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  1. Tronlet

    Cave Con 2011

    Good taste, that stuff is wonderful on crackers.
  2. Tronlet

    40% port of Cave Story in HTML5

    Wow, this really is cool. It's a shame Pixel won't let you continue and I do hope you or someone you deem better makes a game on this platform. I'm not going to play through when it's a game I already have downloaded and beaten several times, but how is it a 40% port? Does it end four tenths of...
  3. Tronlet

    hey guys

    Wraps on Chrome, y'all crazy.
  4. Tronlet

    After saying yes to Kazuma's offer...

    On my first playthrough, I saved, got the bad ending, then reloaded save. Still do that sometimes, it's the easiest and least fulfilling ending but it's a good one (in terms of storytelling) nonetheless.
  5. Tronlet

    Cave Story HD

    Carrotlord, do you mean that Nicalis and Pixel have legal rights to the concept of a 2x resolution mod at all, or just that making a mod with the CS+ graphics would not be legal?
  6. Tronlet

    Any save files for a mac user?

    Oh cool! I'll use that next time I forget to save my Doukutsu file on Mac. Here's the save file anyway, so you don't have to track one down, IDS. Sorry it took so long, I was planning on just playing through right then but stuff happened. Unzip, put it...
  7. Tronlet

    Any save files for a mac user?

    Hey, why not. I want to get better at the game, and I can't find any mac save files on the internet. Get back to you soon. You mean your save was the very last save before Two Sisters? Edit: Oh, and I assume you weren't going for Sacred Grounds yet, being a new player, right? Did you get the...
  8. Tronlet

    A Lost Land

    I didn't think to post this here, but I suppose I should: andwhyisit's awesomely fast response to my pm: Only played up to Ironhead but so far all bugs seem to be fixed. Thanks, andwhyisit. :muscledoc:
  9. Tronlet

    whats the best ending to cave story good ending,bad ending or average ending ?

    Kazuma thought there was really no other way, it was better he and Quote survive than no one. Oh, and I think the Little easter egg ending is the best, simply because it means you didn't give up the honorable blade King gave to you with his dying breath... for a backwards gun given to you by...
  10. Tronlet

    Cave Story+ Secrets

    Speaking of which, anyone else played through it yet? Until it's released for Windows I don't think a "Best Wind Fortress Time" thread would have much use but my best time is 3'03"6.
  11. Tronlet

    A Lost Land

    There's a bit of a bug. Presumably Mac exclusive. Edit: Ooh, necropost, sorry. Looks like an awesome mod though. I doubt I'll be able to get any support for Mac, just figured I'd post it just in case.
  12. Tronlet

    Your left index finger just fired a lazer.

    hole in pants, barely missing thigh, and hole in kleenex on floor and also floor, barely missing foot.
  13. Tronlet

    Have You Actually Completed Hell?

    Re: Have You Actually Completed Hell ...WTF. Dx
  14. Tronlet


    Eep, no it doesn't. I couldn't live having to play Cave Story windowed. Just press tab. There's your fullscreen. ...Preeeetty sure this works for the Windows version, too. Am I mistaken? Is there a terrible conspiracy?
  15. Tronlet

    Mod: The Wrath of Revorshkenahl

    Re: This mod is too hard. Now, I haven't actually played Revorshkenahl, but; Fine words coming from the creator of WTF Story. :D
  16. Tronlet


    You've gotta remember that everything seems easy in Cave Story after you've played through it a few times. I even think Hell is pretty easy, nowadays. (Unless you're trying to speedrun it... ><) When I was first playing Cave Story, I HATED Monster X. Misery at the end was way easier, as was the...
  17. Tronlet

    The Official "I Just Beat Hell/MonsterX/etc. For The First Time!" Thread

    I beat Cave Story in under 6 hours for the first time in honor of Cave Story's birthday! And I shaved down my 44'25"0 to a mere 10'29"3, which still sucks but whatever. I'll work on it later. I was up to Monster X with 3hp when I started the new game, so that's a sort of achievement. Now, if I...
  18. Tronlet

    Reminds you of Cave Story...

    Whoa, I never realized how similar Cave Story and Laputa are. I love them both. They've both got a floating island, fighting robots, robots that take care of the animals on the island, a very powerful secret core to the island that is hard to access, a boy and a girl (though not robots) that...
  19. Tronlet

    Old versions of Cave Story?

    My Mac port of Cave Story says "Version." on the title screen. This seems ridiculously unlikely to actually be though, since it's a perfectly normal game of Cave Story and something so early surely would have a lot of bugs and probably wouldn't even be complete. My guess is that...
  20. Tronlet

    Have You Actually Completed Hell?

    I have actually completed hell. I've got no clue how long it took me from when I first discovered Cave Story, as I'm an on-off fan of it. (I'm a super big fan and play it nearly every day for a while, and then I slowly forget about it for a while, and then I remember and start playing again, and...
  21. Tronlet

    Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

    Errrrgh, I cannot figure out Mimiga Village for the life of me. I don't want a hint, I guess, but is this really what the mod is supposed to do or do I have an outdated version or have I forgotten to pick something up at Sand Zone or something?
  22. Tronlet

    Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

    My good person, are you aware of the life capsules? I'm at the Tunnel (the intermediary between the Ancient Cave and Mimiga Village (or at least I presume Mimiga Village is at the end)) and I've already found two. One was in a tricky bit with a few Basils in the Tunnel, and the other was in...