Room'