King (2.0)
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  • Completed Hope of Shané: Frost β. It's a shame that Shane never finished it, because it could have been one of the best CS Mods. I might use it for a future mod, though I'll probably ask Shane first.
    How do you even find all those old MODs?
    Go to the discord server Kim, King, and Shane are part of (as it's been implied)
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @Flake : Research. I know that Shane (aka T.E.D) has more on his old forums, but I can't access them because of Maintenance Mode.
    @Serri: It's true that I have a Discord, but Shane and Kim don't. For some reason, they've never taken to it and make excuses if you ask them. That and I have my suspicions regarding Shane...
    Finished Obscuro Lumen Venenum Aeris (or as finished as it'll be). It's short and unfortunately unfinished. I doubt Kim will finish it, though I may consider using it for a future mod. Time to move onto Hope of Shane...
    So the intro problem still remains, but there's a glimmer of hope. My Hub level shows up, right before the game exits out and crashes. It's probably a coding thing.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    It's a force of habit. My apologies if it annoys you.
    No need to apologize, it can be easy to mix terms up if youre not used to it, some people still call HTML a programming language.
    If you are used to saying coding thats fine but the correct term would be scripting.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Yeah, I took game design classes, but they never taught modding. Ah well, my issue might be a scripting one, which I'll need to overcome if I intend to release this mod.
    Completed Selenic Shadow v2. I'd say the challenge and level design are an improvement, though the bosses are underwhelming compared to Lunar Shadow's. The Chakram, much like LS's Misery's End is my favourite because it's so powerful. I hope Kim finishes this mod someday.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Next up, I'll be playing Hope of Shane: Frost and Obscuro Lumen Venenum Aeris. They'll be much shorter, I think and the former's got historical importance (to me at least).
    Still dealing with scripting, if I can overcome the intro screen problem, then perhaps I can go and test out my Hub Level. I've also got to learn to how deal with entities as well.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Instead of the normal intro scene, I get taken to the Outer Wall. I press X which takes me to the Title Screen and I press New Game. It then brings up the following Dialogue: "With the shield up, I can't get to No.00's room. I think one of those terminals ought to be able to lower the shield..." After that, it takes me to a blue screen where I can't do anything. I try again and it does the same thing.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I reordered some of the maps around and altered the starting map. I didn't delete anything important (except duplicates). So I'm just hoping this bug isn't a fatal one.
    Right, so I need to deal with the intro problem, so I can actually test the Hub Level. Even then, I still need to get the scripts for the first 4 levels and boss done.
    As for my mod Gun, I've gotten the Golem enemy finished. Now I've got to code the first 4 levels and the Boss level, which will be playable for Version 1. The other levels will be done at a later date.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    While I'm at it, I'm going to provide evidence that Ellen's hospital story is fake. I'm doing this for Kim's sake, so if she's reading this, I hope she doesn't take it personally.
    Bloom got info about Ellen from Ginvera (the Xion cosplayer Kim mentioned)
    Later on I pointed out how fake Ellen's story sounded.
    Weather's still crap though I've taken the week off. As such, a few changes will be present: I'll be expanding Gun's content, though v1 will still be just the first 4 levels and the War Machine. I've still got to finish off the Golem enemy and then coding.
    So far, I've gotten a cold, the weather's been crap and I haven't dreamt in a few days and that concerns me. But at least Gungrave Overdose has been good to me, since I'm currently playing it as of now.
    So a recap of what I need to do:
    - Finish Golem's sprite sheet.
    - Create files for each area's enemies
    - Learn scripting/entites/flags
    - Put newfound skills to good use
    Is Kim going to be okay? I'm worried about her.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @X-Calibar: Sorry for the double post. Text limits. Personally, I think there's something...deeper going on, and I'm unsure if Kim was involved willingly. I just hope she's okay. Some of her responses I found quite concerning. In addition, I believe that Ellen's hospital story is fake, and I'll provide proof for you.
    Thank you for answering me, I do appriciate it.
    Thanks for clarifying King. My policy in general, I don't want to pry into other people's lives unless they bring it up themselves. (Especially since I don't know the other people and they don't live locally.) But offering support is probably always welcome. So ask away Kim, if you need help, after you see this!
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I just hope Kim understands that I only want to help. Besides, it'd be a shame if she cancelled Apocalyptic Shadow Tower (which I think is extreme really) because it might be one of the best CS mods if she released it.
    So regarding the script for this area (Level 0: Hub), I'm unsure how I'm supposed to do it. Could somebody please help me?
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    I think, both? Gun's my first mod and dear lord, the scripting part and the entities and ugh. I'd really appreciate it if somebody could walk me through the scripting bit (I'll even credit you for your contributions).
    EDIT: Would it help if I gave you a screenshot of this script?
    Go ask in the quick modding questions thread
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    @DoubleThink Alright then. I only refrained from doing so, fearing that my questions would already have an answer (and finding it in a 400+ page sounds daunting).
    Two days until we won't be leaving the EU. Instead we'll be having a General Election in December instead.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    You were expecting US Politics? Too bad! Brexit Time!
    The website's administrators are Australians. Australia was a british colony, along with the US and Canada. To that effect the common element between all 3 countries is Britain, making this a British website.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    The game itself (Cave Story) was Japanese and has an English translation so it's a English/Japanese website.
    I've considered a few things for Gun: additional content in future updates, how the story will work out and the level designs.
    EDIT: Changed Level 3's colours from purple to yellow. Also still working on the Golem enemy.
    Gun Progress: Three enemies down, one more to go.
    Enemies: Drone, Roblob, Laser Plane and Golem
    BOSS: War Machine
    So once I get the enemies, all done, the programming phase will begin. After that, I'll release Gun as it and then consider if the mod itself is worth updating with additional content.
    I may have to replace one of my enemy ideas because I can't draw a wasp and I don't want to resort to just palette swapping the bug enemy. Ah well, as long it works with Level 3's water sections...
    EDIT: I'm considering re-spiriting Bute and Mesa as enemies for the last two stages.
    Two enemies for Gun down, two more to go. The final boss was already finished a while ago as were the levels. After that, programming...
    Programming and bug-fixes are often the final bosses of modding...
    Good luck.
    King (2.0)
    King (2.0)
    Thank you for the support Kim, your Lunar Shadow mod inspired me to take the modding path.
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