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Search results

  1. adark

    Thanks. People being active is great for me, even if the discussions are dead.

    Thanks. People being active is great for me, even if the discussions are dead.
  2. adark

    How active would you say this forum still is? Life decisions have once again led me down the...

    How active would you say this forum still is? Life decisions have once again led me down the path of taking up this forum again, but I don't want to join something on the tailspin of death.
  3. adark

    Was I really that stupid?

    Was I really that stupid?
  4. adark

    Limit on Max HP?

    Try to scale things a lot smaller, there's no reason to have outrageous numbers unless you actually use every value from 1 to 200 in a balanced way.
  5. adark

    Which games' graphics do you dislike?

    WoW's older graphics are atrociously cartoonish, especially when compared to the new stuff running concurrently. Cataclysm fixed a lot of it, but it's still a large leap between the expansions.
  6. adark


    Seeing as we're talking about autonomous robots that don't really even need to recharge, yeah probably. Especially if Balrog was well maintained, even assuming he's actually a robot in the first place.
  7. adark


    One problem I see is that the Doctor doesn't reveal his interest in the Demon Crown until they land on the Balcony, where he runs off to grab it. I'm not certain, but I think that the Doctor held the crown for only several months, not an entire year. Hermit Gunsmith making Quote and Curly is...
  8. adark

    The Island

    Not a problem, man.
  9. adark

    The Island

    *Points to line of text below Forums/Members/Gallery links* Lrn2browse, boi.
  10. adark

    The Island

    Now that I'm back and less... unstable... than before, I feel like I should at least attempt to complete my old mod. Having re-read a lot of things, and now understanding why I wasn't able to mod soon after getting my first 64 bit OS, I'm back in business and better than ever. Don't expect...
  11. adark

    Reason why The Doctor wanted Sue

    Dafuq did I just read...
  12. adark

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I use Hypercam and extract the audio. :D
  13. adark

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Stupid Windows 7. >.<
  14. adark

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Well, isn't this just dandy... There's nothing wrong with the icon, but my computer puts the old icon in if the name is "Config". I changed it to "bob" and it worked perfectly...
  15. adark

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I had just a touch of free time, so I finally got around to replacing the icons for my mod. The .EXE has no problem whatsoever, but when I changed the icon for Config, it only changed a portion of it somehow. I mean, I can only see the changed icon in anything below 3/4ths of the way from "Small...
  16. adark

    The NEW post your picture thread

    I was tired, and for the life of me could not remember where the crop button was. And I'm not showing off my desktop, I'm asking why I got that "Invalid Image" error whenever I tried to open IceChat.
  17. adark

    The NEW post your picture thread

    I took this with my IPhone. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I COULD GET IT TO LOOK RIGHT. WARNING: HUGEASS Picture. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- On an unrelated note, why am I always getting this error when I try to start IceChat? After that error, I get the IceChat window, but without any servers listed...
  18. adark

    King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

    I agree with andywhyisit. And very good job on making that window fit in. ;P
  19. adark

    Levels Mod

    Isu the Mule /QUOTE Does anybody else see a dancing robot?
  20. adark

    King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

    And it has some blockage on the other side of it. It doesn't fit at all.
  21. adark

    Did anybody else notice this about Resource Hacker?

    (S)He could have at least pointed it out. :/
  22. adark

    Did anybody else notice this about Resource Hacker?

    When I first read the post saying to get it, it said to make a backup of the EXE before saving your changes. But, regardless wheter there is a backup or not, if I do File>Save, it renames the EXE, EXE_original, and makes a new EXE with all the changes. Was that post made before ResHacker was...
  23. adark

    The Island (Mod Contest)

    I'm joining my mod in.
  24. adark

    WTF story demo v 0.504

    Re: WTF story demo v 0.4 Fine, fine.
  25. adark

    WTF story demo v 0.504

    Re: WTF story demo v 0.4 GIR, I just wanted to point this out, but there's no H/V trigger in secret mission 4 that causes you to die if you fall off the screen.