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  • Hi, Meta. How have you been? :3

    I hope everything's been well.
    I haven't eaten nearly enough small innocent children lately. Really upsetting. But other than that I am okay.
    Oh, glad to hear it! :D

    Don't worry, there are always more small innocent children about, if you know where to look.
    I hope everything's going okay with you ♡ let me know if everything's alright if you do happen to see this, okay?
    I don't know if today is your birthday or September is or neither or you were born twice or never born. Either of those ways, happy early/belated/metaphorical birthday! I hope you have a good day. :3
    As a being that was born before time existed would I have a birthday?
    You could make one up! Or you could say that every day is your birthday and demand adoration. c:
    Cat was a value added in by Andwhy for fun as a reference to a joke made by CookedChef. It sat under your Location and stuff in posts, and was calculated by a really arbitrary formula that values seniority, taking member ID and time since joined in seconds into consideration. Thus, it couldn't be improved by anything the user did at all, and it was sort of a parody of the unnatural pride certain people put into postcount and the like. I had a Cat value of a little less than 3000, I didn't see yours but it was probably far, far higher, given your 5 extra years and your ID of Member#340 (I'm #3818). Noxid, of course, got a separate formula which made his Cat value thousands and thousands higher than anyone else's. Unfortunately, it spawned various posts and threads asking what it was and such, which Wild Desu pointed out in a thread. Pointless drama ensued, and Andwhy took out the Cat value in response.
    For the sake of the newer members it'd be nice if you referred to old members by their usernames. Unfortunately, not everyone knows anything about, say, S. P., let alone his real name.
    Of course if you're doing it for the sake of confusion then I understand.
    I tend to be able to remember actual names better than usernames.
    Okay, I get that.
    Happy late birthday! (Sorry for the lateness)
    Oh dear. I'm a month late because I don't know anyone's birthday. D:

    Hope you had a nice time! I wish we still had a calendar >_>
    Um...if I may shift into Serious Mode and be completely honest here...well, about the recent events in the Skype thread. I'm often completely terrified of talking with you because I'm never sure of what reaction it will illicit. It's completely random, and it's somewhat clear to me that you really do let real life events influence your posts, to at least a large extent. Would it be too hard for you to at least admit that? Because if it is...please say so.
    Get off my lawn Polaris!
    The forum has actually been split in two ever since the days back in around 2008 where everyone sort of lost their collective minds. Sexuality and trolling increased 20 fold easy.

    Before that Kage was once nice, Jacob wasn't obsessed with sex and Oliver wasn't drunk and yelling all the time.

    Forums being split aren't a bad thing and quite common, even if people share an interest if forums weren't split into various pieces then you would just have a hivemind, which I am pretty sure is impossible in human societies on the internet or in life.
    How are you doing? I hope you are doing well~
    A new computer, eh? How long did it take you to save up for it? I find myself wanting to get a new computer (my current set-up is a pre-made 7 year old desktop) but I am finding major problems when it comes to the savings dept. since bills are a costly thing.

    As for how interesting or uninteresting your deal was that is really in the eye of the beholder, no? What you find to be mildly boring another finds to be wildly interesting.
    I love my new HP computer... It's just a lot quicker and quieter. Besides that though, it's like nothing has changed! It's been Ten long years since I got my last computer from my family for a present. AND that HP PC is STILL working, albiet forever slow...

    This one was actually partly a gift... It was originally going to be a big surprise HDTV for my room, but I have a knack of wanting to upgrade electronic gifts to the best D: The TV was GOOD, but I didn't open it, and started researching HDTVs and deals... Then a week later, I had found a really nice plasma TV with great reviews and picture; I was in the store, and was READY to commit and buy. But, my parents were with me (the TV was from them) and they asked me, "Are you sure?? Don't you want to look around some more?".

    Well, after that, I ended up in the computer section with the idea (which would be more useful, a nice big TV or a new PC.) Next thing I know, I'm researching computers, and looking up deals... And after a terribly hard decision, I chose the PC!
    [I had to contribute about 450$ to the total 900 something$]

    So... how long did it take to save up for it? You could say not long, because I hadn't intended to buy a PC. But, on the other hand I waited ten years, I had some money, I just didn't know I was going to spend it!

    As for advice about saving money for one... There are 0 interest plans for X months or a year. I've never tried them, but they sound good in theory... If you could find a way to cut Y amount from your monthly bills, and then replace it with the computer payment... D:

    I could contribute towards a MetaComputer fund, though I couldn't offer very much... Currently, completely tapped out... xD But, I have a magic card that surpasses such trivial issues... ;D [And how I would have bought Mass Effect 3 + DLC]
    A credit card? I wish I could get one of those, would be a surefire way to get a computer.

    But, I have no credit so I am in the process of building it up.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'><p>I know replies to posts in the Satellite Lounge don't count towards post count, but you're still clogging up the entire forum with every single one of your posts, and honestly I don't think anyone here even cares about you. Maybe you could just stop posting all together forever.</p></blockquote>
    Okay that's not at all what I meant. What I meant was if you don't have anything nice/thoughtful to say, don't say it.
    Actually that sounded kind of mean too. I guess I was just angry.
    Sorry I guess.
    We are all grumpy (I was grumpy in my reply), it just seems like all too often we get overly grumpy just because someone is acting "stupid".

    I dunno, I am tired of all the "rage", love forever even for the unwashed masses.
    I welcome that day.
    The sad part is, Big Rigs' developer Stellar Stone was a CALIFORNIA BASED COMPANY.
    You wouldn't think that, seeing the in-game text O_o
    What I mean is that for it to be Engrish it has to be made in an Asian country, if it is made in the USA then it is simply going full retard.
    I use "Engrish" in a bad English sort of sense, regardless of country.
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