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Wedge of Cheese

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  • So I might have just listened to Arctic Winds 540237 times today. It's a great piece in so many ways: melodically, harmonically, rhythmically, structurally, etc. And it grooves, too. Again, kudos!
    You are good at music, would you please give me your opinion on the following? I'm 27 with former experience of playing the synth at -I guess- intermediate level. I'm said to have no talent for singing if that counts. My question is: with effort if I'd learn music theory (and other stuff you'd recommend) 2 hours/day very seriously would I be able to compose songs and after approximately how many years of practice? What else do you recommend? Best wishes, tricky
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Studying music theory would help you understand the "language" of music (i.e. what are intervals, what are scales, what are triads, what are augmented sixth chords, etc). It would probably take about a year to develop a solid useful understanding of these concepts if you started from no knowledge at all, studying 2 hrs/day. However, if you already play an instrument and know how to read music, that's a decent chunk of knowledge already.

    In addition to learning theory, I would strongly recommend taking pieces you like and picking them apart to see exactly what it is you like about them. This would mean you'd either need to have a very good ear, or have these pieces in some sort of medium where you can look at each note individually (either in the form of sheet music or some sort of sequenced digital format such as midi, organya, or pxtone). imslp.org is a good website to find free sheet music of classical music. More recent music is harder to find sheet music for, as it's copyrighted, and also some jazz and pop music is largely improvised and large parts of it may not even exist in written form. If there's a piece you'd really like sheet music for but can't find, I could have a go at transcribing it.
    I worry about consistency of narration and also whether it flows and also whether its interesting and alsoalso where to go next
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Well, it's certainly very interesting - makes me curious where it's going. It flows reasonably well, and I think what you have so far is a bit too short for "consistency of narration" or lack thereof to be readily apparent.

    As for where to go next, I don't really know what you have planned, if anything. I guess, for starters, explain why/how he had her killed. Also, you might want to mention where they were before he moved to Phoenix, to give some sort of frame of reference, so we know how drastic of a move it was (Beijing to Phoenix > Santa Fe to Phoenix).
    You durble posted in DT's well. I'm sure it was an accident, thought I'd tell you.
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Oh, thanks. Noxid or GIR must've deleted the extra already, cause it doesn't seem to be there now.
    Also I was wondering, as the sonata-allegro form is a sort of incomplete alchemical process, whether you could make a musical form which was a complete one. Hmm
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    I'm not totally sure about this, but I think Beethoven did something kind of like that in some of his later works by appending a long coda (ending section) to the end of a typical sonata-allegro form which was sort of a "blossoming out" of previous musical material a la red alchemal phase. Though of course, it's entirely plausible that this is completely wrong and I'm just trying to hard to make my theory work. I'll have to do some more research.

    Also, don't expect too much from me teaching-wise for the next 5-ish weeks, during which my life is going to consist almost exclusively of eating, sleeping, going to class, studying, programming, composing, performing, and practicing (mostly that last one).
    this is awesome
    To Moscow I came seeking fortune
    But they’re making me work til I’m dead
    The bourgeoisie have it so easy
    The Tsar’s putting gold on his bread
    The people of Moscow are hungry
    But think what a feast there could be
    If we could create a socialist state
    That cared for the people like me:

    I am the man who arranges the blocks
    That descend upon me from up above.
    They come down and I spin them around
    Til they fit in the ground like hand in glove.
    Sometimes it seems that to move blocks is fine
    And the lines will be formed as they fall -
    Then I see that I have misjudged it!
    I should not have nudged it after all.
    Can I have a long one please?
    Why must these infernal blocks tease?

    I am the man who arranges the blocks
    That continue to fall from up above.
    Come Muscovite! Let the workers unite!
    A collective regime of peace and love.
    I work so hard in arranging the blocks
    But the landlord and taxman bleed me dry
    But the workers will rise! We will not compromise
    For we know that the old regime must die.
    Long live Lenin, kill the tsar!
    We salute the sickle and star!

    I am the man who arranges the blocks
    That continue to fall from up above.
    The food on your plate now belongs to the state
    A collective regime of peace and love.
    I have no choice in arranging the blocks
    Under Bolshevik rule, what they say goes.
    The rule of the game is we all are the same
    And my blocks must create unbroken rows.
    Long live Stalin! He loves you!
    Sing these words, or you know what he’ll do...

    I am the man who arranges the blocks
    That are made by the men in Kazakhstan.
    They come two weeks late and they don’t tessellate
    But we’re working to Stalin’s five year plan.
    I am the man who arranges the tanks
    That will make all the Nazis keep away
    The Fuhrer is dead, and Europe is Red!
    Let us point all our guns at the USA.
    We shall live forever more!
    We can start a nuclear war!

    I am the man who arranges the blocks
    That are building a highly secret base.
    Hip hip hurrah for the USSR!
    We are sending our men to outer space.
    I work so hard in arranging the blocks
    But each night I go home to my wife in tears -
    What’s the point of it all, when you’re building a wall
    And in front of your eyes it disappears?
    Pointless work for pointless pay
    This is one game I shall not play.

    I am the man who arranges the blocks!
    But tomorrow I think I’ll stay in bed.
    The winter is cold, I’ve got plenty of gold
    And I’m standing in line for a loaf of bread
    Maybe we’d be better off
    If we brought down Gorbachev

    I am the man who arranges the blocks
    That continue to fall from up above.
    The markets are free! So much money for me!
    Tell me, why should I care for peace and love?
    The markets are free! So much money for me!
    Tell me, why should I care for peace and love?
    Peace and love, peace and love!

    And now the wall is down, the Marxists frown
    There’s foreign shops all over town
    When in Red Square, well don’t despair
    There’s Levi’s and McDonald’s there
    The US gave us crystal meth
    And Yeltsin drank himself to death
    But now that Putin’s put the boot in,
    Who’ll get in our way?

    So we reject free enterprise
    And once again the left will rise.
    Prepare the flags to be unfurled
    For we’re seceding from the world:
    We shall regain the Georgian soil
    We shall obtain the Arctic oil
    We shall arrange the blocks and toil
    Forever and a day.

    Game over.
    Lol i love the history of the USSR to the theme of tetris!!!
    Do you?
    It's great!!!
    Flew to DC. Saw a Tchaikovsky concert.
    blagh notifications don't work
    2210 on SAT. Good?
    Also I decided to do linguistics for my indie study so this is like my only method of music ingestion.
    Is there anything to ingest?
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    I don't know shit about the SAT (I did ACT). I'm not quite sure what you mean by your 2nd question. And you didn't answer my linguistics question.

    I am currently swamped with homework/rehearsals/performances, so it will be a while before I continue the deconstruction of Arctic Winds.
    Is that really a site?
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Yes it is. However, it's not quite what it looks like; the symbol in the middle is supposed to be the letter "O".
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