PixelVortex said:
Hand drawing sprites doesn't work and games that have done it have either used 2D Skeletons to animate separate pieces or have just stuck with having choppy poorly animated sprites; there is no possible way you would be able to get smooth animation and keep the characters proportions correct without days maybe even weeks of work, depending on your skill, per character. If you want it to look like Sonic 2 HD then you should be doing all art on a computer as vectors, because that is how S2HD's art is done.
I doubt this project would get finished, creating all the tilesets all the characters, all the enemies, all the face pictures etc... Cave Story has a fair amount of art (for one man who was also doing every other job) but that was fine because the sprites are extremely small, for one dude to be doing the same but having the sprites be much more detailed would be near impossible, even if you did do all the art on the computer.
The project just seems way to over ambitious, all of it just seems like it would boil down to too much time being spent on art and then you would get burnt out on drawing the exact same character 20+ times to get a smooth walking animation and then giving up. Even with a team and many years S2HD got cancelled after only finishing one zone!
Okay maybe I explained Hand Drawn sprites and graphics. I am going to probably draw the sprites, then scan them. Than use them as a baseline, then heavilly modifiy them. Also, the reason Sonic 2 HD was cancelled, l0st screwed the team over by causing a bunch of lousy problems (Virus concerns due to faulty programing, DMR that shouldn't be there, Focusing on unimprotant things. You get the point) and if you don't think hand drawn sprites will work, I have the choice of a tablet or pixel by pixel, but were talking about HD. And also, who said this was going to take off? Just a concept, thought it would be neat, but I have some concept art to share. And if it takes off, many many years will be spendt in development, possibly longer than the original development of Cave story 1. And sorry for being a noob, I just thought it would be neat to share with the community. Also, i can use computers if you truly want (no tablet), keep in mind I have little experince with using the computer. I like the skeleton idea
EnlightenedOne said:
Let me just say this...
A giant project worked on by one guy and some other guy who might use his C/C++, and you expect to finish it without it canceling like your sonic HD did.
I'd be less surprised if pixel revealed a sequel ready for release by this month.
This. Won't. Work. (At least not how your describing it.)
Not 1 Guy.
I came to you guys, the Cave story fourms Community for your thoughts on this idea, and if it takes off your help.
I know a friend who has a understanding of C++ and Unity, and I have you guys.
If this project takes off, I will probably come to you guys for help and opinions.
The reason I mentioned hand drawing was cause, well, I may need help making Sonic 2 HD style Character sprites for Cave Story NPCs (and quote

) and maybe if I want this project to get started, I have more important things (Engine, for starters, but the engine will probably be based on a currently existing Engine, not necessarily a cave story related engine, Not the original engine or NXengine. Im sorry.
Is anyone on board, dosen't anyone have anything postitive, I am a young Energetic 13 Year-old, fresh with ideas
also, the reason I bought 2D animation for the sprites was SOMEONE here suggested it. I am also a little disapointed now, feeling sad. I am sorry for wasting your time, or I am probablly making you laugh cause of how stupid I am, I am very sad right now. I am sorry CS Fourms.