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  • Excuse me, Noxid? It's been two weeks since the Well got a question, so I may or may not shamefully bump it tomorrow. But I was wondering...I can't keep it open forever, so do you think there should be a set time to lock it or something?
    whenever u want
    there isn't much pressing need for action to be taken afaict
    Ah, I see. I wasn't sure if we were still operating under old Well rules, sorry D:

    I guess I'll keep it open a while longer, then.
    The rules kind of don't really apply like they did then since before there was kind of like.. a queue of threads to be done, and now it's kind of just you.
    The mystery that your name spelled backwards is dixoN?
    That mystery?
    no, that mystery is really old, it got solved in like season 1
    What happened to the thread for my fourth ending mod? I sincerely hope the entire thread didn't get deleted when the post by Geraldson, that spambot, got deleted. Who was it that did away with that spambot? Can my thread be restored?
    Another quick question but, what computer do you recommend when searching for a new one? The one Im currently using does't support any mods whatsoever and now I really just want to try some out. Any suggestions?
    Not, really, I'm thinking about getting a new PC in general that can run CS mods (or any other for that matter). With it I can finally get more into programming and modding which I've been looking forward to for a long time. I'm not that good with computers anyways so I thought I might as well ask you before making a purchase without thinking. (Im also sorry I had to rephrase this one over and over, I'm not too good with terms either and I shouldn't have been so vague.) It would really help out since so many people have started it [modding] and really wanted to see what I can make with it [CaveEditor]. Thank you
    Alright well for starters if you wanna run Cave Story mods you're gonna need a windows machine which narrows it down somewhat.
    For someone that's not entirely comfortable with computers, I'd definitely suggest buying prebuilt or getting a laptop over assembling your own.
    As far as brands go, Asus is fairly well respected for their hardware.

    I wouldn't really recommend spending less than like 450 bucks on it if you want it to be useful for more than just browsing the web. I mean, you can run Cave Story on just about anything but I guarantee you will be dissatisfied pretty soon at what you can't do.
    <a href='http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230781' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>something like this</a> looks alright as an entry model to start from, more than enough disk space to hold anything you'd want, an i-series processor (albeit a low-end one) and the HD3000 graphics chip. Now, this isn't gonna play modern games at max speed but if you just wanna program and play mods / indie games then this should suit you fine.

    For a similar amount of money though, you can get a better desktop that you might be able to upgrade with parts in the future if you want to, instead of getting a whole new rig. <a href='http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883220217' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>this</a> might be able to run you some games for a reasonable price (it's on sale!). Remember that you generally get what you pay for, but some things have a "designer name" factor so watch out for price gouging there

    hopefully that should be enough to get you started. Shop around, see what you like, think of what you need now and for the next 2-3 years as well.
    Hey, I though I would give you a ring 'bout C++, C#, Java, and Python.
    oh um
    Well, if you know some of ASM and think you can handle pointers then C/++ is a good enough place to start.
    Try writing some basic command-line programs yourself first, then if you're confident you know what you're doing maybe look into the <a href='http://alleg.sourceforge.net/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>allegro</a> library for some graphics and game related functions to use.

    Also most of the "unstable" part of BL is because the program is like 15k+ lines of code and it's difficult for me to make sure any change doesn't break anything else.
    However if you want the more modern approach I definitely think you should look into learning C# from the get-go as it's just.. better, imo. Python is ok too maybe for learning programming but it's just not geared towards game development so if that is your endgoal you're probably better suited with something else.

    If you want to make games you can play in your browser, HTML5, javascript, the canvas element and WebGL are all interesting things to look into. WebGL is more complicated than anything else though.
    I'll most definitely check out the allegro library and C/++.

    I should have stated at the beginning that this was for game making, but yeah, thanks for the insight.

    The adventure begins.
    I couldn't figure out what I was humming this morning... then it struck me... "Czech Republic, Slovakia and Katts Again". I was trapped in its loop till I solved it xD
    It's so katchy
    Taylor from Dragon Riders Planning Forums wanted to tell you something...
    *wanted me to tell you something

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Taylor"><p>I've noticed that,
    when using the
    <TUR code, CS'
    message box can
    fit about 43 characters on a line; I'm not sure
    about <CAT or <SAT though. Could
    you perhaps add
    that to the
    "Message Boxes" page of the
    Booster's Lab help
    file, if it hasn't been
    mentioned yet? Also, I think you
    deserve three
    platinum medals
    for making a
    program like
    Booster's Lab; it makes flag listings
    much easier than
    having to do it
    manually! <img src='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /></p></blockquote>
    Ah, yeah, adding a special mention about that in the help file is doable.. I can't program the highlighter to match it right on account of how it works, but this may be an acceptable compromise. Will do!
    My condolences...I'm sure Andwhy will fix the MiraiGamer theme soon D:
    Hang in there in the meantime, okay? :<
    everything is so dark
    and square
    I'm sorry I threw a giant Soap Opera.
    It's fine. A little drama every now and again keeps things interesting anyway. And if we can learn something from it then I think that makes it all worthwhile.
    In any case I'm glad to see your not leaving.
    if i was a pain in the butt, i'm sorry. I understand my lesson and i hope this never happens again (i sound like a total fool but still...)
    That would be super duper awesome
    Remember, lurking is the golden rule. If you aren't sure how to act, check what everyone else before you has done and what has or has not gotten them in trouble.
    Hey, did you ban "Shane"?
    I'll talk to DT
    Hm, let's see.

    The Eternal Darkness, the apparent username of Shane's interloper, was on this forum for a while and went inactive. He later was exposed on another forum (which was once known as the Shane's Cave Story Forums) and banned there.

    However, the supposed real Shane could not access these forums. His account lay dormant. Because TED was the only one who ever used these, and Shane still can't for unknown reasons, it was easy for TED to come back. Why he wanted to, I do not know, but it might have something to do with his personality being somewhere along the lines of Always Chaotic Stupid Evil to everyone who isn't his supposed girlfriend.

    The stupid is there merely because of his erratic and borderline obsessive actions and attitude towards Shane and, to a certain extent, Shane's former coAdministrator Taylor. It seems likely that TED is extremely astute and easily able to piece together sensitive information, if not an outright hacker. He is also impressively capable in the field of deception. Why he bothered talking with us at all, as well as why he would bother masquerading as someone for two years, creating MULTIPLE Cave Story mods, joining a large array of forums and other sites, upholding them all, creating dozens of good relationships with people, and inventing an incredibly deep and complicated fantasy world of his own design, with multiple RPGs and Forum Games set in it, all for the purpose of ruining the reputationof some random kid in South Africa (a task he failed miserably at) who he absolutely abhors for little reason despite a dubious connection to him, is unclear.

    And that's not getting into the numerous possible Schizo Plots that could be at work here.
    ★It was Shane the whole time. He invented the story of having his account hacked and TED as a way of garnering sympathy and reinventing himself, as well as clearing himself of any odd or bad actions he took the past years. This would explain TED's over the top and extreme actions and attitude.m

    ★TED still has control of Shane's account. He's doing all this for fun.

    ★Same as the first, but the real Shane was the one we knew before. Someone hacked his account and made up the whole thing, and we're still talking to him today.


    ...yeah, I don't blame you for just banning him. Not even I understand.
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