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Search results

  1. U

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    About the Sword. Perhaps you noticed that the entrance to Genesis: Earth is not the furthest right you can go in Genesis: Sky. It just takes a leap of faith.
  2. U

    Thoughts about red flower transformation *spoilers*

    That, and after the first core battle, Misery tells you that the Core is what keeps the island afloat.
  3. U

    Thoughts about red flower transformation *spoilers*

    Actually, only the Demon Crown would come back. The Core is separate from Ballos, but links to his power. The Demon Crown is Ballos' power made manifest. The only ones who knew of Ballos' existence were Jenka (who doesn't want to kill her brother), Misery (who is bound by the Demon Crown)...
  4. U

    Secrets behind characters?

    Actually, Pixel finished Cave Story in 2004, and had started it five years before that. (1999) Full Metal Alchemist STARTED airing in 2003, so there's not much of an overlap. Misery probably isn't based on Full Metal Alchemist unless Pixel was a fan of the manga.
  5. U

    A few questions about Cave Story projects...

    I think that the Sky Dragons were created during the war 10 years ago. The men sent to oversee the invasion got trapped, and used genetic engineering to create the sky dragons as a means of escape. Do you notice how the entire egg corridor seems kind of out of place with the rest of the island?
  6. U

    Thoughts about red flower transformation *spoilers*

    Here's my take on it: When Misery made the Demon Crown, Jenka knew that men would come, seeking its power. In order to protect the world from the Demon Crown, Jenka created the Core, to harness Ballos' magic and give the island flight. Eventually, as the men of the surface world began...
  7. U

    Event Words!

    According to SeriousFace, you can use letters in <FL+ and <FLJ as well. For anyone who's worried about their flags conflicting with the original cavestory's, this should come in very handy.
  8. U

    Import Own Orgs And Maybe Sue's Workshop Boss Error Fix!!!

    He's trying to fix a doukutsu.exe that's been modified by Sue's Workshop, not one that's had an org imported.
  9. U

    HOWTO: Add a teleporter option

    I was fiddling around with stuff last night, and I found that it's possible to add teleporter icons to StageImage.pbm, and use them in game. The first space to the right of plantation can be accessed via <PS+0006 And there is already room for two more icons without expanding the file. Here's a...
  10. U

    A few questions about Cave Story projects...

    The dialogue gave me the general impression that Quote (and Curly) awoke at the moment that the doctor donned the Demon Crown.
  11. U

    Fun with Doukutsu mini-hack

    That's some cool stuff. SNP looks totally awesome.
  12. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    Funny. Jumping is how I got down safe... I think I held down and left.
  13. U

    Want to play my edited game?

    You have to jump and line yourself up with the hole AND hold left once you've got in it. By jumping first, you're moving downward faster when the press starts to move. It's pretty hard to do, though.
  14. U

    Event Words!

    That's really, really cool, and I can see it really helping for some people.
  15. U

    TSC notes, flag list

    Well, when I tested FMU with a parameter, it didn't break the script, or even give me the text-appearing sound that happens when a script encounters unexpected text. But yeah, I couldn't actually make it silence the music completely.
  16. U

    New editor in development

    Named sprites are configured in npc.ini so that users can add their own as they are discovered.
  17. U

    TSC notes, flag list

    I was actually exploring some of the TSC stuff a while back. Here's what I found that you haven't covered so far. <CMPx:y:z Change Map Piece Change map tile X:Y to Z <CNPx:y:z Change eNtity Piece Change entity X to type Y with flags Z (flags that effect how the entity triggers...
  18. U

    Trying to make own weapons

    The only way to find out is with trial and error. Noone's found it and shared yet. If you do find it, you get the honor and distinction of being the first But always keep a backup of the original when hexediting an exe.
  19. U

    Is it Possible to trick the game into thinking MP3 as an Org?

    1) You don't need a hex editor to change the extension. 2) Changing the extension is worthless unless there aren't any differences between formats. MP3 and ORG are completely different formats of audio file. If you want an MP3 in your game, you would have to remake that MP3 in OrgMaker, (which...
  20. U

    Sue's Workshop boss glitch & Info about TSC tags

    Problem is there's a table of maps stored in the EXE, and miza doesn't write to it. So, while you can make new maps with Miza, you can't get them to work in the game with Miza. You can with Sue's Workshop, but if you change any of the map properties (sprite sheet, tileset, map size), or add any...
  21. U

    Sue's Workshop boss glitch & Info about TSC tags

    In the fight with Iron Head, you can move backwards. You just can't FACE backwards. When you move backwards in the fight with Iron Head, it Looks like you're still moving forward, but slower, because the background and foreground are all moving to make it look like you're rushing forward. Where...
  22. U

    Sue's Workshop boss glitch & Info about TSC tags

    No, the values for UNI are not directions. I have done extensive testing with this. UNI0001 turns zero-g on and locks the view window. UNI0002-UNI9999 locks all player movement. UNI0000 turns it off. It does not change directions. If you're facing left before UNI0001, you will still face left...
  23. U

    Sue's Workshop boss glitch & Info about TSC tags

    Well, yeah, you need some flags to make them only work once per touch but you only need two, and you alternate. example: #1000 <FLJ5000:1002<FL+5000<FL-5001<FOM<END #1001 <FLJ5001:1002<FL+5001<FL-5000<FOM<END #1002 <END Without that kind of flag jumping, exactly what you described would happen...
  24. U

    Sue's Workshop boss glitch & Info about TSC tags

    Well, I haven't tried all possible values for <UNI, but 0002 and 9999 do the same thing. (lock movement entirely). It looks like <UNI was very specifically designed for the fight with Ironhead. you could make the screen scroll with a bunch of on hit triggers that just do <FOM, though.
  25. U

    Sue's Workshop boss glitch & Info about TSC tags

    No, you've got UNI wrong, I did some testing. <UNI0001 locks the player's facing direction (left or right only), locks the screen scroll and lets him move freely (zero G). <UNI0002 locks the player's movement completely, but he can still shoot. <UNI0000 unlocks. (at least after UNI0001) Edit...