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Search results

  1. EnlightenedOne

    Insert X, Receive Y

    You receive A Magic Lie. I insert Dr. Suess.
  2. EnlightenedOne

    Cave Story HD Remake Concept

    I'm sure there has been hundreds worse. You have correct grammar, thats a definite bonus over many, and you actually want to make something yourself with work, instead of "Give me another mod. I'm bored. hey, can someone make a cave story+ port of an edit I made, I can't do anything myself."...
  3. EnlightenedOne

    Insert X, Receive Y

    Your receive an Enlightened One. I insert a Magical Doorway.
  4. EnlightenedOne

    Insert X, Receive Y

    You receive the Souls of Good. I insert the Universe
  5. EnlightenedOne

    The purpose of MALCO.

    That inverse idea makes more sense, Keeping people from deactivating the fans. And pretty much any theory can be disregarded as "pixel just made it that way, it's a plot device." Here's another question: who made MALCO? The creator of the island? Someone trying to populate the grass town/bush...
  6. EnlightenedOne

    The purpose of MALCO.

    What exactly is MALCO built for? Why does he try to kill you at first, and then help afterwards. Why is he there? What we know: - MALCO is a robot who does not leave the power room in the game - MALCO activates with the grasstown fans, and wants to destroy intruders (you) - he has a soft side...
  7. EnlightenedOne

    Cavern Tale [The Museum Update]

    Thanks! I still have to finish sand zone, and then go back and fix up the previous areas before I decide to release the first demo. For the most part the contents are kept under wraps, so to keep the unexpected... A surprise.
  8. EnlightenedOne

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    It's always good to give more information. Like what program your using, what your editing, ETC.
  9. EnlightenedOne

    *Notices Comment*

    *Notices Comment*
  10. EnlightenedOne

    make Paul reveal his real name.

    I agree. It's overdone. Maybe we should tell him to drop it and then let him be. A Permban it too excessive, but its clear he is obsessed and it is peering into magicdoors privacy. My real name is Ethan, but who honestly cares? It's not like I just saved your life, in fact I'm wasting seconds...
  11. EnlightenedOne

    Cave Story HD Remake Concept

    Let me just say this... A giant project worked on by one guy and some other guy who might use his C/C++, and you expect to finish it without it canceling like your sonic HD did. I'd be less surprised if pixel revealed a sequel ready for release by this month. This. Won't. Work. (At least...
  12. EnlightenedOne

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    I may sound like an idiot... But it took me 5 minutes on my first play through to figure out that you have to shoot it, but I agree with magicdoors. The lockdown gives an eerie feeling to what's inside, so I don't find the (weak) puzzle unneeded. Malco = 2.5/10 didn't know how to turn off caps...
  13. EnlightenedOne

    [not a]MOD - Release 3, Incomplete Revision

    Seems like you have a great plan. NEVER go a full day of work without a vanilla pop to compensate. With my parody mod (which actually changes more than some think...), I actually did the sanctuary first. Then I went back to the start and have been going in chronological order from there. I...
  14. Enlightened Pictures...

    Enlightened Pictures...

    I'm having so much fun and you can't stop me.
  15. EnlightenedOne

    The reason it takes me forever to mod is because I test after every little edit.

    The reason it takes me forever to mod is because I test after every little edit.
  16. EnlightenedOne

    [not a]MOD - Release 3, Incomplete Revision

    So I finally took some time to play the modification. Here is my harsh criticism: i REAlly Think Ti seXiySTety. No exceptions. With Ultima rockets, the objective is a bit simple: Kill them all? <TRAdie <- Well.. thats definitely a way to crash the game. You have an excellent taste in...
  17. EnlightenedOne

    Choose your weapon

    Step aside I will defeat them all, WITH MY KNOWLEDGE! I think I should buy a casket.
  18. EnlightenedOne

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    12/10 less likely to be part of a dual reply The amazing Itoh
  19. EnlightenedOne

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    -10/2 He stole my time (my master can not be kil-SHUT UP I'm killing him with 3HP and minimum items.) The Sandcroc Species.
  20. EnlightenedOne

    What Would You Do To The Person Above You

    I would exclaim "Great Scott! it's actually possible!" Then try the reverse on them...
  21. EnlightenedOne

    What's new in Cave Story Deluxe update?

    Either they uploaded and accidentally left their profile.dat in the files. Or wanted to make newcomers feel welcome to the game.
  22. EnlightenedOne

    So... Speedrunning?

    I'm pretty sure there are other things such as save states and calculated/completely frame perfect key presses done by the computer and not the player himself. Slowing the game down isn't the definition of a tool assisted speed run. FOR LUCRIO: Your doing a human speed run, so don't bother with...
  23. EnlightenedOne

    Chocolate Sunday Demo

    May or may not be the boss? There is no reason the have that uncertainty...unless you are planning something. Also, I don't have that much of a problem with no combat. The reason why many people will though... Is because of interactivity. I'm not saying everyone, but a considerable amount of...
  24. EnlightenedOne

    What is the Core?

    OBJECTION!!! The core is actually EVERYTHING BUT The core. All imagined things in all imagined places at all imagined times with all imagined conditions. With the exception of being the core in a dark locked out room appropriately named "almond". Who would actually think that the core could...
  25. EnlightenedOne

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    I was acknowledging the 8% who wouldn't. I wasn't saying nobody would know. Then again this is the forums for cave story experts... Crap please don't kill me. EDIT: I just noticed magicdoors really likes 92%. It's in his signature REGARDING MELTDOWN 1: Ehh... 5/10. Sounds like a rough beta of...