Link runs out of the forest, and finds JERSE, sitting on a rock, not looking for a skillmaster or anything like HE SHOULD BE DOING.
He asks JERSE where he can find the Mage Hall.
JERSE is a little puzzled, because Link always wanted to be an attacker, but said nothing. Maybe he's looking for Malpercio?
He points the way, and Link hurries off.
At the Mage Hall, Link goes to the second floor.
In the center of a large room, he sees a small bunny.
The bunny gets up, and turns out to be a Support Bunny!
Link asks him how he did that.
The Support Bunny said, "Well, first things first, let's introduce ourselves. I'm Demon. Your name is...?"
"Link. Now really, how the heck did you do that?"
"Well, it's something all Support Bunnies can do. Now, I assume you want to be a Support Bunny?"
Link begins to answer, but Demon cuts him off.
"Great! Now, Support Bunnies are all about helping people, mainly their friends. You have friends, right? Good, if not you wouldn't be able to be a Support Bunny. How do I know what you're saying before you say it? Oh, [CENSOR]HJIGHjkdngjkksbjkNdfijksrh325iou89d[/CENSOR]. Alright, well, this might hurt a bit. What might? You'll see in a second."
Demon then bashes Link over the head with a staff twice.
Link is now a Support Bunny.
"Go look in the mirror there, quick!"
Link goes and sees the bumps on his head are turning into rabbit ears. When they form fully, Demon says, "Those look AMAZING on you! Hmm... Something doesn't seem right here...
Oh! You didn't gain stats! That's odd, you already had some. Welp, I'll just give you some then."
Link gains 5 AGI!
"So, would you like some training?"