King (2.0)
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  • So I beat Enthology: Lost Chapters and it's a mod I'd recommend. It's short, and while that disappointed me initially, I'll willing to let it slide due to the sheer creativity shown in this mod (I like the intentional glitch section at the end of Chapter 3, the red flashes in Chapter 4, and the Z + Shift combo. Also, I'm going to play the post-game section now.
    Status: Taboo Zone will have lore to flesh out the area after all in the form of an NPC, who can also warp the player out of the Taboo Zone.
    Status: Working on finalizing the boss designs for the Diamond Dog's final phase and Taboo Zone's second boss. In addition, I'm also working to get the second phase fully functional (i.e death animations and both bosses having their own spritesheets).
    Status: The Balfrog issue had been dealt with, it's just a matter of getting everything else in Gun v2 finished now. In other words, thank you all for sticking with me in through this annoying issue.
    What fixed it?
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    In my previous status, I explained to RageRuner that Wayne had solved the problem of Balfrog taking no damage.
    Here's the script for reference (<FAI0003<CMU0022<DNP0300<BOA0020<WAI0001<BOA0010<WAI0001<BOA0100 <BSL0000<END)
    i assume it was the lack of <WAI between the script changes, basically meaning balfrog initializes his hitbox in either state 10 or 20, haven't exactly done my research there
    but it works now with 1 tick waits so i guess that's fine
    Status: Because the Balfrog problem still persists, I decided to take a different approach. I got Wayne to bugtest Gun v2 and I'm dealing with those bugs (and other errors).
    I found it for real:
    yes the <MSG is required
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Thank you for your help, but @Hina has already solved my problem:
    <FAI0003<CMU0022<DNP0300<BOA0020<WAI0001<BOA0010<WAI0001<BOA0100 <BSL0000<END
    glad to hear it, hope to see Gun v2 soon!

    So yeah, I've been playing Battle Spire Challenge and enjoyed it. I even obtained the bonus weapon (and enjoyed the lore associated with it). I'll be sure to keep trying until I've defeated all the bosses. (Regarding the image, I laughed after Nyan Cat killed me because of the sheer absurdity of it)
    Oh wow that brings me back. Glad you enjoyed it!
    Status: Still dealing with the Balfrog problem. (It functions normally except I can't deal damage to it.) Aside from that, still working on Diamond Dog's sprites (particularly Phase 2's).
    Well you can't have diamond dog without the annoying ohko debuff
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Nice reference. It reminds of when I played Earthbound. I actually found Carbon/Diamond Dog quite easy to take down. That aside, I hope to overcome this issue so I finish the rest of Gun v2.
    Status: Taboo Zone 2 has been finished and I might consider adding dialogue to flesh the area (and by extention, the Taboo) out. Aside from that, I've now got Phase 2 and Phase 3 and the Diamond Dogs to work on as well as Taboo Zone 2's boss. Once I overcome this, I'll be sure to emerge stronger than before.
    Definitely looking forward to seeing those Diamond Dogs. I seriously have no idea what boss fight it might be this time. Hopefully it'll be an interesting one.
    Status: Decided to update the teleporters/Taboo Zone's sprites. I'm also working on Taboo Zone 2's level design.
    Status: Trying to get the final phase of Diamond Dogs (i.e Balfrog's A.I) working properly. The fight functions normally except I can't damage it when it opens it's mouth (Perhaps the arena might be incorrect so I'll check.)
    Status: Taboo Zone 1 has been revamped, so it now has multiple routes to take. I'm now working on the Deep Server boss again, whose second phase has been altered.
    Good, sometimes reworking something is the best thing to do, even though it can be hard.
    Hopefully it's not yet another Monster X boss battle
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Worry not, all three phases are different this time. (It's even noted in the Gun Thread's Trivia section) .
    So until I figure out how to properly script Balfrog (i.e currently, it spawns but I can't damage it), I might consider revamping the Taboo Zone. Honestly, the new level concepts I did for it are far better.
    you need to do <BOA0020(<WAIXXXX if you want)<BOA0010<BOA0100<BSL0000 (<BOA0020 would be it with its mouth open if you want that animation) I don't know why but some bosses you need an animation to start the fight (like the Core for example) but do not (seriously do not) take my word for it, and check this with somebody else, because I'm unsure if this is correct
    If I ever do any future mods, I'll be sure to take inspiration from Battle Spire Challenge regarding the boss fights.
    Enlight's Carnage Clash mod would make a better inspiration
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Checked it's thread and didn't find it too inspiring. On the other hand, it did lead to me to Enthology: Lost Chapters which has proven enjoyable so far (on the third bit in the training area).
    Status: Working on the second boss fight (Diamond Dogs). After that, I'll be revamping the Taboo Zone.
    So I've gotten all the Deep Sector stages done (complete with backgrounds). It's just a matter of completing the Boss Stages and the two Taboo Zone areas which I'll be doing once I'm done with my week off.
    Status: Sector Orange is now completed. Work on Sector Green is still being done. In addition, one of the endings has been completed for the mod (and unlocks an alternate costume).
    Status: Sector Purple and Sector Orange's layouts are done, so I'm just designing Sector Green before I do Determination. In addition, these levels introduce two new enemies: Drone v2 and Diamondfish.
    Status: Sector Purple is currently under construction and will feature the electricity/fire from Sector Blue and Sector Red.
    UPDATE: Level design is complete, though it may change in future.
    I'm working on Gun v2 and I'll confirm a few things:
    • Gun v1's problems are being fixed now
    • Taboo Zone is getting a revamp in level design due to how reviled it was originally.
    • 4 new levels (Sector Purple/Sector Orange/Sector Green/Determination) will be added to Gun v2 as will the second part of Taboo Zone.
    good, these are good ideas, hopefully we'll get to see more amazing custom entity animations, and fixed old ones
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I'll need to learn how to make custom entities first before I can actually implement them. (and I have heard that custom entities can be fun to make).
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