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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Where'd all that come from?
Because it's true. You truly need to learn when to shut up.

I've seen you, you will go on and on and on and on and on about a subject getting yourself into an endless circular argument loop hole.

You are trying to prove your point and make everyone else see your point, but it comes off as you being stupid/possibly trolling.

Oh, and on a personal note. If I want to come on the IRC anytime I want under any name I want without everyone knowing who I am that is my motherfucking business and I should be able to do it without being questioned on who the fuck I am. Who the fuck are you exactly to do that?

That a key example in which you need to learn to shut up and stop pursing a subject relentlessly.
But if that's why you say that, why did you pipe up after I said I was done with the argument because I knew I wasn't going to prove my point?

And on the subject of names I like to know who people are. Why shouldn't I be able to ask people who they are? I have as much reason as you do to not be questioned. I still don't understand why you all of a sudden decided to bring all his up. It's not like I've only started doing this now, and to be quite honest I've always liked you as a member, and thought you felt the same about me. It ruins your day when someone whose opinion you actually care about starts (or at least makes it clear) that they hate you.

And now that I think about it, the only never-ending argument I've even gotten into recently is the JN one, which I already stopped with when you piped up. Do you have anything else in mind (besides my desire to know who the people I'm talking to are)?
Paul, I never said I hated you first of all.

Second the JN thread you said it had "ended" but your last comment was "It's almost like you want me to continue this." Which I saw as a needless form of mocking/borderline trolling. It also makes you come off as really obnoxious.

Third off, JN was the most recent one, yes. But going through your posting history shows that you like to get into that kind of thing. And while you haven't done it for a while until the JN deal maybe it shows you're getting better, but, honestly the thing that set me off was the last comment in the JN thread, and the fact that I came into the IRC a day before that and you did your typical thing.

I overeacted like I always do, whatever. I still think a girl should be able to stalk the IRC anytime she wants without someone annoying her about who she is.
You were in IRC a day ago?

<em class='bbc'>I</em> was in IRC a day ago?

And the "It's like you want me to continue" was responding to zarrot's provocative response to me after I said I was done, I was planning simply to say that and be done. And meta, would you please give examples? The only other time I can think of is when TAF was a thing, and oh god I apologize for every minute of that and I still have not apologized enough for it. If you have something else in mind though, please, give me a link so I can see for myself.