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  • I bet this guy has left to make amazing games :,)
    3+ years later, and I just now saw this. :,)

    Your comment really makes me wish I had an amazing game to show, but all I have to show from recent years are some jam games and various prototypes and test projects, which are all pretty far from amazing.
    If you come back someone...best wishes for this year! Happy belated birthday! c:
    ; u ; I'm so late to see this, but thank you~
    Uploading an LP of Jenn's Journey. It's not very good....
    *Ooops. I should clarify. The LP is what is not very good. The mod is very enjoyable.
    You have a voice well suited to a commentators or Let's players. We all hate our voices, so it's kinda natural that you'd hate your own, but personally I think yours is really welcoming to an audience. ^^
    Well, I'm glad you think so, Nadojin.
    Took me over 2 weeks to switch from my old PC to a new one, transferred many GBs of files. All set. This new PC is a BEAST. Loving it. 3 monitor set up, 12 cores (i7 6 hyperthreaded cores), 16 GB RAM, GTX 760 graphics card, etc. XD XD XD
    Hey! I was going to send you what had accomplished in my KH mod, although I can seem to find it on my mac, so it get it to you soon. I need beta testing.
    And nice to see you back!
    Alright, well, whenever it gets to the point where you want me to check it out, let me know and I should be able to do a little testing, and maybe even record some gameplay if I can get my recording software to record Cave Story mods well
    Okay, thanks! I do what i can. I'll get it done.
    Super late on saying this...but happy belated birthday! Hopefully I'll be on time for next year, I'm only now writing everyone's birthdays down so that I remember them. D:
    Thanks! I was also late on saying this, ha ha. Life was busy and switching computers (upgrade! yay!) took waaaay longer than expected.
    And I'm only now actually writing them down into a reminder app! -.-

    Well, at least I'm probably sure to remember now. Missing birthdays is the worst. Your computer sounds very impressive, by the way. :3
    Quite late on saying this.. but I knew that a magic door had to lead to coffee. It was either that or a triple-horned unicorn.
    CSRP3 yes please
    If nobody else does, I'm bound to try to start a CSRP3 sooner or later. <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' /> I've got some good ideas on how we could maintain a much higher quality standard as well, because I have much more knowledge than I did with CSRP2 and I can help people with common issues on using compression, proper EQ, etc. CSRP3 is simply going to have to happen.
    We should make this a thing for CS' 10th anniversary
    Ever had a dream that felt "deeper" than normal dreams? It's like it's not just sights you experience, but you feel stuff? I seriously had the most incredible experience and I can't even describe it properly, and it was a dream. Never dreamt like that before. Trying to record it as best I can in a document, but trying to explain it to someone else just seems impossible. I hope other people dream like this; such a cool experience. And, no, I wasn't on any drugs.
    Not going to be very active because I'm trying to score a job remixing K-pop for a company called Areia Creations Global Entertainment. Already talked with the CEO, he said he already saw must stuff (remixer name is "K-PawUp" on youtube) and that I have a chance. He told me to keep remixing for now until the company starts up a program which will allow for new remixer trainees to join the remixer production team.
    "must stuff"... hmm, meant to say my*

    how did I get that kind of typo?...
    Thanks! I'm pretty confident I can get the job. But I do realize that I have a lot of work ahead of me. The good thing is that I know the faults I have that cause unprofessional remixes. The hard part is learning methods that will work to fix those things.
    Yay. I have designed a Mikachu character for multiple reasons. What is a Mikachu? My version is like a cat mixed with a Pikachu (and maybe some bunny in there somewhere), and it wears big shades because it's eyes are too adorable and it doesn't like people to think it's too cute because then they try to cuddle with it, and it's too proud for that sort of thing. It's also purple, for unknown reasons. A totally unreliable source states that some cats consider Mikachu to be a god and they bring purple grape offerings, and over time the Mikachu has turned purple from the grapes... hmm.
    I think I have a bad addiction to energy drinks. It's like I can't do anything in my day unless I have one... in other words, it's my coffee (I get sick when drinking coffee, so I end up drinking energy drinks).
    Hey FrozenFire. I've been meaning to say this for a while, but I guess since it's been a year, now might be an okay time. I don't think I quite got the opportunity to fully express what an honor it was to get to talk to you, the creator of Super Bash Bros Ultimate, and hear your praise on Adventure Kid. After playing SBBU a bit last year, I realize that it wasn't the best thing I've ever played, but it's still hard to erase that image of amazement I have painted in my mind from playing it when I was nine. It was the first ever semi-professional Game Maker game I ever played. When I was nine, I really looked up to you as an indie game developer. Playing SBBU gave me renewed vigor to complete Adventure Kid, knowing that it would never be anywhere near as good as SBBU. You also inspired me to after Adventure Kid try to make something with similar mechanics to the 2-Player arena mode of SBBU but original characters and stages, but it very quickly got abandoned because my game design skills were very poor when I was ten. When I was making Adventure Kid, if someone told me that the creator of SSBU would some day play Adventure Kid and tell me that he really enjoyed it, then there's no way I would have believed that person. Yet here we are, with the events that transpired over a year ago. It was surreal, to say the least, when the guy who had just told me that Adventure Kid brought him back to his early days of Game Maker, turned out to be the person who made SBBU. When you first posted the thread here about SBBU, it was late at night, so when I saw the title, I didn't look real closely at the title, and thought it resembled SBBU, but was too tired to check it out. I thought I was seeing things, so I went to bed. But then the next morning I checked it out, and sure enough, that was Super Bash Bros Ultimate. I was kind of freaking out when you posted that thread about it, which is something I really, REALLY don't do very often these days. The guy who just told me he enjoyed playing Adventure Kid turned out to be the creator of SBBU! It was so weird seeing you speak so humbly about a game for which I was completely devoid of admitting any legitimate criticism, addressing as flaws things that, while a bit annoying to me, I never thought to even question and say should be different. Anyway, I just had to say that... I felt like some of those details I let out in my reply to that thread and had to tell you at some point. It's crazy what a small world this is, and it's really been an honor getting to talk to you from time to time this past year. I hope you stay for more time to come.
    Wow, I really don't know what to say. I'm really glad my game was an inspirational part of your childhood. That's really cool. I also played a few Game Maker games back when I was around 11 or so, and I felt the same way about those games and their creators back then, so I know what you mean. It's awesome how people can create things and gain inspiration from each other, and I have a lot of great memories from both making games and from playing them. Those memories are definitely an inspiration for the game I am working on right now.

    I might have already said it to you before, but never delete your old games, even if they are absolutely horrible. I'm sad that I've lost my oldest games and only have a few I did save. I remember having a platform game that had horrible everything, except the atmosphere was somehow really special (I remember making a level with animated rain in the background and it was really cool). But perhaps it was because I was younger and I remember it being better (this happened with Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 for me; played them recently and they are still special, but not the same feeling of wonder and excitement as I remembered), so maybe the memory of that game is better in this case, ha ha. But seriously, I still go back to some of my old games, like Dot Man, Tony, SBBU, Bash Bots, etc. (I don't think I ever gave out downloads to Dot Man or Tony; just gave them to my close friends). Somehow, my old games really inspire me. It's like they remind me why I started making games in the first place, and I also realize how far I have come in my experience with making games. It's just real good to keep as much of your work as you can, be it good or bad. The same goes for other games from your childhood. I played a ton of DOS games during my childhood. I didn't own a Nintendo or Super Nintendo, but I occasionally got to play on a friend's system. I played Super Mario Bros 3, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. By the time my older brother got the N64, I already had ZSNES (or whatever it is called) on the computer, which let me play SNES games. I was older then, but still got a lot of great memories from Nintendo games like Zelda, Mario, Metroid, but most of my best memories are actually from DOS games: Jazz Jackrabbit, Zone 66, Space Chase, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Raptor, Block Man, etc. And I also loved a Win 3.1 game called Castle of the Winds, and I also played Chip's Challenge and dreamt of a level editor for that game. And then there was the Game Boy Advance that I got later, and I soon discovered Golden Sun. That was the first game I played on it, and it remains one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Everything about the game was just so good: the story, music, characters, the world, the feeling of adventure and exploration. Ah, so many good memories. Then, I got busy with school stuff, then I started to work, then I went to college, and I basically stopped making games for a few years due to all of that stuff, and now it's time to make a real indie game, and it's going to be all the better because of all those wonderful memories.

    Didn't really mean to go off on all of that, but yeah, it really means a lot to hear you say that, and it made me stop for a little bit to remember some really good things. I'm glad I've had a chance to talk to you as well. I definitely plan to stick around here, and hopefully I'll have some more games to share in the not super distant future. ^^
    Hot cocoa or hot chocolate? When I hear "cocoa", I think of powder, but when I think of chocolate, I think of it being either hard or melted, so I go with hot chocolate when it's drinkable, but it's just cocoa (and not hot) when in a packet or container. This is why the drink, hot chocolate... I guess. But I don't think it even matters, so I dunno why I'm even saying this.... I think I'm just wanting some hot chocolate, so I'm gonna go have me some.. HUZZAH!
    Hmm... "This is why the drink, hot chocolate..." What happened, brain? Why did you fail me so?
    "Sanity" has left the party.
    It desperately needed Hot Chocolate. ;3
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