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TSC notes, flag list

Apr 13, 2006 at 6:14 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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TSC notes, flag list, profile.dat

Hi, I'm the author of the TSC commands doc that everyone's been using. I had stopped working on it because no one seemed interested, so I'm glad to see Doukutsu hacking is finally going somewhere. I updated the TSC notes based on what was found here and an e-mail I got about unused commands found in the code. I also cleaned up my notes on the event flags used in the game:



List of profile.dat bytes:
Apr 13, 2006 at 5:27 PM
Been here way too long...
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Does the tsc column on the second link mean what flag id everything uses and what they mean?!

If so, I love you and thats the most helpful thing I've ever seen.
While editing I have always feared one of my new flags would screw something else later. This is so rediculously helpful thanks alot!

Do you mind if I post these elsewhere?
Apr 13, 2006 at 7:38 PM
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did you figure out what <CSS, <SSS, <CPS, & <SPS stand for from me?

If you did you should also include my translations for <SMC, & <HMC, & <NCJ

& in my opinion cease sounds better than clear
Apr 13, 2006 at 8:20 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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SeriousFace said:
Do you mind if I post these elsewhere?
Sure, as long as the header (name, website, email) is on there.

caveoholic! said:
If you did you should also include my translations for <SMC, & <HMC, & <NCJ
If you mean extending the abbreviations, I'm not sure SMC and HMC affect "my character" as well as the status bars. If it's confirmed I'll go with that. NCJ seems to be "eNtity [something] Jump", but whether it's the entity changing or being destroyed or if it only works on killable enemies needs to be looked into. I want the descriptions to be as accurate as possible so people know what they can and can't do with it.
Apr 14, 2006 at 12:17 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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SeriousFace said:
Where in the game is <ECJ used?
It isn't, that's one of the unused commands.
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:12 AM
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Kapow said:
Sure, as long as the header (name, website, email) is on there.

If you mean extending the abbreviations, I'm not sure SMC and HMC affect "my character" as well as the status bars. If it's confirmed I'll go with that. NCJ seems to be "eNtity [something] Jump", but whether it's the entity changing or being destroyed or if it only works on killable enemies needs to be looked into. I want the descriptions to be as accurate as possible so people know what they can and can't do with it.

I know exactly what it does <NCJx:y means NpC Jump & it's used as jump to event y if sprite X exists

<HMC hides your character i've tested it myself likewise <SMC obviously show's my character
Apr 14, 2006 at 1:26 AM
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Kapow said:
It isn't, that's one of the unused commands.

If it isin't used in the game ten how do you even know it exists?
Apr 14, 2006 at 7:49 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I was actually exploring some of the TSC stuff a while back. Here's what I found that you haven't covered so far.

<CMPx:y:z     Change Map Piece      Change map tile X:Y to Z
<CNPx:y:z     Change eNtity Piece   Change entity X to type Y with flags Z (flags that effect how the entity triggers events are ignored in Z.)
<FMUx        Fade MUsic             Fade the music out to volume level x. Defaults to 0000 (silence)
<LDP         LoaD Profile           [used when retrying - loads saved game?]
<MNPx:y:z:w   Move eNtity Piece       Move entity X to coords Y:Z [is W animation to jump to?]
<MYBx        MY Bounce              [make you jump a little to the side - 0000 is right?  are they opposite?]
<NCJx:y      eNtity Control Jump    Jump to event Y if sprite X is on the map.
<SMPx:y       [?]                    [only used before and after the fight with omega - moves sunstones?]
<SSSx        Start Stream Sound     Makes the river sound start. X is speed, defaults to 9999 (very very fast)
<STC          [STop Clock?]          [stop the nikumaru counter?]
<SVP         SaVe Profile           Save game
<TAMx:y:z    Trade ArMs             Trade weapon X for weapon Y with max ammo Z (0000 keeps the same amount of max ammo)
<UNIx         [?]                    Zero-G movement + locks camera (disabling <FOx commands), 0001 enables, 0000 disables, 0002-9999 lock out all movement except for firing and swapping weapons.
Apr 14, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Major update, was playing around with Sue's Workshop and tested a lot of commands.

caveoholic! said:
I know exactly what it does <NCJx:y means NpC Jump & it's used as jump to event y if sprite X exists

<HMC hides your character i've tested it myself likewise <SMC obviously show's my character
That N seems to be the same as ANP, CNP, DNP, FON, etc. There shouldn't be both NpC and NPc, and besides, I don't think a table counts as a "non-player character". "Entity Piece" doesn't sound right either, I'm still holding off on this.

Anyway, all of the descriptions are correct, thank you.

caveoholic! said:
If it isin't used in the game ten how do you even know it exists?
Like I said, someone was looking into the code with a disassembler and sent me an email about unused commands they found. I discovered that any invalid command brings up an error message showing the command, so that let me confirm that most of the ones he mentioned are real commands.

<LDP         LoaD Profile           [used when retrying - loads saved game?]
<NCJx:y      eNtity Control Jump    Jump to event Y if sprite X is on the map.
<SVP         SaVe Profile           Save game
<SSSx        Start Stream Sound     Makes the river sound start. X is speed, defaults to 9999 (very very fast)
<TAMx:y:z    Trade ArMs             Trade weapon X for weapon Y with max ammo Z (0000 keeps the same amount of max ammo)
<UNIx         [?]                    Zero-G movement + locks camera (disabling <FOx commands), 0001 enables, 0000 disables, 0002-9999 lock out all movement except for firing and swapping weapons.
<CNPx:y:z     Change eNtity Piece   Change entity X to type Y with flags Z (flags that effect how the entity triggers events are ignored in Z.)
All correct. I almost missed that CNP changes the entity flags as well as the direction, I'll look into that next.

<MNPx:y:z:w   Move eNtity Piece       Move entity X to coords Y:Z [is W animation to jump to?]
The last value is used in the game for direction, but it might be able to change flags like CNP as well. Also needs testing.

<STC          [STop Clock?]          [stop the nikumaru counter?]
That pointed me in the right direction - it actually saves the current time counted to the 290.rec file. "<EQ-0256" stops the counter.

<FMUx        Fade MUsic             Fade the music out to volume level x. Defaults to 0000 (silence)
FMU is definitely a zero-parameter command. I had it wrong though, it fades the music to a low level and then "<CMU0000" silences it.

<SMPx:y       [?]                    [only used before and after the fight with omega - moves sunstones?]
No, the sunstones are moved with ANP when you hit the v-trigger near them. Still can't figure out what that one is.
Apr 14, 2006 at 4:58 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Kapow said:
<FMUx        Fade MUsic             Fade the music out to volume level x. Defaults to 0000 (silence)
FMU is definitely a zero-parameter command. I had it wrong though, it fades the music to a low level and then "<CMU0000" silences it.

Well, when I tested FMU with a parameter, it didn't break the script, or even give me the text-appearing sound that happens when a script encounters unexpected text. But yeah, I couldn't actually make it silence the music completely.
Apr 14, 2006 at 9:38 PM
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Very Kewl, Kapow!
First I didn't think, anyone update the commands...