May 5, 2019 at 4:27 PM
Join Date: Oct 15, 2017
Posts: 131
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
1.10 is here
WellCold you need to make the Cat Spirits not furries anymore unless you are insinuating that Curly and Balrog are furries. Also the dying leaf looks like some beef jerky. Also you should add the words "Fire Emblem" to the beginning of the first map name you appear in.
Ump-45 is overrated.
I can't wait for you to enjoy it Serri! I do genuiely hope that the content is getting long enough where people are satisfied with it.I really can't wait to see the bees doing their thing in 1.15! Of all seriousness though, I'm excited to see what improvements have been made to the mod!![]()
Now to wait until I'm more awake enough to play the mod...
I made a promise to myself back in 2017 that the mod would be finished, no matter how long it takes. Like Yandere Simulator but with less ambitions and more percentage of work done. lol.Uh, a relatively old mod is still being worked on? That's rare.
I'll definitely play it.
Did people actually criticize your work because they thought it was too short?I do genuiely hope that the content is getting long enough where people are satisfied with it.
It's more of a personal worry that I don't want the mod to feel too short. I still have a lot of work ahead of me and I'm probably ~1/4th or ~1/3rd done with the mod. But there are still lots of things I'd love to delve into and expand upon; heck, you only have 2 weapons as of now, I can't wait to start giving the player upgrades like the Booster and new weapons like the Tri-Blade, Bubbler, and Iceball.Did people actually criticize your work because they thought it was too short?
I haven't played it, but unless it's 5 minutes long I see no reason to criticize any free game you didn't spend any money on for its length. At least that's what I think.
Because ACSS is a continuation of CS, so it's a kind of fancy way of like, continuing from with the numbers for ACSS, so at 2.0, ACSS would be complete. It's just my way of doing things, nothing more.Cold you shouldn't use version 1.xx it makes people think your mod is already done when there's at least another 8 years.
I mean, just a lot of help has gone into making the game, this is certainly no project that somebody does for a month and releases what's basically a demo. ACSS has a lot of new content and I require extra help from all over the community, of course I keep note of everybody who has contributed to the game in the Special_Thanks.txt file in the game's download.Why is people making ACSS for you??
I can't begin to describe how happy this post made me, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!Dude, this update is great! I love the new animations and changes in the Mirfield Villas. Especially the one you trigger by talking with new Kanapachi. Keep it up, this is better than Jenka's Nightmare!
Also, did you do some work on the face pics? This may just be my brain, but they're so DAMN GOOD NOW! I rememberd them being slightly janky, now they're amazing.
Let me just point out a thing: in the HEF, after rescuing the janitor mimiga, sometimes after the battle is done and the monsters are defeated, it still keeps playing battle music and the gate doesn't open. After a reset it works, so it isn't properly game breaking.
Thank you for this update, for real, I hope this will one day be a finished mod![]()
I'm really glad you enjoyed, and I think a lot of your criticisms are really valid and I agree on a few things.hiI played an older version ~2 years ago. It only got until the "Mimigo Villas"
"Quote, you think you have any way of speaking?"
obvious foreshadowing is obvious and probly unnecessary
Quote shows his face during the first cutscene. Nitpicky as it may be, I think it'd work better if Quote only has a facepic when he first talks. That way, this cutscene is more consistent with the original, and it's more of an event when he does talk & get a facepic.
Curly's expression is so... intense. It's prob'ly really hard to edit vanilla facepics, but I can't imagine Curly making a face that looks like *that.* Not only that, but the teeth are a bit detailed in a way that doesn't mesh well with the original game's art style.
This cutscene's great. It's got the clouds that get denser as the cutscene goes, cool lightning strikes, and an (offscreen) epic freefall fight with Curly and Balrog.
Nice, fittingly cramped first cave. There's a bit of cutoff in the tiling, but it doesn't matter much.
This fall-through block here is interesting, but I can't tell why it's here. Was it for teaching the player that fall-through blocks are a common thing here? Or is it just there to look nice without getting in the way of gameplay?
"I'm sorry if it's much to ask but I actually need your help."
Missing comma, should be "much to ask, but". Also the phrasing's kinda awkward to me. Maybe "a lot to ask, but"? Amp, Watt, and Joules. Nice.
Time for the training arena, the thing i ripped off for my first mod. It's pretty good. I like how Wave 6 and its boss used a different enemy set.
ok so there was a bug here
while going up this shaft (around where Quote is in teh screencap), I pressed Q, and somehow triggered the event to enter the door on the lower left of here, thus entering the path to Malco's place. Nothing else happened. I'm assuming it's part of that "press Q to skip cutscenes" thing, but... how...?
Fun little puzzle with the green blocks. But I think the message on the exit door is too hand-holding. It spells not only what holds the "bits" to unlock the door, but it mentions green blocks, tells you that you need the Snake Launcher, *and* moves the camera to all 3 of them. If a player didn't notice the blocks before getting to the door, hitting them would be tedious busywork, since they already know exactly what to do and where to go. Just say that the bits are hidden inside special blocks, and maybe mention that they're green. That way it's still a puzzle, without being hyper-confusing.
Also, the final bit was collected while there was an enemy nearby. I couldn't move during the "you got an item!" textbox, while a critter slowly jumped on me, and damaged me as soon as the cutscene ended.
Dam, those Radical Spirits. Cool little fight, but I think it's too short. IIRC they were damage sponges in earlier versions, so who knows.
Huh... I remember the "ghosts" of Curly and Balrog being here.
that little girder looks really out of place.
Why are Gaudis here? Last I checked, they were all trapped in the Labyrinth. That's a genuine question, not nitpicking.
The Hydro-Electric Facility looks great! Custom background & tiles that all fit with the mod.
This part looks kinda bad. The poles totally cut off the currents and you can't see the top of the water, meaning the water currents look more like air currents.
And this part is even worse about it.
...Why the heck does every enemy have so much health? Even the bats have 9 health! Apparently they're robots, but... I only know that because I vaguely remember you mentioning it in this thread. The red eyes don't make them look like robots.
Quote's face is shown at the ambush, and I don't think that's necessary. But damn, you have some TSC skills here! All the cutscenes, programming so many of these "kill all the enemies" gauntlets. Or even just the dying leaf, and how it changes when you get to the Waterway.
...Mirfield, eh? That's... different. I kinda prefer "Mimigo Villas," if only because of how silly it sounds.
What are these wooden background things supposed to be? They're so bright and don't seem to do anything.
Crap, this part is really cool. You're doing a bangup job on the environments. Though, that one slope near the top-right looks weird. The Waterway rock clashes with the Mimigo Villa rock.
"Another" non-mimiga... makes it sound like you're a non-mimiga yourself.
I'd recommend giving some of the mimigas new dialogue when you talk to them a second time. It's far from necessary, but it can become a bit tedious if not handled well. You talk to an NPC and get 2 paragraphs of information. Then, when you talk to them again, and they say it again. Pretty small problem, but I talk to nearly every NPC twice, so it's kinda annoying if a lot of NPCs do it. Maybe it's my fault, but I don't wanna miss anything.
"Amp's cool, and that girl of his, Sarah"
Are we getting OCs now? I do feel somewhat weary about that, since from the Discord server, she looks like a Curly recolor. That might be pretty hard to make it fit without getting too... fanfic-y, I guess.
"Terminals C and D must be used to unlock Sector E."
Again, with the <FON on the terminals. You don't know exactly *how* to get there, but it still takes out a lot of exploratory elements the map could've had. A textbox is all you need.
that timer system at Terminal C is really cool! Dunno how you did that, but it's nice. That said, I'd killed all the enemies when the timer was only 1/2 out. Maybe get some bulkier (or invincible) enemies for this.
I killed every enemy and the ceiling broke, but... nothing? Looks like it softlocked because I killed the frogs with the Snake Missles. I reset, and yep. That's a pretty big oversight there.
Nice little block puzzle on the way to Terminal D. That said, it was a bit hard to even see the blocks, let alone know how they worked. They were a similar color to the normal rocks, and the area around them was so detailed that they didn't stand out too much; I almost missed them entirely. Also, the little wind current tiles should prob'ly just be arrows drawn on a stone; that's more simple and more sensical.
After Terminal D, the game crashed when I entered the save room.
Why are these blocks in front of you? They're darkened out, meaning they should be in the background. Heck, the darkened pipes with X's on them are in the background.
Also, while I really do think the tiling is good... in this area, it's a bit much. There's just so much going on, with detailed shapes and tiles galore. You need an interesting amount of detail, while still leading the player along and not cluttering the screen up. All the other areas captured that balance really well. I can tell there was a lot of effort put into this, but it results in a lot of distracting *stuff*.
I entered the door in Sector E, and this happened. There doesn't seem to be any other route, either.
So... the end.
skipping cutscenes? and it's really quick too!
you automatically sped the text up.
EXP refill thing
The teleporters in the waterway are really cool too. They got their own little cutscenes!
So yeah. Really good mod right here. Aside from that, I don't have many concrete judgements on this yet. I'll definitely continue after a patch.