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Wedge of Cheese

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  • Hmmm... I swear on my mod that I've seen it before. Unless, you had a slightly different one more recently. It's not something one easily forgets.

    And, you don't believe I didn't lurk for a while before joining, do you?
    I remember the LAST time you had that in your sig.

    But was it also the first?
    I doubt....
    I forgot to tell you this...


    because you finish one of my hardest section in my Hell Mod
    sweet, I look forwards to it.
    also, waddaya think of my new album art?
    I'm thinking of giving an updated version as my 'christmas' present.
    hey, there's absolutely no way I can finish my xmas mod by tomorrow, so yeah.
    even if you don't acknowledge this post, I wish you luck in that and all further modding ventures of yours.

    Hey Can i Use your Final Boss ORG in My Sonic's Story? Its Just So epic. BTW Sonic's Story is 98% complete, Noxid Is Just testing it now
    ima way too lazy to do hell mod.
    I could hax awesomeness into it though.

    also, why are you nevar online anymore?
    maybe it's me.
    i'm losing all my frum connections....
    Ima playing your mod, so far I went half way through the Trippy Mountains and saw the Big Death Pit. I can't take a hint, but that made me turn around.
    Your class is VERY MATURE. Also, tell me what fallacious means so that I can understand how hard I failed. As far as I call tell, my logic has something to do with penises? This is absolutely true, but I have no idea why this would be a school assignment.
    weird, I was at 36 for a loooooong time, and I wanna do leet on xmas or something.
    its all good, I have an absurd amount of work to do as well.
    plus, I really can't post now.
    Hey Wedge
    I was just collecting all the songs for the remix project
    Remember the Medley you entered for the remix project? Just converted it to mp3 along with Through The Clouds. What do you want to call the Medley?
    The Only name i can think of is

    Wedge Of Cheese - The Journey Goes On....
    Remember that Cave Story Medley you put in the remix project? Well im just getting all the songs together. Just coverted it to mp3 mate. What do you want to call it.

    The only name i could think for it is...

    Wedge Of Cheese - The Journey Goes On...
    and if by opcodes you meant the mov, cmp stuff:
    mov xx,yy: xx = yy
    add xx,yy: xx += yy
    cmp xx,yy: compares xx and yy, always followed by a je, jne, jle, etcetera
    jne xxxxxx: jumps to xxxxxx if xx and yy (from above) are not equal
    1. subtract the 400000, having it means it's a runtime offset. jumps, pointers, etcetera need it there, but run of the mill offsets don't.
    2. no idea, but I quote:
    The movsx instruction is a generalized form of the cbw, cwd, and cwde instructions. It will sign extend an eight bit value to a sixteen or thirty-two bits, or sign extend a sixteen bit value to a thirty-two bits. This instruction uses a mod-reg-r/m byte to specify the two operands.
    3. opcodes? if you mean the dword stuff, the dword is the size, the ptr ss/ptr ds is unneccesary junk.
    okay, tsc commands are namet in a very large and unweildy way, like this:

    mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[4A5AD8]
    add ecx,dword ptr ds:[4A5AE0]
    movsx edx,byte ptr ds:[ecx+1]
    cmp edx,58
    jne 004251FC
    mov eax,dword ptr ds:[4A5AD8]
    add eax,dword ptr ds:[4A5AE0]
    movsx ecx,byte ptr ds:[eax+2]
    cmp ecx,58
    jne 004251FC
    mov edx,dword ptr ds:[4A5AD8]
    add edx,dword ptr ds:[4A5AE0]
    movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[edx+3]
    cmp eax,31
    jne short 004251FC
    //actual code

    the cmps are letter by letter checking the name, so off the top of my head, this would be xx1. but what's important here is that if one of the letters is wrong, it jumps to the next tsc function (004251FC). so you could presumably use that information to list the offsets for every tsc command.
    the first one starts at 0x4225d5.

    is that enough, or...?
    hrm, this is going to be a bit hard to explain.
    basically, I want it to enter into the exe at 0x4225d5, and:
    1: list the names of every tsc command and what offset they start at.
    2: convert to pseudocode everything they do
    3: turn all called functions (macros, whatever) into pseudocode as well, except calls to 421900, because that's a really big and annoying function (it's ascii to hex)
    4: format it prettily.

    if you want more info on how the tsc commands work and stuff, I can give that to you, but to you get the general idea of what I want?
    meh, no need for fancy graphic etcetera, I just need some halp making an assembly to pseudocode thinger (sorta).

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