Tester credits
I don't think there are other sections in the credits to check, it should be the tester section right? I don't see your name there :/
Maybe you had to submit a bug report? Although there was at least one name in the bug reports I don't see in the credits. You helped with the testing? Maybe I could try to get Tyrone to add your name to the next update, if you haven't asked already?
You like Christopher Lee...? What?! That's me! (yeah the name, the name lol)
Perhaps a little insanity keeps the world interesting
I guess it all makes sense now... Example : I remember this one shooter game with various clan groups. In this particular group, Reservoir Dogs or something; each player chose a color for their name. ^RD>Ms. Pink, ^RD>Mr. Green, ^RD>Mr. Black etc...
...For some reason I convinced them to let me be called ^RD>Mr. Infinity
(all the colors at once or so I reasoned! Thinking back on it glad they didn't call me Mr. Rainbow or something.... ><)
Sera Atma... (full name Seraphita + I added the last name Atma)
It's a name I used on the game Guild Wars a few years ago lol (Originally from the game Digital Devil Saga). I knew there was a reason the name seemed so familiar!
<3 @ Sera
I tried to catch on to the other half by reading about Seraph on wiki ... Don't think it helped, but one instance of Seraphim caught my eye... they were described as "dragon-like angels".
Oh yeah and FFL. It wasn't a very remarkable game, but maybe timing can be everything. If I hadn't played that game at that time, (or even just missed that item) I might have chosen a different name, and life would have taken a different path; just by doing something as seemingly inconsequential as that.
I don't think there are other sections in the credits to check, it should be the tester section right? I don't see your name there :/
Maybe you had to submit a bug report? Although there was at least one name in the bug reports I don't see in the credits. You helped with the testing? Maybe I could try to get Tyrone to add your name to the next update, if you haven't asked already?
You like Christopher Lee...? What?! That's me! (yeah the name, the name lol)
Perhaps a little insanity keeps the world interesting

...For some reason I convinced them to let me be called ^RD>Mr. Infinity
(all the colors at once or so I reasoned! Thinking back on it glad they didn't call me Mr. Rainbow or something.... ><)
Sera Atma... (full name Seraphita + I added the last name Atma)
It's a name I used on the game Guild Wars a few years ago lol (Originally from the game Digital Devil Saga). I knew there was a reason the name seemed so familiar!

I tried to catch on to the other half by reading about Seraph on wiki ... Don't think it helped, but one instance of Seraphim caught my eye... they were described as "dragon-like angels".

Oh yeah and FFL. It wasn't a very remarkable game, but maybe timing can be everything. If I hadn't played that game at that time, (or even just missed that item) I might have chosen a different name, and life would have taken a different path; just by doing something as seemingly inconsequential as that.