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Search results

  1. hammil

    Is it just me, or did they ruin it?

    Well, maybe we can agree to disagree :p
  2. hammil

    Ballos antagonist or not?

    Dude, Ballos is a priest! Of course he's a bad guy! :D
  3. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Yes, it won't show up in any translation because the message is sent from the Soaprun information server: <html><body> Pixel<br> 110115-011022 close 1002 Soaprun 64 %82%C7%82%E6%82%A4+%82%CC+%82%E6%82%E9+%82%A9%82%E7%81%42%82%D6%82%F1%82%B1%82%A4+%82%CD+%82%DC%82%BE+%82...
  4. hammil

    Different names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

    Re: Diffrent names in CaveStory PC and Wii?? Dude, Curly Brace... {} Yeah, its Balroguu or something in Japanese, which means monster
  5. hammil

    Connection between Midorins and Drolls?

    Oh, last post was a mistake :( And as for the red crystal not having to be ingested, it follows the basic principle of magical strength: Chew < Ingest < Apply/Rub on < Be near it < Be far away < Hear about it So, by concentrating the red flowers, we move from level 2 to level 4 in magical...
  6. hammil

    Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

    I think more use needs to be made of the sarcasm tag in this thread
  7. hammil

    Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

  8. hammil

    Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

    Ironhead? Pfaugh! You just need to dodge the blocks and his red thingies. 9 times out of 10 I can do it with no damage.
  9. hammil

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    An NPC.tbl editor, there's one in Cave Editor.
  10. hammil

    Connection between Midorins and Drolls?

    Well, yeah, Red Crystal is concentrated Red Flowers, and they both get their power from an external source i.e. the Core.
  11. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Hey. I made a translation for the game (v0.432), including the server messages. Took me a while, since I don't know Japanese and had to play around with Google translate. Unfortunately map names won't work since these are acquired from the server at startup. I also added a screen size selector...
  12. hammil

    Relationship between Quote and Sue

    Oh please god no... Srsly guys, what has become of us?
  13. hammil

    Ballos antagonist or not?

    Well he was trapped in some random room for like 1000s of years...that probably kept him mental.
  14. hammil

    Relationship between Quote and Sue

    GEEZUS Vercci, what have you been smoking?!?!?!
  15. hammil

    Is it just me, or did they ruin it?

    They're both ripped from mods on these forums...
  16. hammil

    Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

    Yeah, Pixel has some kind of obsession with cats...
  17. hammil

    Is it just me, or did they ruin it?

    Well, nice to see I'm not alone! Yeah, I figured some people said similar stuff, but I didn't want to be a necromancer.
  18. hammil

    Is it just me, or did they ruin it?

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I see, heh.
  19. hammil

    Is it just me, or did they ruin it?

    Hello everyone. I would like to share my thoughts with you, on the Wii version of CaveStory. I was expecting an exact duplicate of the PC version we all know and love, but with smoother, optional music and graphics, more difficulty levels and save slots. Instead I got the following: - Quote...
  20. hammil

    What do you like the most about Cave Story?

    I really like how detailed and complex the plot is. That's what draws you in and keeps you going even through the toughest boss fights. Having said that, I've no idea where they got some of the information in the Timeline from.
  21. hammil

    CS Engine and TSC improvement

    Right, now I've got my improved rank image, I feel it is time to post my development thread for the idea in the title. Basically my hack will consist of the following: - More efficient code for each NPC - 'Debug' Save and Load menu items, enabled via the start flags - The integral FPS counter...
  22. hammil

    Reason why The Doctor wanted Sue

    Well that, and the fact that she's part of the Sakamoto family. He wants them all under his thumb. The only reason he doesn't go for the others is he doesn't know where they are.
  23. hammil

    I apologise for my lack of detail. What I meant by 'nonessential' is that it's removal hasn't...

    I apologise for my lack of detail. What I meant by 'nonessential' is that it's removal hasn't bugged the program in any test I've done. Mabye replace with 'Unknown but silent'? All the functions under that heading are to do with enemy projectiles. For those two, I couldn't think of a better...
  24. hammil

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    D'oh! Curse my unobservant eyes! But it worked great, thanks all!
  25. hammil

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Hey everyone. Why does this: PUSH EBP MOV EBP,ESP SUB ESP,10 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-10],0F0 Store framerect in local vars MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-0C],60 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-8],100 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4],70 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8] ADD EAX,54 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-10]...