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Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

Jan 29, 2013 at 1:27 PM
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Speaking of which, will there be capsules for the Snake, Machine Gun, and Blade?
Every weapon except the fireball has one. So yes, the Snake, Machine Gun, and Blade have their own capsules.

Although I do think the player should be rewarded for getting through the game with the Polar Star, the best but weakest weapon.
It has a rather decent reward, and I'm shuffling around items in the current game to compensate.

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It gives you the Turbocharge.

Also, there are two little water particles in the lower left of the picture - are these supposed to be there?
Already noticed and removed it immediately after I took the screenshot. Wondered if anyone would question it.
Jan 30, 2013 at 12:40 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Every weapon except the fireball has one. So yes, the Snake, Machine Gun, and Blade have their own capsules.

It [The Polar Star]has a rather decent reward, and I'm shuffling around items in the current game to compensate.
Awesomesauce :mrgreen:

And they told me I was a fool for sticking to the Polar Star ;)
Jan 30, 2013 at 5:03 PM
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And if you're wondering why Polar Star gives the Turbocharge, refer to my past statement regarding the Spur charging faster if you have it. It actually makes the Polar star the most broken transfer capsule in the game-to-be.

Jan 30, 2013 at 8:51 PM
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ZarroTsu said:

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And if you're wondering why Polar Star gives the Turbocharge, refer to my past statement regarding the Spur charging faster if you have it. It actually makes the Polar star the most broken transfer capsule in the game-to-be.

Even better! :chin: :awesomeface: :p :D

I love how the game's shaping up so far. It feels a lot like Cave Story Redesign with all the fresh ways at looking at an old game. Is it somewhere near a demo release?

...and where is everyone? I've been the only one here for a while now...
Jan 30, 2013 at 9:42 PM
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Is it somewhere near a demo release?
Probably not. As I said before I only genuinely have weekends to really work on it since I have a 40 hour work week. I pop on here occasionally while at work (presently! Guilty!) when I have a moment just to check up and exposit if I can.

I've just been working on refurbishing the maps, sort of one-a-day thing. Familiar Cave and First Cave I keep polishing to try and look better and less obviously mechanical, as well as adding layers to the decoration. I might add another layer tonight and make a 'back wall' for the first cave tileset, and apply it where I can. The general idea is simply that I highly doubt Jenka's personas of creation and destruction are any more than beasts evoking their powers. I highly doubt they'd 'make square blocks' when it's probably easier to just slap rocks against one another. Especially if the creator is just rebuilding that which the destructor removes.

I'll try to get a demo out after I make all the existent maps look more polished and restructure all the code to be more organized. Then I'll get to work on actually completing the fucker (Which, again, I've already written, so it's just a matter of slapping together new maps and conversations).
Jan 30, 2013 at 10:33 PM
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I feel like this is going in a really positive direction, I'll see if I can make a graphical contribution.
Jan 30, 2013 at 11:50 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Probably not. As I said before I only genuinely have weekends to really work on it since I have a 40 hour work week.
I see. That's reasonable, after all.

ZarroTsu said:
I pop on here occasionally while at work (presently! Guilty!) when I have a moment just to check up and exposit if I can.

ZarroTsu said:
Familiar Cave and First Cave I keep polishing to try and look better and less obviously mechanical, as well as adding layers to the decoration. The general idea is simply that I highly doubt Jenka's personas of creation and destruction are any more than beasts evoking their powers. I highly doubt they'd 'make square blocks' when it's probably easier to just slap rocks against one another.
Good idea! When I played Jenka's Nightmare Revived, I did wonder why raw displays of power were so...neat and pretty. I'm guessing Genesis and Oblivion won't talk, then?

ZarroTsu said:
I'll try to get a demo out after I make all the existent maps look more polished and restructure all the code to be more organized. Then I'll get to work on actually completing the fucker (Which, again, I've already written so it's just a matter of slapping together new maps and conversations).
I doubt it will be as simple as synthesizing maps and talking, but I shall wait for a demo nonetheless. Best of luck, sir ZarroTsu.

HyMyNameIsMatt said:
I feel like this is going in a really positive direction, I'll see if I can make a graphical contribution.
Oh hey, someone besides me and the topic creator! :p

I have to agree. Seems like it's doing well so far.
I've seen your graphics. If Zarro allows it, I think you'd be a wonderful contribution. Just my opinion, of course.

...oh god I think I took like 20 minutes writing that :muscledoc:
Jan 31, 2013 at 6:52 PM
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I am also making the Little Man a rather talkative 'sidekick' of sorts. Might be fun to write; but you're going to NEED the little man in your inventory at the NG+ to read any of it. He will NOT appear during the game otherwise, regardless of NG+ or not.

Jan 31, 2013 at 9:02 PM
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ZarroTsu said:

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I am also making the Little Man a rather talkative 'sidekick' of sorts. Might be fun to write; but you're going to NEED the little man in your inventory at the NG+ to read any of it. He will NOT appear during the game otherwise, regardless of NG+ or not.


Just don't make him act like Navi and you might pull it off :)
Jan 31, 2013 at 9:05 PM
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It seems like he wouldn't actually participate in cutscene conversations, but just provide extra dialogue if you decide to talk to him in your inventory at specific parts of the game.
At least, that's what I got from what ZT said.
Jan 31, 2013 at 9:39 PM
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Correct. Depending on game flag he'll pipe up with his opinion. After you talk to him another flag will be set to tell him to not say it again. Afterward all he'll say is something along the lines of "Well, let's get a move on!" in <TUR.

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I'll maybe have this happen continuously through the entire game, even into the final dungeons if you decide to keep him around rather than return him to his family. Spoilers: He'll call the antagonist a nut!

Jan 31, 2013 at 10:44 PM
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Oh, okay. Sounds like a good idea, actually.

Thank you both :mrgreen:
I'm guessing you'll find Little Man early on, wandering in First Cave/Mimiga Village?
Jan 31, 2013 at 10:46 PM
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He could be in the Graveyard again. So you don't have to search in a large-ish area for him and all.
Feb 1, 2013 at 12:05 AM
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Maybe picking him up is required/part of the story?

If he's optional, then he could be in Start Point perhaps? Otherwise, the Graveyard seems like a good idea :)
Feb 1, 2013 at 4:23 AM
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MagicDoors said:
He could be in the Graveyard again. So you don't have to search in a large-ish area for him and all.

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Yeah, crushed to death under that large fallen section. Whoops!

Feb 1, 2013 at 4:30 AM
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ZarroTsu said:

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Yeah, crushed to death under that large fallen section. Whoops!


Not too nice, Tsu :~:

Besides, he's small enough that he could maybe dodge something/take cover...


Uh, sort of-ish, anyway.

If you're planning on letting players get the Snake back before fighting Genesis,perhaps you could let her fight by creating structures and obstacles and Lotsa enemies and hiding and whatnot? Perhaps after doing something convoluted or difficult to get the Snake, and the reward being an easier Genesis fight and making the Snake very useful.

It's a terrible idea <_^

Also, please keep Genesis Light exactly the same minus Snake stuff. LIGHT IS THE BEST LEVEL EVAH :sue:
EDIT THE SECOND: And oh god I hope you take out the Demon Critters because they're the stupidest things ever and make me cry :mad:
Feb 1, 2013 at 3:42 PM
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And oh god I hope you take out the Demon Critters because they're the stupidest things ever and make me cry
Unless they were like that in the original JN exe, they should be gone now. Yes, I agree they were incredibly stupid fake difficulty just to make the critters 'threatening'. Not fun in the slightest.

And yes, G:L will stay the same (Minus the dud-snake. I don't even know why it gives you the snake in the first place anyway). I might rename the map and add a secret somewhere, but other than that I'm not touching it.
Feb 1, 2013 at 8:06 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Unless they were like that in the original JN exe, they should be gone now. Yes, I agree they were incredibly stupid fake difficulty just to make the critters 'threatening'. Not fun in the slightest. And yes, G:L will stay the same (Minus the dud-snake. I don't even know why it gives you the snake in the first place anyway). I might rename the map and add a secret somewhere, but other than that I'm not touching it.
Sounds good to me ;)

Thanks. I appreciate it.
Feb 2, 2013 at 4:15 PM
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Version 3:

(I should probably stop being this OCD)
Feb 2, 2013 at 4:51 PM
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If you mean OCD as in OCD about perfecting something, then nonsense! Keep tweaking it until you can no longer see any flaws!

Anyway, some of those spikes don't look like they're connected to anything. I wouldn't have them suspended in midair like that if I were you. They just look kinda awkward. A lot of those simply need to have their angle changed, and they'll be fine.