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Is it Possible to trick the game into thinking MP3 as an Org?

Apr 1, 2006 at 11:03 PM
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Well, with HEX editors, you can change the file extension, I was wondering, do you think we could fool the game into believing that an MP3 is an Org?
Apr 2, 2006 at 6:52 PM
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1) You don't need a hex editor to change the extension.
2) Changing the extension is worthless unless there aren't any differences between formats.

MP3 and ORG are completely different formats of audio file. If you want an MP3 in your game, you would have to remake that MP3 in OrgMaker, (which would require a decent knowledge of music theory) and import that, because the game cannot read MP3s.
Dec 8, 2008 at 5:28 PM
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Yeah, I want to use "Still Alive" in the credits. How would I do it?
Dec 8, 2008 at 5:32 PM
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Um... I don't know whether the post above yours, but they are totally incompatible file formats. As I understand it, ORG works like MIDI, encoding music rather than sound. MP3, however, is an audio format. So you would have to make an ORG of the song you want to use. It's the only way.

And yes, that means it is impossible to have vocal tracks in the Cave Story music.

Oh, and this is a 2 year old thread. :D
Dec 8, 2008 at 8:56 PM
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Also, this is rather easy. Just open your game with a hex editor, search fdor ORG and change it into MP3. Then use resource hacker to put your MP3 files into the game. ORG music will no longer play.

Also, if you want to mute all the music, just replace this string with all zeros to null the music.
Dec 8, 2008 at 9:29 PM
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Lace said:
Also, this is rather easy. Just open your game with a hex editor, search fdor ORG and change it into MP3. Then use resource hacker to put your MP3 files into the game. ORG music will no longer play.

That won't work.
Dec 8, 2008 at 9:36 PM
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Agreed, because of the different format of ORG and MP3!!!
Dec 9, 2008 at 12:22 AM
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It does work cause I've done it before.
and I know org and mp3 are different formats. No duh. what that tiny little bit of hex is doing is telling the computer to read mmp3 instead of org.

wait - that would requirde more than just a name change.
phooey, i was positive I've done it before. Ah well

Plus, why would you ever want to do this?
Dec 9, 2008 at 12:32 AM
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You could always replace certain notes with audio samples. But you would need to remove those notes from all other tracks, and unless you want your game files to be massive, I would recommend that you mix both normal notes and audio samples (like what they did with the opening theme for the snes version of "Tales of Phantasia").

Also, the samples are not in mp3 format, but they are a similar format at least, so they may lack in the compression department, but I haven't tested this.

I could attempt importing an mp3. What song are you after? Also is there a note that isn't used in any of the cave story songs (or not very often)? I will probably need it.

To answer your question though, yes, it should be possible.
Dec 9, 2008 at 11:05 PM
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The most obvious way to use mp3 files in mods would be to hack the part of the exe code where the org data is interpreted and outputted as sound and rewrite it so that it interprets mp3 data instead of org data, but that would be ridiculously difficult.

What andwhy is suggesting is that for each org voice, there is some raw sound data in the cave story exe somewhere for what that voice sounds like. If you could replace that data with the audio data from your mp3, and then use resource hacker to put in an org file containing a single note held for the duration of your mp3 file at whatever pitch the pitch of the audio data in the exe represents (probably either middle C or A-440), then the file would still technically be in org format, but it would play the audio sample that you want rather than the standard org audio samples. Also, andwhy, my guess is that the exe does not contain an audio sample for every single note possible in organya (that would use a lot of memory), they probably just have one audio sample for each voice at a certain pitch (like I said before, probably C or A). In other words, you probably shouldn't be looking for a note that is never used in cave story, you should look for a voice that is never used.

What Lace is suggesting is that you change the file extensions on your org files to mp3, and hack the exe so it accepts mp3 files rather than org files. This would probably work, except that it wouldn't accomplish the goal of using mp3 data in cave story. The sounds produced would be organya sounds. The org data would still be org data, and would be interpreted as such, it would just be named differently.
Dec 10, 2008 at 5:02 AM
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The reason it's not possible, is the nature of the two formats. Org is like sheet music, that's why it's editable. The game reads the notes that the file is composed of, and translates them into the sequenced beeps and blips that make up the music in Cave Story. MP3s, on the other hand, are the sound levels and stuff themselves recorded, this makes MP3s more real sounding, but harder to edit. Cave Story is programed to be able to decode Org files, not MP3, just like how you can't listen to Orgs in WMP.

In short, unless you wanna edit the game engine itself, it's not possible.
Dec 10, 2008 at 6:05 AM
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wedge of cheese said:
What andwhy is suggesting is that for each org voice, there is some raw sound data in the cave story exe somewhere for what that voice sounds like. If you could replace that data with the audio data from your mp3, and then use resource hacker to put in an org file containing a single note held for the duration of your mp3 file at whatever pitch the pitch of the audio data in the exe represents (probably either middle C or A-440), then the file would still technically be in org format, but it would play the audio sample that you want rather than the standard org audio samples. Also, andwhy, my guess is that the exe does not contain an audio sample for every single note possible in organya (that would use a lot of memory), they probably just have one audio sample for each voice at a certain pitch (like I said before, probably C or A). In other words, you probably shouldn't be looking for a note that is never used in cave story, you should look for a voice that is never used.
Sorry I meant "audio samples" or "instruments" (is that term correct?) when I said "notes". Although I have fully checked out the org file format, that does not mean that I am familiar with musical terminology. And yes I already knew that the audio samples do not include pitch variations.

You could always replace the audio samples for certain instruments with mp3 audio converted into whatever format is used by organya audio samples. But you would need to remove or replace all notes that use these audio samples from all other tracks. Also, unless you want your game files to be massive, I would recommend that you mix both normal notes and your embedded audio (like what they did with the opening theme for the snes version of "Tales of Phantasia").

Note:The samples are not in mp3 format, but they are a similar format at least, so they may lack in the compression department, but I haven't tested this.

I could attempt importing an mp3. What song are you after? Also is there an instument that isn't used in any of the cave story songs (or not very often)? I will probably need it.

To answer your question though, yes, it should be possible.
Dec 10, 2008 at 4:00 PM
graters gonna grate
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Ok, thanks for clarifying, when you said "notes" I thought you meant "pitches" rather than "instruments" or "voices".
Dec 13, 2008 at 4:36 PM
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Lace said:
Also, this is rather easy. Just open your game with a hex editor, search fdor ORG and change it into MP3. Then use resource hacker to put your MP3 files into the game. ORG music will no longer play.

Also, if you want to mute all the music, just replace this string with all zeros to null the music.

What? I used search instead of just creating a new thread!
Dec 13, 2008 at 11:01 PM
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Yeah, you did. And it seems you didn't bother to read what Upthorn posted. That is, it's not possible.

Okay, so there is a hack that Andwhyisit is talking about that may work. But that's a hack, and even that probably wouldn't allow mp3 files (more likely wav or aif).