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Wedge of Cheese

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  • psh, you should, it was pretty quality
    up to the part where the 25damage thingy killed me
    thanks boot the incognito, I guess you finally converted to chrome?

    oh, you said you couldn't just chumble out a good-ish essay thing in a few hours, "pow" was the last time I had to do something like that. nothiing to do with cs, but, yeh, I wrote it.
    No clue reallly.

    I can tell you that what the CS player is doing is it's setting the value of the track 3 (orgmaker 134, it would be track 4 in orgmaker 2) note in the last bar to the highest volume. How this is happening is beyond me, is probably a glitch in the player or the org file. A small thing to note is that if you start up the copy of CS with the org, and then play the org fully in orgmaker, the org will then work fine in CS.

    Also slightly altering the org file seems to fix the problem. Try THIS.

    [EDIT]: Also the gif's made with your gif maker aren't that great, you should spend a bit more time making them if you're going to have an animated avatar.
    it helps when you have a massive, omigod, ifyoudon'twritethisyouwilldie deadline though.
    that's always nice.
    according to my (new) sources, you said that was finished a yer ago...?
    well, it makes sense to me.

    also: garrity 8
    it's a really rough transition, but I think its enough to pull it out of its techno-y-ness
    Hi, catching up on the Hell Mod Contest, do you think Hell If I Know! is going to be finished any time soon or not? </copypasta>
    I dunno, I want a language where you can easily make that stuff happen, but having it inbuilt is a bit weird.

    on the other hand, I just got the 60 second timer again for the first time in ages
    low level?



    I probably forgot something real dumb, but how's this as a sketch? I obviously need help in some areas, most obviously the iostream and such.
    continuing on my crazy schemes, what math functions are absolutely essential, and which ones would you like to have?

    er, sorry for visitor messaging spam.
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