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Search results

  1. King (2.0)

    @Mint Yes. Those expose posts I made have served their purpose so I no longer need to keep...

    @Mint Yes. Those expose posts I made have served their purpose so I no longer need to keep making them. It's now a matter of focusing on getting Gun completed now.
  2. King (2.0)

    Frequently asked modding questions thread (LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD)

    I've checked my copy of Booster's Lab and it turns out that you're correct regarding the Map Number.
  3. King (2.0)

    Now that @Cibryll has confessed to being Shane/Kim, I also need to come clean. The reason I...

    Now that @Cibryll has confessed to being Shane/Kim, I also need to come clean. The reason I joined was because I was trying to end the Vresun Conspiracy, which Cibyrll was the Mastermind of. I succeeded because the Aeonian Night finally ended as of August 1st so now we're just getting to know...
  4. King (2.0)

    @Cibryll It's wonderful to know that you've finally decided to confess. I believe that if you...

    @Cibryll It's wonderful to know that you've finally decided to confess. I believe that if you ever do return to CS Modding, you'd be great at it.
  5. King (2.0)

    With Gun v2 released, I'll now be taking the week off starting from tomorrow because it's been...

    With Gun v2 released, I'll now be taking the week off starting from tomorrow because it's been long overdue. After that, I'll be returning to work on Gun v3.
  6. Taboo-Me (Pre-Release).png

    Taboo-Me (Pre-Release).png

    Taboo-Me was originally just going to be a bigger version of Taboo-Oh before I decided that the Taboo would have an "evolution" theme to their design. In the final version of Gun v2, Taboo-Me has a more humanoid design with tendrils at the back.
  7. Diamond Dog Portraits (Pre-Release).png

    Diamond Dog Portraits (Pre-Release).png

    Both bosses had dialogue portraits that were changed in the final version of Gun v2 after the boss was redesigned. In the final version, the Diamond Dogs have 4 dialogue portraits. The first 3 for the Diamond Dogs and one for their Fusion Form.
  8. Diamond Dog Yellow (Pre-Release).png

    Diamond Dog Yellow (Pre-Release).png

    Much like his fellow Diamond Dog, DD Yellow had a set of sprites which would've implied that both dogs took a lot of damage after Phase 1 hence the wires and broken crystal. They were replaced with much better looking sprites in the final version of Gun v2.
  9. Diamond Dog Red (Pre-Release).png

    Diamond Dog Red (Pre-Release).png

    The sprites that were used for Diamond Dog Red before I changed them to be less ugly. Both bosses were supposed to have wires jutting out of their heads with sparks coming out. This was changed because I couldn't make them fit properly (both Diamond Dogs use Balrog's A.I during Phase 2).
  10. King (2.0)

    Gun v2 has finally been finished, so please go check out the official thread (if you're...

    Gun v2 has finally been finished, so please go check out the official thread (if you're interested): (https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/gun.15141/)
  11. King (2.0)

    Frequently asked modding questions thread (LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD)

    Q: How do I get those pretty little lights on the teleporter to work? A: Simple. The entity for that is Entity #23: Teleporter Lights which needs to be placed on the Teleporter entity for it to work. The numbers can be left blank. (Learnt this while looking through Shadow of the Star's scripts...
  12. King (2.0)

    So I was playing Shadow of the Stars, got to the bit where the main character logs into the...

    So I was playing Shadow of the Stars, got to the bit where the main character logs into the CSTSF just to ask Noxid what Rubidium is. I laughed and so far it's the funniest moment in the entire mod.
  13. King (2.0)

    Frequently asked modding questions thread (LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD)

    I've tried it out and you're right. It works (and is far less tedious too). Q: Which map was the intro cutscene in again and how do I change the Pixel Presents text? A: The intro cutscene is in Map 75 and the Pixel Presents can be changed by altering the map name. The rest of it is altering...
  14. King (2.0)

    Frequently asked modding questions thread (LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD)

    Q: How do I place an entity into my mod? A: Press the I button. Q: Oh no, my [insert graphic here] was supposed to be black but it's invisible. Help me? A: The in-game engine turns black graphics invisible. If you want something black in your mod, you can get around this by using slightly...
  15. King (2.0)

    @Cibryll It's going to be okay. I can absolutely understand the fear that comes with this kind...

    @Cibryll It's going to be okay. I can absolutely understand the fear that comes with this kind of thing and I'll be here to support you through it.
  16. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Thank you both for your help and now my mod has a nice custom logo to go with it.
  17. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    So it's a minor problem but I need help with the following: On Resource Hacker, I can replace the icons via right click and Replace Icon. The problem is, I don't know what the correct file format is and I've never replaced the icon before.
  18. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Thank you for your help. (I'm still learning how modding Cave Story works.)
  19. King (2.0)

    Status: Changed up one of the boss fights to make it less boring. Still working on getting the...

    Status: Changed up one of the boss fights to make it less boring. Still working on getting the teleporter animations in the Deep Sector to work properly.
  20. King (2.0)

    Recommended Mods

    My apologies for bumping this thread on such short notice, but it'd be foolish to let it go to waste. With that said, I'd recommend the following mods: Lunar Shadow (Interesting lore/great for those looking for a Castlevania styled experience. It's mostly complete, though it still has some...
  21. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    So I need to know which entities are a part of NpcStream. I intend to make it so they don't give any XP.
  22. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Thank you for the script, it'll be very helpful to me once I (try and) implement it into my own mod. I'll even go and update the ReadMe file to credit you.
  23. King (2.0)

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    So I need to know how Entity #191 (Water Level) actually works. Selenic Shadow uses a combination of that and Null Entity Manipulation, which I'm still trying to figure out.
  24. King (2.0)

    Status: After some playtesting, I've got some minor errors along with with the teleporter...

    Status: After some playtesting, I've got some minor errors along with with the teleporter scripts to deal with. I can assure you that it'll be all worth it in the end.
  25. King (2.0)

    Comment by 'King (2.0)' in media 'Kirby hats'

    Of course. Granted Rayman Redemption is a fan remake of the original game, but it's still pretty great (and has far less unfair level design choices and you actually get to fight Mr Dark.)