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A few questions about Cave Story projects...

Apr 20, 2006 at 10:14 PM
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......... OKAY!

Clock 9' 23" 01
... Not exactly stellar :o But I WON!
Mmmmmmmm, I wish the ending had more content :o
But, yum; Hell was fun lol :p

I'll have to race the clock and get better endings, Hell is pretty easy after you adapt... the problem I bet will be pushing it... [speed run]........ ouch lol

I'll write down some more thoughts I had today... [terrible note form meaning ideas changing per paragraph or incomplete sentences :p]

Cave Story 0 [tenatively / causally named lol]
10 years before the events of the original Cave Story, the following occured...

The countries of Earth formed an invasion force of robots to attack the floating island in search of the Demon Crown... The scientists and humans on the island worked to convince the world to not invade. However, the legends and the secrets of the island are desired. Everything points to the crown.
Thus the invasion is sent to crush the defending scientists and Mimigas. The race for the crown was a competition among robots.
(was it a unified attack or with individual countries?) Unified. A unified force created in the hopes of advancement in technology and power wassent to the island. Sakamoto and other scientists did their best with the Mimiga...
Individual countries pulled together their resources in the race of the century. To acquire the prize of the island, the Demon Crown. It was a unified effort [Miakid under the banners of the various countries led the robot taskforce...]
The demon crown... the power of Ballos, corrupts, and twists the mind of its possessor.

The war began. The Mimigas were hunted for the secrets of the island. Miakid was ruthless.
Sakamoto was involved at this time on the island. Along with the gunsmith, and Prof. Booster...
Arthur's parents, King's parents, green doctor, nurse...
Jenka aided the Mimiga; Misery ... Cthalu

The robots invaded, killed. The Mimigas fought back with the red flower... Defeating the robots; some of them.
Curly Brace and Quote arrive after the initial invasion; smuggled onto one of the transports.

Should Curly be the main character??
Sakamoto and Miakid; could they start as allies/friends?

Sakamoto finishes Miakid off in the end..? Quote is newer? Yes. Curly was the first. Teach Quote...

When Miakid found the crown, he discovered that the Mimiga were much more suited as soldiers. The countries ordered him to bring the crown...
Instead it corrupted him. He began to build an army to defeat those who desired the crown...

Curly and Quote have different creators? Quote was smuggled with another unit, while Curly Brace came by dragon?

Gunsmith created Quote and Curly?

The base... could be starting area for Quote. [original Core area]

Er so anyways :p Just jotting down what I'm thinking at the moment [could change on a whim], I'll write up a more coherent story as I begin to decide on what happens... then I'll write the story; Maybe do it in novel form? Then if all looks Gold, begin mapping, and doing some events, artwork, music; and finally [hopefully Sue's Workship version 1.0 will be out :p] the more difficult things... [code!] Assuming I'm doing this of course :p

EDIT: You know what might be cool... If I want practice before the larger work; while doing story work for it still, I should do a simple mod that allows you to go back to the island; seeing the island after being freed from the Doctor :p [best ending epilogue mod] Might be fun~ [I always hate when games end so fast :p :p]

EDITEDIT: uh Oh yeah~ Feel free to post casually Skye and people :p What you'd like to see etc...

Oh and I'm just beginning to decide on how the creatures fit in... Oh and as for having Curly as the main character; I am kind of moving away from it. I remember when Misery comments uh
**Misery: You remind me of the one back then.
*Misery: A tough little robot just like you...
*Misery: I can see confronting you directly just makes things complicated.

Well, if he didn't have the cap back then :p Most robots probably look similar. And I'm thinking about having Quote perhaps be a newer robot, meaning his personality [morals, etc] will develop in this one; so when he meets Misery the first time he could seem a different robot, than lets say after all the events transpire AND he get anmesia for the second one. Mmmm it's an idea anyways. Oh and I think there would have been more comments with Curly, if she would have been the tough robot Misery refers to; [instead she just got sent to the labyrinth] ...... although ................... if one were to expand the original game and this propsed game to allow play of either character... Then this dialogue could be expanded where Misery recognizes Curly... but eh... :p

I better go to class :)
Apr 20, 2006 at 10:28 PM
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I think Monster X is just a cat that got transformed into a machine to keep people out of the core. The doctor or any other crown bearers wouldn't want people bringing down the island.

Also, this has been bugging me for some time... how does everyone pronounce "Ballos". I always read it spanish and pronouce the ll as a y. Bay-os.
Apr 20, 2006 at 10:37 PM
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I pronounce it Bay-Los although if that's right who knows lol

Oh and as for the Core... What is the core???


It obviously isn't what makes the island float... I believe it might be something Jenka created to seal Ballos. Because once Ballos is defeated the island stops falling. But when the Core is alive the island doesn't fall because it is sealing Ballos. Just a theory.

Then again maybe Jenka went all out and stopped the island from falling or something ;P
Apr 21, 2006 at 1:11 AM
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I say "bah-loss" :-)

It obviously isn't what makes the island float... I believe it might be something Jenka created to seal Ballos. Because once Ballos is defeated the island stops falling. But when the Core is alive the island doesn't fall because it is sealing Ballos. Just a theory.

Well, if you look at the crown, it appears to have Ballos' missing eye in it. Perhaps both eyes are like positive and negative. If you destroy one, then the island becomes unbalanced (After all, when the island actually falls, not only is the core destroyed, but so is the doctor - and the crown), and therefore falls. But if both exist, or both are destroyed, the island is balanced.
Also, I think Curly says something at the end about the negative energy being destroyed or something.
Of course, that leaves the core completely out of the picture.
Apr 21, 2006 at 3:57 AM
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Well, if you look at the crown, it appears to have Ballos' missing eye in it. Perhaps both eyes are like positive and negative. If you destroy one, then the island becomes unbalanced (After all, when the island actually falls, not only is the core destroyed, but so is the doctor - and the crown), and therefore falls. But if both exist, or both are destroyed, the island is balanced.
Also, I think Curly says something at the end about the negative energy being destroyed or something.
Of course, that leaves the core completely out of the picture.
Oh and as for the Core... What is the core???


It obviously isn't what makes the island float... I believe it might be something Jenka created to seal Ballos. Because once Ballos is defeated the island stops falling. But when the Core is alive the island doesn't fall because it is sealing Ballos. Just a theory.

Then again maybe Jenka went all out and stopped the island from falling or something ;P

Mmmm good point. It's probably Ballos' eye on the Demon Crown... But, I don't think it's his original eye, or at least something irreplaceable; I mean he did it as a favor to Misery [an extremely twisted spiteful favor but a favor nonetheless] With Ballos' ability to create eyes [like on those orbs that circle him in different forms], and the eyes on certain powerful enemies [Rolling, Deleet, Press] in particular; those are probably his as well... but still I suppose I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that. But, I thought one white eye, and one red eye [rather than missing an eye] (one evil, one not?)

Well about the island floating thing...
If you think about what Misery said; the first time you fight the Core with Curly; The island was close to collapsing after you nearly kill it [but the Doctor takes the core and saves it] So I don't think the eye of the crown is related to having the island fall.
So I stick with my original theory on that...

And I'd take Curly's answer with a grain of salt :p At least with how she said it...
Sounded like she was just making up something that sounded logical ;) [like what I'm doing ... er oops!]
Positive and Negative energies... well I suppose that could be true. Following my theory, I think the core is the positive energy suppressing Ballos, and Ballos of course is the negative energy. but anyways...

This raises another question... Did Ballos create the Red flower, which indirectly means did he create the Red Crystal? All of this redness seems related :p

EDIT: Oh and as for Rolling, Deleet, and Press... Since they seem mechanical [different than what Ballos is] I'd have to say... they must be some form of corrupt machines, possibly brought by the robots? Well I better not jump to conclusions...

I don't know the timeline on Ballos and the island... and the kingdom. More questions... do Mimigas only exist on the island? The world seems somewhere between modern and futuristic... [helicopter looks modern mostly, but the robots are definitely something else...]
Are Mimigas actually humans? I know Misery turned Sue and Itoh into Mimigas... So what's to say they weren't originally humans; possibly survivors from the kingdom?

And is Ballos really dead? The strange death attack leaves me to wonder... I mean if the Doctor can live after losing his body [possessing something else], why can't Ballos? Although, it didn't sound like Ballos was in control... at all.
If not the Core, and Ballos; what's keeping the island afloat at the end? Magic or Technology? I assume Magic [oops had technology here], since I don't recall machines [except unless there is another Core... then I'm troubled lol] Jenka could be doing it, or perhaps the island has more secrets than I know... Is the island perhaps the ancient destroyed kingdom? Seems plausible.... With all of those trapped souls? The angel people that attack in the hell levels... And the ruins, and even the throne at the balcony area; unknownnnnnn anywyas :p
Apr 21, 2006 at 4:59 AM
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Hehe, a lot of ideas there. I like where you are going with most of them, although I seem to have my own opinions that Curly and Quote arrived on the island together and they knew each other and that Misery had not previously met Quote bit possibly did meet Curly since she does in fact refer to remembering a tough robot.

And I pronounce Ballos as "Bahlos" myself.

Apr 21, 2006 at 2:27 PM
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*ahem* Hi. Newbie. Just getting some thoughts out...

It's probably Ballos' eye on the Demon Crown... But, I don't think it's his original eye, or at least something irreplaceable; I mean he did it as a favor to Misery [an extremely twisted spiteful favor but a favor nonetheless] With Ballos' ability to create eyes [like on those orbs that circle him in different forms], and the eyes on certain powerful enemies [Rolling, Deleet, Press] in particular; those are probably his as well... but still I suppose I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that. But, I thought one white eye, and one red eye [rather than missing an eye] (one evil, one not?)

I recall someone posting something like this before, stating that Ballos' missing eye gave him a kind of "second sight"; the ability to see what was going on throughout the island through red-eyed creatures. It would make sense, considering just how many there are (Frenzied Mimiga, Press, Pooh Black, Deleet, Rolling, IronHead, Omega, among others). Presuming this is true, this aspect of Ballos' backstory is similar to that of Odin in Norse mythology, who gave up his eye for, "the wisdom of the ages"--he became all-seeing and all-knowing.

Personally, I'm more interested in why Ballos created the Demon Crown then how. Was it out of spite? Did he want revenge on humanity? Was he just bored? For that matter, did Misery intend to use it herself? Or was she fully accepting of the idea of serving whoever wore the crown?

Did Ballos create the Red flower, which indirectly means did he create the Red Crystal? All of this redness seems related ;)

I personally believe that the red flowers are the embodiment of Ballos' hatred, anger, and suffering. Their effects are highly similar to what Ballos himself experienced; increased strength and complete loss of reason. Igor even looks like him, to a point.

Are Mimigas actually humans? I know Misery turned Sue and Itoh into Mimigas... So what's to say they weren't originally humans; possibly survivors from the kingdom?

Possibly, but take note that Sue and Itoh are significantly different from other mimigas, particularly Sues eyes, which look more humanoid than others. If you recall Chaco's quote after you defeat Muscle Doctor;

Sue? Oooh, I know her.
That girl looks like a Mimiga, but she's really a human, isn't she?
My eyes can't be fooled. Anyway, she's not here.

Then, of course, you have the Gaudis, one of which states that he's, "Hungry for Mimiga flesh." This implies a food chain of sorts, further suggesting that the Mimigas are natural beings.

As a side note, I doubt that Miakid came to the island with the machines, or even with scientists. if you look at his clothing, it seems likely that he's a priest or sorcerer of some kind. My guess is that he has some ties to the Cthulhu.

More theories and ramblings to come.
Apr 21, 2006 at 4:22 PM
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Interesting statement about Odin... [didn't know that!] That seems to fit Ballos, possibly... although we don't know if he is coherent enough to do that; or if they are just like mutations... But, no I like that idea :P

As for why he created the Demon Crown...
“Jenka, seeing her brother’s madness, confined him to this floating island.

That was the most she could do.

Even as he was, she could not bring herself to kill her own brother…”

“It was Jenka’s daughter, Misery who made Ballos create the =Demon Crown=.

She was subsequently cursed by the crown, forced to do the bidding of all who wear it.

If the crown is destroyed, the curse is lifted.


“Welcome. I am Ballos.

Ages upon ages ago, in fear of enduring punishment, I allowed my magic to run wild…

The magic became such that even its master’s hands could not control it.

As I looked on, unable to quell its fiery rage, it took from me my loved ones, my children, my
dearest wife…

Their cries of agony soared above the flames. I could not avert my eyes, so I merely gazed upon the spectacle…

Jenka sealed me away, but my magic yet rages out of control even now. Long, long have I waited…

Waited for the one who would finally subdue my magic’s fury…

Now, kill me! Or I-- shall kill you!!”

Curly: “I thought you guys were just jerks, but I guess it was all the Crown’s fault.”

Balrog: “Well, you reap what you sow.

After all, Misery’s the one who had him make the Crown in the first place.”
From these dialogues you hear Ballos was sealed; And if I use my theory that the Core is Jenka's seal on it. (Furthermore, remember that it is said that Jenka created the Gaudis to protect the Core [well assuming that's what they were referring to])
So when Misery showed up in the Sealed Chamber, I'm sure he had much less free reign. So much so, that Misery probably tried to use him to create an artifact, to increase her own powers for whatever personal reasons... I doubt it was willingly, but being a Sorcereress herself I suppose she pulled it off. Although if he could have stopped her, he didn't and cursed it instead. Perhaps the same reason he didn't overpower Jenka and Misery, because in the sane part of his mind, they are family...

Oh and another point... he keeps saying his magic ran wild, that he could not control it. And he talks somewhat coherently. What is the magic, it seems to almost be an entitiy of its own [I guess the best comparison would be to the Dark side of the Force] lol Now Ballos is like Darth Vader... [...] kinda anyways...

edit: The more I think about it the less I think Ballos is evil... and more insane or controlled by the magic. And I'm still curious about how the best ending ended after beating Ballos... what was going on there... and what happened afterwards? ...
Well "Help me... it hurts.... So hot..... the pain...."
Now that I think about it, those thousands of skulls in that room; are probably the people of the kingdom. That burnt to ash due to his magic. So... after defeating him, the souls are probably dragging him to hell or wherever. Because it seems like Ballos is now experiencing what they experienced; [unless that voice isn't Ballos, then I'd be worried]

Oh and from the information above Misery,most likely made the crown for herself; although I suppose it's possible she was fooled/convinced by someone else, but I doubt it.

EDIT: Uh actually look at the statue picture I put on here, the one all the way on the left would be the first wearer of the Demon Crown... That'd mean that would be the one who tricked Misery [whatever that thing is...] Or just the first creature who discovered the Crown.. either way...

As for the red flower, possibly; probably a byproduct of Ballos' influence on the island; He corrupts things rather that creates things...

As for the Sue and Itoh thing,
Well offtopic for a second, back to the Positive, Negative energy thing... If one were to believe Mimigas, and Gaudis' were created by Jenka, long long ago. [although originally another species, humans? Since we don't know how magic works, but it seems permanent; I'd say I could see a group of human's turned mimiga multiplying, evolving, and changing from human into something distinctly different over time... [probably can't be changed back]

Mimigas might have a hidden purpose, just as the Gaudis were made to guard the Core? maybe. Mimigas could be a strong positive energy to counter Ballos... To cultivate the island, etc; instead of just letting it turn into a demonic prison.

But, I guess these are just my ideas lol
As for the food chain, if what I said were partially true, the Gaudis and the Mimiga would be an unnaturually created food chain; but one nonetheless. [nothing natural/normal about talking roaches and rabbits :P ;)]

This brings up another mystery... the Sky Dragons...
Kazuma sounds as if he has experience with this; so maybe I'm completely wrong about seperating the island and the rest of the world as fantastic vs modern..
Unless Kazuma had been forced by the doctor to investigate creating Sky Dragons...

Okay I'm starting to come to the conclusion because of...

Jenka: It wasn't long ago that hundreds of robots like you came to this island.
Jenka: Countless Mimigas perished at their hands.
**Jenka: As did the humans who tried to protect them.

I'm assuming that scientists, and researchers have been on the island a while before the 10 year ago incident [the war]... and that would be when they created the large labs like the Egg Corridor. Most likely the humans and the Mimiga had a working relationship. But, once the research being sent back was revolutionary enough to peak the interest of the governments. And perhaps after being told no, to taking the Demon Crown, and by the researchers; They decided to invade...

er so where was I...

"As a side note, I doubt that Miakid came to the island with the machines, or even with scientists. if you look at his clothing, it seems likely that he's a priest or sorcerer of some kind. My guess is that he has some ties to the Cthulhu."
I thought he was holding a sword

He looks like some kind of buff soldier. [Miakid the one next to the Doctor]
... Well, to tell you the truth I can't make out what it is now that I look closely; Okay comparing it to the statue next to Miakid, the Wooden staff; notice the color... it isn't as shiny, because it's supposed to be wood [... I know it shouldn't matter, these are statues but still...] The thing Miakid has, is either a metal, or it's nearly white, or silver... Comparing the colors.
It looks like it could be the hilt of a sword he is leaning on, or perhaps a staff like you suggested??? maybe?? Or perhaps it's a gun :P That would definitely be interesting...
The only thing we Do know for sure, is that, that statue should have been made 10 years ago Cave Story; and most likely was found by a human that went with the Robot invasion... [either that or a robot retrieved it for a human] And because how large muscled he is, he would make for an excellent military man. [he doesn't look very old either]
EDIT: He doesn't appear to be wearing a shirt, but the dark pants suggest military like... maybe

"My guess is that he has some ties to the Cthulhu."

That could be interesting...
Someone under Miakid's command? Whatever Miakid may do...



Misery: Hmph!
Misery: Pulled it off, I see!
Curly: You!
Curly: You're that witch who tossed me down here!
Curly: Those children had better be safe.
Misery: Ha! Be silent!
Misery: You're no mother!
Misery: Do you even know what this is?!
Curly: What?
Misery: Hmph. This is what I hate about robots.
Misery: This is the heart of the island!
Misery: If you stop it, the island will fall to the earth!
Misery: Is that your grand plan?
Misery: To take the island down with you in a blaze of glory?!
Misery: Fools!!

This is the only conversation with Misery and Curly in Cave Story...

So, ... Yes, I could go either way definitely. In fact, it would be pretty cool with what you're saying [Misery knows Curly].
A lot we could do with this~
"although I seem to have my own opinions that Curly and Quote arrived on the island together and they knew each other "
I was taking artistic liberties before, because this is as close as they specify...
"The two of us were sent in order to destroy that power.

When we got here, the island was in shambles."

It doesn't actually say the two were assigned together, knew each other, just that they both arrived around the same time to find the island decimated...

That being said, I think I support your idea. Although I don't think they will see the immense destruction right off [soon after arriving]; Assuming that getting airspace clearence to an island in an operation is pretty impossible [with countries around the world watching]; I'd say they have to sneak in probably with supplies or with other robots...

[I have a good idea of how to start out...] I spent a while thinking about what you said :P Comparing notes, and wondering which would be more fun or work with the gameplay...
Oh and finally, yeah you're probably right about Quote and Curly knowing each other and having lots of history. It'd probably be more interesting that way anyways~

[so many choices!]

EDIT: My posts are starting to look like nightmares... they seem pretty long lol

Oh and going to attach a file, I sorted the important quotes in the game pertaining to the events before, into chronological order as they affect the past.


Apr 22, 2006 at 9:27 PM
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SeriousFace said:
Also, this has been bugging me for some time... how does everyone pronounce "Ballos". I always read it spanish and pronouce the ll as a y. Bay-os.
Ballos is the name of a Greek dance, originally spelled Μπάλος. If you assume he's using an existing word/name like Misery and Balrog, this would be the pronunciation to use. The letters in Μπάλος would literally sound like "mpalos", but "mp" at the start of a word is pronounced as "b". The rest are: a as in father, l as in light, o as in note, s as in sister.

So, "bah-los", with emphasis on the first syllable.
Apr 23, 2006 at 1:13 AM
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*spoiler as usual*
Okay, major trouble here ;)

I've been having a ridiculous time trying to figure out Miakid... [since out of the 4 statues, his is the only one that on closer inspection is very complex to figure out]

This is what I came up with...

Kind of a cross between those 3... Probably the personality of the guy in the white suit [serious face] [plus he has a sword he likes to lean on] Costume-wise a cross of all 3? Age wise between the muscle guy and the admiral guy.

This possibility would make him the most modern-like.

Otherwise, as Epsilon thought, he could be some sort of priest. Which would indeed make an interesting storyline; but still seems kind of odd. Might end up looking to Final Fantasy Tactics if I chose this route...

And another impression I get, is a king or swordsman from looking at how he's dressed.... Which again seems odd, considering the circumstances...

So asking everyone else, what do you think???
Looking at Miakid's statue what do you make him out to be?

Since he's a central character I don't want to rush this :p
Apr 23, 2006 at 3:31 AM
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I always thought he looked like an ape. The areas of light/dark coloration would fit the areas of hair on an ape. I know this doesn't really help the characterization you're going for, but that's what I see =P

Also, I'd definitely say he's holding a sword, not a staff.
Apr 23, 2006 at 11:47 PM
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Just thought I'd present my graphical interperetation of Miakid...

Top row is my version; the Cthulhu tribal leader/priest/sorcerer, bottom row is XC's version; the well-decorated, high-ranking military officer. The palettes could be better, and I'd like to do something different with V1's hood, but that's about what I imagine he'd look like in either case.

I've got some more sprites lying around, particularly of Arthur, young King, past Quote and past Curly. I'll post those some other time.

@ X-Calibar
I already know that Misery asked him to make the crown, what I'd like to know is why he agreed to do it. The man doesn't really have much motivation for creating the crown, aside from being insane and whatnot.

I like your idea of the Core offsetting Ballos' negative energy, btw.

As for the food chain, if what I said were partially true, the Gaudis and the Mimiga would be an unnaturually created food chain; but one nonetheless. [nothing natural/normal about talking roaches and rabbits :p :(]
True, but what's normal/natural about the rest of the island's wildlife, the Critters, Behemoths, Jellys and Pignons?

This brings up another mystery... the Sky Dragons...
I don't think the Doctor had anything to do with those. I'd say Annachponae (King II) had the Mimigas carve out the Egg Corridor, but that's nothing more than a guess.
Apr 24, 2006 at 12:23 AM
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Hey! Very nice!
Both of your interpertations are well done; I see this a lot clearer now...

[better so than after the monkey comment :p]
[and your Cthulhu version makes me think I've really underplayed Cthulhu... Are you making a mod? or did you just whip this up ? Nice again :(

“It was Jenka’s daughter, Misery who made Ballos create the =Demon Crown=. "
From this mysterious booming comment from the sky [I would trust this over Balrog's sentence that she had him make it]
My best guess would be that she tried to force him into it; since his power was mostly sealed away. She probably tried to tap into his power, and although he couldn't prevent it, he did manage to mess up the crown [cursed].

That or, she made a deal? That'd be my guess at this point...
Oh and sorry about not being clear sometimes; free time is short right now; rushing :o
Er what I meant about the Dragon comment with Kazuma, since he seemed experienced with Dragon hatching for some reason; either he learned this off the island or maybe with the doctor? [or was he here at some point prior to the expedition?]
Apr 24, 2006 at 12:40 AM
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Nice sprite for Miakid there. I especially like the fourth one and then a complete costume change for when he dons the crown.

I was going to do a few sprites of him myself just to see what I could come up with, but I haven't had time to play around with it much. I did however create one of him with nothing but skintone (same as doctor) so essentually a nekkid Miakid as a base for anyone else looking to do some sprite work. And I'll agree that he does look like an ape with large muscles so I would imagine his attacks would be the majority of melee attacks as well as actual punches. Think of General Orange from the Gunstar Heroes and Gunstar Super Heroes games and you'll probably get an idea of what I'm referring to.




Apr 24, 2006 at 1:41 AM
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WOW, those sprites look awesome! :(
Apr 25, 2006 at 12:43 AM
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More sprites for you.

From left to right; Winged Cthulhu, unnamed scientist, Arthur, blade weapon sprite, hat item sprite, young Toroko, young King, past Quote, past Curly, young Booster (looking decidedly Gordan Freeman-ish), King flipping out with a wooden sword, and a new fireball sprite.

For Arthur, I was trying to go for the noble, wise warrior look. I left King's eyes normal on purpose, that's all I'll say.

One question--Curly's ponytail, yay or nay?

@ Skylewise
Nice sprite for Miakid there. I especially like the fourth one and then a complete costume change for when he dons the crown.
Um, what about a complete costume change? They're alternative versions of the same character, they never appear in the same story together.
(at least, I think they wouldn't, but hey, it could work.)

Think of General Orange from the Gunstar Heroes.
Heard of the game, never played it. Could you post a pic of him?

@ X-Calibar
Er what I meant about the Dragon comment with Kazuma, since he seemed experienced with Dragon hatching for some reason; either he learned this off the island or maybe with the doctor?
He could have, but in the Cave Story world, it doesn't seem like you need to know much when it comes to hatching dragons. The computers seem to do most of the work.

My best guess would be that she tried to force him into it; since his power was mostly sealed away. She probably tried to tap into his power, and although he couldn't prevent it, he did manage to mess up the crown [cursed].
Most likely, but I've been wondering; what if Ballos made the crown before he was sealed away?

Are you making a mod? or did you just whip this up ?
I was planning to at least try to over the summer. The "general" Miakid I made recently, after you came up with the idea, but the other I made a while back, pondering what he'd look like.

And btw, forgot to ask, what are those screens from?

@ All
Thank you for your comments and praise. Feel free to use anything I've posted, just be sure to credit me for it, and please PM me if you have the time.

I'd also like to repeat X-Calibar's call for ideas;
What to you think Miakid is?

Epsilon out.
Apr 25, 2006 at 6:46 PM
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Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! *eating dark choclate while looking at the sprites* Yum!
I see you switched the hat :) And added a red bandana around Quote's neck~ lol and I love the Gordan Freeman comment lol
All in all I'm dying to work on the game now [argh classes are almost out for summer... not a moment too soon ;)]

Ponytail might be interesting, (you don't have a spirte made do you :O)... Not sure how it would look; Only odd remark I have is, Arthur's ears tan? mmmm
Oh and King's eyes... of course that gives me an idea hmmmm
Thank you for your comments and praise. Feel free to use anything I've posted, just be sure to credit me for it, and please PM me if you have the time.
Generous! Thanks :)

Oh and those screens were from the Irresponsible Captain Tylor, great old anime series lol http://www.tylor.com/

When I get a chance I'm going to do some sprite editing and I'll probably paste it here if it goes welll ;)

I'll do a lot more CS stuff after next week; finals :o
Apr 28, 2006 at 9:06 PM
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Epsilon said:
@ Skylewise
Um, what about a complete costume change? They're alternative versions of the same character, they never appear in the same story together.
(at least, I think they wouldn't, but hey, it could work.)

Heard of the game, never played it. Could you post a pic of him?

Gunstar Heroes was an excellent game and fans that enjoyed Cave Story will most likely enjoy Gunstar. This is Captain Orange (Since all the characters are named after colors), one of the bosses. The way he moves around throwing his weight around as he charges at you, grabs you and piledrives you as well as using guns and explosions of different kinds is all very impressive and very similar to some of the later fights in Cave Story with the Doctor and Undead Core.


As for costume changes, that's up to you all but it kind of makes more sense after donning the crown to change into something more befiiting of a ruler.

May 2, 2006 at 8:58 PM
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"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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Just a little update;

I'm still in the story creation process [probably will be for a while lol]
Major updates:
I'm leaning towards making Curly Brace the controllable / main character of this first story. And if I do that, I'll end up making her silent, and having to create a character for Quote...!
I've been trying to draw comparisons between the two characters; If anyone has seen Chrono Crusade? I think I see some similiarities between Curly and Rosette Christopher, and Quote and Chrono. But I haven't definied Curly and Quote's relationship yet. Would it be like brother and sister? Or more like chrono's and rosette's...

"Curly is like ... spunky, loyal, jumps into things, can lose, can lead"

I think I'll have Professor Sakamoto [Sue's father] as an important character.
Also trying to find out what really makes Cave Story so special :p A few things I wrote down were "its quick pace, knowing what to do, where to go; the unusual sights... [besides the great gameplay/fighting]"

And a few things, Sakamoto loves robots; Miakid hates robots. Oh and the cabin area at the Waterway; I'm thinking of making it Prof. Sakamoto who sends the mysterious help; [you get on the computer; knowing it can't be Booster since he's still in the labyrinth fixing the teleporter; And using the console at the house with curly, you get these mysterious messages; I have a few other theories; but they are still being developed lol]

And what happens to Sakamoto? Prof Booster knows...
I'm probably going to have Cthaulu still be around; But, not be one of the new people of the island [still a mystery as ever]
I'm still figuring out what the challenge / best ending area will be [actually I'm still figuring out most of the levels]
Who made Curly and Quote or at least who sent them there? Still undecided [probably won't answer who made them :p but as for who sent them...]

Uh, everchanging rough plot line:
0. The island is accidently discovered.
1. Scientists, etc land on the island, Mimigas discovered. "They speak!"
2. Humans and Mimigas work together learning about the island.
3. Conclusion that the artifact known as the Demon Crown is the source of the mystery. Mimiga resist, and prevent the scientists from searching.
4. The countries of earth? decide to invade. Using robots. Some scientists resist.
5. Miakid and several others are sent to retrieve the crown. By any means.
Sakamoto, Miakid and others are chosen to lead the "invasion" [Well, the countries are involving different people for their expertise; Sakamoto, and the others did not intend for a slaughter] Miakid and Sakamoto might have some background; not sure.
Prof Booster is one of the scientists already on the island.

6. They arrive on the island, Sakamoto negociates... after recieving the answer No, Miakid and the robots open fire.

Okay the plot so far is general [meaning it might be a little different but probably not greatly]

About Miakid, he's disgusted with the honorless countries of earth. [These days battles are fought between robots.] He follows orders, and gets results, but he isn't the nicest... Robots are disposable.
Curly and Quote might change his mind... in the end~

New Areas:
Last Castle / Ancient Ruins area
Mountain areas
Base / Runway
Mimiga City
Mechanized Base
Outside areas
[once again these are all just filler names as the idea comes to me, they may change into something else over time]

I made a "map" of the island... [on paper... lol]
It's 2d and it's based on the little picture Pixel gives us of the island [actually maybe later I'll pull it up in Photoshop and show you my vision]
Basically though most of Cave Story takes place on the left side of the island. [assuming that little tower .... [okay when I was going through this I did it in my head; now looking at the actual "picture" a few things look... incorrect]
I guess I'll have to revisit this later...

[EDIT]: Here is a placeholder till I get the time to making a decent one... But just so you get the idea...

This is the only proportions that seem to work [was using the tile count to find the length in Miza] This doesn't account for 3d so, that could fix some of the errors like where Hell goes... but it gives you an idea of the size of the island. [Although, maybe I should take into account the Anime Effect, meaning proportions can be interperted however lol] (like the Doctor vs Prof. Booster)

Anyways, at least for now ... Looks like the Left side of the island is where most of the action is; oh and here are the facts: [end edit]

But, the facts from Cave Story are: The little tower on the island is probably the tower where the final battle area / Demon Crown area is.
The following areas are linked [you can walk to them in Cave Story] Demon Crown area, Balcony, Hell Area, Sealed Area, Statue Area, Last Cave, Platation area, Outside area, Egg Corridor... And assuming by areas linked by water; I'd have to put the Labyrinth Waterway somewhat near to Mimiga Village, and Plantation Area. Sand Zone being the futherst away, and Grasstown being somewhat yet above? Mimiga Village.
I figured that Egg Corridor and the Core Base are probably around the same height level on the island...
I determined that the Mountain, and some of the areas on the right side of the island [and maybe near the bottom] are unexplored [if they are even hollow] (Actually I'll start on that map in a second) [and edit it in]

As for the opening sequence [where it usually shows the Doctor laughing and getting the crown...] Maybe I'd have Miakid standing with Sword into the ground looking at Sakamoto, knocked on the ground, as Killer Robots file past them attacking] This is just a possiblity lol not sure yet at all

Places that I might reuse/can visit again would be:
Start Point, Mimiga Village, Grasstown, Sandzone, Core Base, Plantation Area, Demon Crown area...

That's a bunch of random information :p I have more, but this is good for now ;)
EDIT : ... guess it was a big random update after all ;)
May 2, 2006 at 9:56 PM
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Given that you aren't made to run a marathon to get from the tower to the "edge" of the island, I could see the spire on the left being the tower the last battles are in. However, if the island was created to seal Ballos away, wouldn't he be closer to the center of the island, rather than over towards the edge?