Uh oh... my eye has fixed upon this thread...
zemyla said:
Now then, to the real topic. When Toroko is transformed by the red flowers, and then defeated, she disappears. However, when Sue and Misery are transformed by the Doctor's red crystal-enchance presence, they change back after the Doctor is defeated. Is it because the Doctor's transforming them was a "secondary" change, or because the red flower effects were undone when the Demon Crown was destroyed?
is there a key detail we're missing?
Here's the quote from the game...
Kazuma pauses.
Kazuma: You know, there's one other way one might return the Mimigas to their natural state.
Kazuma: You could destroy the island's core.
Kazuma: If you did that, however, the island would most likely crumble.
Kazuma: A dangerous choice, no?
When Toroko was killed the Core was still fully alive.
But, IF you took out Sue and Misery, it was just before destroying the Core... Which in turn released them from the effects of the red flower/crystal.
or because the red flower effects were undone when the Demon Crown was destroyed?
It had nothing to do with the Demon Crown... As long as Ballos is sealed, the crown keeps coming back.
Daimera said:
Well, given the nature of the transformation, it wasn't really like the actual red flower transforms... or Sue would have turned into a ravenous beast instead of a sort of were-mimiga thing, and Misery....er... That thing still confuses me.
Misery, the Doctor and even Sue were actually human.
The flowers themselves could have had a number of other magical 'impurities' that resulted in the eventual death of Mimigas dosed on them.
Remember Igor? Because, the Doctor had not found the red flower at the point you find Igor, means that he ate a red flower at some point before. [which I'd like to say from the 10 year ago war] Even if it is more recent; I doubt the flowers kill the Mimiga; although it seems to be a permanent transformation [minus the Core being destroyed]
wppwah said:
Also, remember what happens to the Doctor after you beat his second (crazy) form? He doesn't disappear and die like Toroko does. His body is destroyed, but his consciousness is thriving, insomuch that he can use his uncanny powers to transform Misery/Sue to nightmarish enemies and control the Core. Then when you defeat the core, you finally defeat his consciousness for good, and Misery and Sue are released from his grip. That's how I see it, anyway.
If the source that keeps the Mimigas transformed [the Core]; using my theory [stated below] I could question if it was simply the Red Crystal that gave the Doctor the power to live after dying off; The Undead Core as it is called; probably was corrupted by the Doctor when he initially "saved" it. I wonder if he could have possessed a normal healthy Core? So I think if the Core is supposed to keep the source [Ballos] and the power seperated; the Doctor which became part of the power; took conciousness; and a body with the Core. ...
I guess the most I can say definitely is it's probably not so simple lol
Mr Johnson said:
Could it be that, the flowers are ingested ( the mimigas have to eat them ) but the crystal makes its changes externally? Since the flower-transformation is started internally, you may have to kill a mimiga all the way to stop it. But since the crystal makes the transformation externally, might one need only to knock a transformed mimiga out? Thus shattering the mental grip on the mimiga (the loss of reason) which could allow for the physical transformation to reverse?
I'd have to go with the Core being destroyed theory. The crystals effects are probably even more potent then the flower's.
Also remember when defeating Igor, you didn't kill him all the way [his body remained and was gone till the end of the game at the Balcony] But, the fact he changed back for a short time; is quite intriuging... That would mean; perhaps if you are strong enough; the flower would regenerate you; and then you'd become the monster again...
eXodus said:
I thought what the Doctor exhibited was the Red Crystal drawing out the powers hidden in the Demon Crown. As we all know, the Demon Crown will reform itself as long as Ballos lives. The Red Crystal probably passed an enhanced form of this power to the one wearing the crown, enabling him to partially reform enough to exist within the Red Crystal. Everything he did then was due to spreading the red powder - and fragments of his conciousness - to other beings.
That does bring up a point, what were the Demon Crown's actual powers? Levitation/Teleporting? we know. Controlling Misery and Balrog... but what else? Are we overlooking the obvious? Why was it called the Demon Crown... and in the statue room the first two Creatures... [demons?] that donned the crown... Was the crown created to control Demons? Except Ballos made it control her instead and gave it to the demon??? ...
Django said:
Though that raises another question. Why does King have red eyes?
The answer lies in the past! When I finish up my story for the 10 years earlier [and maybe the game!]
genius314 said:
And if the doctor could come back after dying, how come he can't just come back after you defeat the core?
And at the end, the dog says Ballos can't be killed. How do you kill him then? It doesn't make sense.
Using my theory, the Core kept the power [red flower/crystal] from returning to the source... So becoming the power he became... immortal, somewhat; by controlling the Core he had a body. But once the Core was defeated the power being returned; the Doctor probably became part of Ballos [and hte many dead there];
Oh and the dog at the end says
“Please kill my master. That is the only way Misery can be freed…
…The only way to avoid repetition of this tragedy.
My master’s name is Ballos.
His magic powers have gone wild, and now he cannot even die.”
I imagine the dog meant by natural causes, such as time. Ballos simply will live on forever; unless someone can defeat his evil power...
[and then of course when all is said and done, the dead probably drag him to hell or something (from the very end quotes)]
Django said:
Maybe Ballos couldn't be killed when he didn't want to die. But if he does want to die he is possible to kill.
That couldn't hurt; although I'm sure Ballos probably wanted to die a long time ago; part of him anyways. I wonder if even Jenka could have done it; if she had wanted to kill him...
Okay and this last part is something I originally wrote when responding about Toroko

going to leave it in here since I wrote it "
Okay~ this is for everyone
First off, Toroko a real Mimiga was forced to eat an unknown amount of flowers by Balrog. Which she almost immediately transformed from... also you have to take in account Mimigas are probably pretty fragile creatures; and Toroko was just a child.
The flower + being gunned down probably killed her. She perma-deathed (dust cloud death) after being defeated...
Evil, bad Quote gunned the poor child down [no other choice... I know I tried everything!]..... and that was all her poor body could take [notice how giant she transformed... BAlrog probably gave her a bunch of flower; the only other Mimiga we know that transformed like this was Igor; And I have some serious questions about Igor; if the Doctor didn't know about the flowers, that means Igor was transformed at some earlier point in the timeline... Er, in any case we know Igor probably had about the same amount of flowers as Toroko; And we know how much reason he had left... some, not much... (he didn't kill Sue); I still blame Quote for killing Toroko, and Balrog! blargh! [of course the Doctor gets his though. ...]
Uh back on track;
Now you ask why didn't Sue and Misery die? and/or why are they different when they transform?
First off, Sue is Human [although magically transformed by Misery]; and Misery well... I think she's human lol
Second the flowers probably don't really affect humans much;
But the Crystal which was made by extracting the stuff from the flowers; is strong enough to affect humans and the Doctor. He said something about figuring out how to get rid of the effects that make you lose your sanity.. Which is probably true up to a point; once the Doctor was practically killed; his body ravaged; he couldn't control the crystal anymore; and became something else.
The crystal was probably mostly used up on the Doctor but the remaining was used on Sue and Misery. And" here you start at the top of the post again lol