Oh, sorry, I didn't notice that.
Qwexe enters the store and buys a Bronze Dagger for 35 gold.
"Are you sure you don't want this Rusty Dagger too? It's only 1 gold!"
"That'll be fine, Mr..." Qwexe squints at the shopkeeper's nametag"...Keeper.
Now, would you happen to have something a kind Black Cat such as I could do?"
Qwexe flutters his eyelashes.
Qwexe realizes he must seem gay right now.
"Well, there is one thing...
Yes, I guess there's something. I needed to run this Bronze Longsword over to that town over there, Icebourne.
And no, it's not cold there, it was just named back in the Great Freeze. "
Qwexe wonders to himself what the Great Freeze is, and makes a mental note to see if they have a library at Icebourne.
Qwexe's Inventory
1 Red Herb
1 Stone Bottle
1 Bronze Dagger