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  • This status update has been redacted by the National Spaghetti Association.
    Shoot, it's like there everywhere nowadays.
    Clearly the Fire Nation is invading yet again...
    Wow, that's great to hear! See, the world isn't a terrible place after all!
    I agree with X, just in case. I expect it's possible for people to put fishing programs (or whatever the proper term is) on there. I'd advise against using it to make currency transactions and such. Actually, if it were me, I'd back up all my files by putting them on my PC, I'd scan those files on my PC, wipe/reset my phone, then put the files back on the phone. But I'm a very overcautious person. But I'm that way because I've learned that a good number of horrible and total tools exist in the world, so yeah.

    But YAY! ^^
    Well, I'm rebuilding things now.
    I have a lot of large posts to make, lost replies I have to address, promises to keep, many miles to go before I shut up and start living as I once did.

    Thank you for all your support, everyone. I know I'm a bit of a bluh at times but I really do appreciate it. :3

    I have so many things I must do, it's tempting to just hit a reset button somewhere. It definitely doesn't help that I keep making giant posts, only for the browser to force close unexpectedly/crash/delete the tab/kill things by accident. This happens with INFURIATING regularity. (I'm definitelystarting to learnthe virtues of writing up the post or comment in Writer/Notes and then copypastaing it, I'm writing this status in Notes right now because Safari just exited for no reason and made me lose all of the work on a reply to the depressing status I made below, and it's way too late to do it again. >_>)

    Still, even though it's tempting to give up, I have lots of time ahead of me. I'll just do things one-by-one until I'm good. Even with larger issues, like the whole "god Polaris don't promise to help with things, you're too lazy and unreliable even if you mean well and you're just going to make yourself sadface when you don't come through" thing I thought about recently, I can only keep trying to improve. I'm no paragon of humanity but I can always keep striving to make myself better. ^_^

    So yeah. Thank you all (yes, that includes you in the back who didn't do anything because why not)! I think I've found something I lost. c:
    I don't really know what all is going on, but I know that I have had a bad habit of taking on too many projects, and helping others with their own projects, and then I take on so much that I never really get anywhere with my dream projects and I end up getting a bit stressed and down on life about it. Recently, I decided I've had enough of this and so I started to think of a way to get myself moving forward, and I have been. I've had to turn down 3 people asking for help with Zelda games and one person for one other project, and I felt really bad about it, but I just realized I can't do everything, and I can't make any Cave Story fan game or anything when I take on so much. So yeah, too much stuff to do in life can be pretty weighty. If there is some way to make it easier on yourself, you should take that route. Take care of yourself.

    I'm also one to want to help out other people with projects, and I beat myself up when I have to back out, and even when I do help out, I usually still feel bad because I think about how I could've done even better. It's stupid, because the people I help are always grateful, yet I still end up feeling like I didn't do enough. But maybe you aren't the same way. It's kind of a weird personal problem of mine. It's like a curse and a gift, because it makes me strive for quality and excellence, but it usually gets me depressed and sucks my energy away. So I hope you aren't like me in that regard. But I'm doing a lot better with that these recent days, actually getting things done.

    So whatever the stuff is, take a little time to think of the best way to do what NEEDS to be done and decide if there are any things you need to either drop completely or at least simplify to make it easier to accomplish/complete. And think about how things affect you: what hinders you and what motivates you, then think of ways to avoid hindrances and get as much motivation as you possibly can.

    Not sure if anything I said was helpful or not, but I hope that you can be successful and efficient in whatever you need to do, and without the sadface.
    Oh, right, you weren't here when it happened...

    Basically I died all over the place and left for a week, that's all.

    Though you might not think so, that's actually the way I am as well. Except I get the "curse" part of it more because my fear of not being able to do people justice often stops me from trying too hard at all. :/

    I'm dumb like that, I suppose.

    But anyway... I'll take your advice into consideration! <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
    Taking care of yourself...I've learned recently that that's more important than I ever gave it credit for.

    Thanks! :3
    You actually remind me of that Gardevoir from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team.
    Anything can happen~

    No, seriously, you really remind me of her. No idea why, but you do. Maybe it's just my imagination.

    We will see if you appear in my dream, heh.
    I sincerely doubt it, but odder things have happened.
    Life is surely full of odd things.
    Hey Polar. You're constantly chasing my postcount, making me want to be more active. Thank you!
    I tend to be active, and it's kind of good if I am, right..?

    And yeah, postcount somewhat matters for me...
    Ah. Well, you have a somewhat respectable one, for what it's worth! Keep at it. ;3
    I try to look at the post count as somewhat of a novelty... But I won't deny that I clap in joy every time I move up the list of top posters.
    When life gets sucky, it gets sucky <em class='bbc'>fast</em>.
    Or, it might not have been a "suck it up" sort of suggestion, but to let you know that you're not alone here. Many of us will feel the same at some point in our lives. Hats off to those who can remain optimistic through tough times. But there are some of us that can't; I know because I'm one of those people.
    I did typed my idea wrongly, i seriously apologize if any-one got offended.
    Well, after reading Polaris' update real careful i got in reasoning and started thinking about what i typed was not productive in any reason, apart from that and reading Wild Desu's reply i really thing that you have all the right to be sad, maybe your Nice period in life has ended, but you can start a new Nice period! You have all (almost?) the support of people in here, you can do it, Polaris.

    We have all the right to be sad, and don't say nobody cares, i just meet you and i do care because you are friendly to me and almost anyone in here, every-one has its sad periods of life, but everyone can get up and fight those hard moments, you have all my support.

    You don't have to suck it up, express it!

    "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
    -Helen Keller.
    I really hope everything turns out okay. When life gets sucky, it gets sucky fast. But when life gets better, it gets better fast.
    I didn't do anything at all for Halloween this year...not even making a neat new avatar or anything. That's ultimate weaksauce. D:
    Chocolate is the best. I don't like the artificially fruity stuff (such as Starburst) nearly as much as chocolate-related candies.
    I agree tpcool. I surprisingly went through all my chocolate in two days. I lost a tooth a week later...
    The only chocolate I absolutely love is Ferrero Rocher. Most chocolate is good, but I could survive on that stuff. £°
    Okay, so I have 164 gallery images now, not including the Special Album. I meant to make this update back when I had 151, but really, whatevs. Everyone knows my Gallery is gigantibru at this point, that's not what I came for. Rather, after a hard morning's work of uploading and stuff and then reviewing the pictures to make sure they were all okay, I left the phone and came back later. On my return to the forums, I saw that one of the recent images had one more view on it that I had not caused myself. The knowledge that one person had bothered to see it made me happy and gave me enough morale to last me at least a year, but it also made me curious. So I just gotta ask:does anyone here actually bother looking through some of the pictures? If so, how often, and what do you look at? Any particular type of image that catches your fancy, or do you just not care, or do you have an active distaste of the Gallery? Of course, you don't have to anwer all or any of these questions. I doubt anyone actively checks the Gallery or anything, and I'm not really going to change my uploading style or frequency because of sonething said, but it'd be interesting to hear what you think about it.
    Yeah. It's only been a little more than a week, after all...
    Quick update.

    I still don't have my phone back, but I've realized something that gives me more hope on the subject of my Gallery.

    Namely, I've forgotten what the images I had are.

    You'd think this is a bad thing, but it's a blessing in disguise. If I don't know what I lost, it's much easier to start anew. I've already recovered Soft Landing and uploaded it, and I have a few other pictures downloaded too. This, combined with X-Calibar's precious links, gives me a good chance of bouncing back.

    The only real obstacle right now is method. You'd think the Ipad would be great at this, with its reliability, storage and fast browsing, but nope, Apple is stupid and makes every image you download "image.jpg". And I just CANNOT work like that.

    So I'll have to rely on my less steady Ascend, but I think I'll be okay. Just have to be steadier and more careful than before.

    So yeah, that's all. Just in case anyone wanted to know. c:
    As I'm reading this, library comes to my mind...
    I always use the computer in library to do important things, like downloading, uploading...
    It's not so much the slipping of time or its inexorable flowing that troubles me. I accepted that I'll never be able to stop it a long time ago...or at least, I'm pretty sure I did.

    No, what kind of terrifies me is how its waters erode and twist. When you aren't looking...I wish I could find an island, or grab onto some sort of raft, to be safe from the waters...but I know that's never going to happen either, no matter what my small hope is. I can only keep my things close to my chest, or else...
    Dr. Time is scary too
    Sue Sockymodo
    Sue Sockymodo
    Basically how I feel every day
    After digging a little bit in this website i found out i did a comment about you being a transexual pervert or something, I WAS NOT ME. That day i left my computer on and bahamutty did typed that, i did talked you about the Omega Copy X. Just to aclare things.
    Ah, I see. Well, no worries. I kind of suspected as such...
    Apparently the forum are belong to me for quite a while now, but you may not have noticed since I gave it back pretty early on.
    Funny thing happened yesterday. I was on the IRC Chat on Internet Doom Explorer, and I saw the name "Gardevoir". While chatting, I noticed that this Gardevoir seemed to act like you. Weird, huh?
    Hm. So it was rather informal and stuff? I barely know what my own speech pattern is, honestly.

    Buh. It's probably just flat coincidence, but if you happen to see this person lurking about again, mind saving some of their talk?
    I'll try.
    Thank you, I appreciate it. ^_^
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