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Wedge of Cheese

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  • Do you have in writing what we've decided so far? (e.g. classes, weapons, enemies, etc). I feel like doing some work on it, and I dun have no notes.
    Also, when to talk?
    Today at 5, I assume?
    In the great Ohio Sat thru Tue. Talk before then if we want this week to be a can-do.
    Here was my idea. Upon rumination, it may prove unfun but w/e.

    Have permadeath, but a persistent world. The PC would also have the ability to place things into chests to be accessed by a later incarnation.

    - It would allow people to use and experiment with all of the classes instead of being bound to one for the entirety of the game.
    - It could act as an interesting mechanic. Since you lose everything you're holding upon death, people will be less likely to hoard stuff. It'll also make them think differently from a normal platformer (eg, they could die performing a task which allows a future incarnation to progress further.
    - Via dying and respawning, there could be multiple puzzle-y ways about something or something.

    - Repeating the beginning section over and over. Unless the PC could build teleporters or a shortcut or something, this could be infuriating. (or maybe there are occasional earthquakes and the room gets jumbled up then)
    - Losing all items on death could be frustrating.

    Oh also! (concerning weapons):

    I had the idea that each weapon could have two modifier-slots. PC would find/be rewarded them throughout the game, and they can be equipped and reequipped to any weapon. (if we use prior idea, they could be stored (or some could be persistent)). Example modifiers could be:
    - Fire (makes the bullets flamey. +damage against most enemies, -damage against things made of fire or underwater)
    - Ice (freezes stuff)
    - Fast (Bullets move quicker)
    - Double cartridge (more room for ammo)
    - Rapidfire
    - Hydrophobic (treats water as solid. creates a bubble if fired from underwater)
    - Steam assembly (much more damage/speed, but ridiculous recoil and reload time)
    - Magnetic bullets (gravitate towards magnetic blocks)

    Annnnnnd none of these work particularly well with the parasol, but I'm sure there's a way to logically subvert them to fit its style as a weapon.

    - Variety
    - Customizeability
    - Persistence (if permadeath is used)

    - possibly clunky?
    By the first "them" I meant gun modifiers, not modifier slots (if that weren't clear)
    (also if you could post what the weapons are for each of spyor, scoutor, damagor, that's be sweet)
    When shalt we talk?
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Let's do tomorrow around 5.
    k sweet
    If we talk at 5 I may have to leave before much gets said. I'll be idling on irc all day if you can come by earlier.
    Today's xkcd. Good lordy lord.
    I dragged so much
    it took a long time to get to the bottom of those holes.
    I stopped in fear of carpel tunnel at some point.
    Randall has outdone himself
    I feel weird about having the organ play the same thing as the violin (on two clefs, too), but I think it has an interesting sound and that I could perhaps diverge from it later. I was also wondering about how I would bring in the second violin and what interesting ways to mix up the euphonium there are. Those are mostly creative problems I guess but I certainly need advice on making it do harmony as well.

    Also I wasn't quite sure how to make the melody more consonant in that org I showed you.
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    For an opening, having them all doing the same thing works well, though I wouldn't keep it that way for very long. I might actually change it up in the 4th measure, the transition into which is currently a bit awkward due to how it suddenly jumps up. Maybe have some instruments (violin 1, organ right hand) jump up and others (violin 2, organ left hand) continue downward and do the same thing an octave lower. At this point, having the organ pedals double the euphonium might be a good idea, otherwise the bass might be too weak.

    A real violin can't play 3 notes simultaneously, but it can play 2, so I would take the middle note of each chord and put it in the 2nd violin.

    Regarding the org, going back at listening again, it actually seems to work pretty well the way it is *shrug*. But if you did want to make 4-7 more consonant, some things that you could do to make that happen:
    -make the 4th note of bar 5 an F#, as the note right before it seems to want to resolve up to F#
    -make the last two notes of bar 5 a D and a C#, or maybe just make the 2nd to last note a C# and leave the last one alone
    -make the 3rd note of bar 6 a C# (if you did this it might also be cool to make the 2nd to last note of bar 6 a D#, so the 4 non-A notes ascend chromatically)
    -make the last note of bar 7 an A
    My idea was to have a character selection screen or something when the game starts, and each character has a specific weapon associated with them. Your weapon palette for the game would then be this plus whatever weapons are findable in the cave system thingy. I dunno how great of an idea this is though. ah well.
    Are you just preocuppied with moving into college/other things or do you not want to work on gam no more?
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    I won't have much time for working on it - classes start tomorrow, but I'd like to keep working. Weekends should be our makestuffhappen time.
    K SO weapons/enemies/otherstuff
    K SO
    I have asked the mob, and they say that if the number of weapons they get is limited, they would like
    1) The Grappling Hook
    2) The Block Gun
    3) Either the Parasol or Windgun
    4) Either the Parasol or Windgun
    5) Either the Shotgun or Ricochet Gun

    The mob has also tossed out the ideas of exploitable enemies (that you can ride on or otherwise use to overcome obstacles), weapons that can be destroyed (eg the parasol burning up), using angry enemies to destroy weak or crumbly walls, and a dash ability.

    (the mob, for the record, is Noxid, Bobbyis, and Hiino)
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    I'll need some time to think about the game before replying, but as for the music, maybe try this (where each chord has a duration of a half note):

    D Em7 D/F# Gm G#dim D/A G/B A/C#

    Remember that the slash means that a note other than the root is in the bass (so like D/F# would be F#, A, D rather than the normal D, F#, A).
    The Gm and G#dim sound a bit off but I can deal with that. Thanks for the helpz.
    Okay I'll do it here then
    -Firstly, please don't be trying to use command line MAME, get a frontend
    -Download MAME/arcade rom from site
    -Don't extract the rom, leave it as is
    -Set the folder you want to keep them in under Options -> Directories...
    -Rest is explained in the OP

    If you have more question be specific, also Lace and Noxid might be able to help if you want so while you're awake
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Ah, I got it figured out now. Turns out my two main problems were:

    1) The first rom I tried playing was corrupt.
    2) The online tutorial I found by googling was full of crap.
    I have been biding my time for the perfect opportunity to use they very gif in your signature, looks like I'll have to find somewhere else to drop it.
    Our past thread has gotten to a weird point of scrolliness, so methinks we do further discussion in this one.
    Oh noez I hit the word cutoff. <div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
    <div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px"><b>Spoiler</b> : <input type="button" value="Show" style="width:60px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;" onClick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display = ''; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Show'; }">
    <div class="alt2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 6px; border: 1px inset; display: none;">
    - The increased population density of humans (or whatever) leads to scientific minds being closer in proximity, and thus a series of technological and magical innovations.

    - By the time Humans (actual humans) land on Rhas, the indigenous feudal populations have reached a renessaince-equivalent era of technology. However, after a decade or so of interaction with the native peoples, visitation to Rhas is banned due to the magical predators of Rhas killing off almost an entire civilian expedition. The only survivors of this expedition were Martyn Davies, an exolinguist, and his brother Jeff Davies, a biologist, who decided to stay behind and document the native lifeforms.

    - Eighty years later, Martyn's granddaughter is bored at college and Martyn sends her to Rhas. She lands to find that certain Earth flora and fauna, brought over to support the colonists, have integrated themselves into Rhas's ecosystem. Most notably, chickens, brought over for their eggs, have now adapted the ability to fly long distances due to the smaller gravity upon Rhas.

    - Martyn's granddaughter, Rhode Island Jones, has made it her mission to find as much about the history of Rhas's native peoples as she can.
    So to recapitulate, by the time the game starts there are three main groups of Rhas(z)ians (those in feudal city-states, those in hunter/gatherer tribes, and those who roam the seas looking for fishies), an overabundance of megafauna, magical flora/fauna, invasive chickens from Earth and a whole bunch of languages (most bearing passing similarity to the language used to coordinate the creation of the ethr).

    <a href='http://i.imgur.com/HwQ6C.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Here</a> is a political map of prepocalypse Rhas(z). The names are not 100% for serious, but make pointing out regions easier.
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    I'll look it over in more detail later, but from skimming it I'd have to say sealofapproval.png
    Have ya done anything sweet? e.g. brainstorming
    Wedge of Cheese
    Wedge of Cheese
    Ugh, sorry to keep you waiting for so long, the intrologue isn't anything all that special, I'm just a really slow writer. Anyway, here it is:

    The 2090s were an exciting time for humanity, to say the least. We had made contact with an extraterrestrial civilization - the Abr Rhasz. While we were trying to learn about them, the search for life elsewhere in the galaxy had exploded so fiercely that new civilizations were being discovered on an almost weekly basis.

    Unfortunately for the Abr Rhasz, we had arrived at a very inopportune time of political and cultural discord, which our arrival had only served to escalate. Less than two months after our initial contact with them, a global war broke out among the Abr Rhasz, and the planet was ravaged by weapons of mass destruction, leaving only a handful of survivors.

    There were a few members of the original teams that had contacted and studied the Abr Rhasz who wished to continue studying what little remained of their civilization, such as Martyn Davies, a Welsh linguist who had led the effort to decipher the Rhaszian language. However, no space travel agency was willing to sponsor an expedition to the planet Rhasz when there were so many other planets with thriving civilizations to explore. For the next several decades, no human ever set foot on Rhasz.

    In 2156, when the first personal spacecraft were being sold to the public (but were still too expensive for most to afford), Martyn heard from his great-granddaughter, Georgia Hanes, that she was restless as a student at the North American Academy for Interstellar Studies. While she was fascinated by her studies, she was irritated that she and her classmates never got to actually DO anything.

    After pondering this for a couple days, Martyn made what many would consider a rash decision. He sent Georgia his old journal where he'd taken notes about the Abr Rhasz, along with enough money for her to buy a personal spacecraft and fly it to Rhasz. Georgia was overjoyed, and, in a few days, had set off to see what remained of this forgotten planet.

    I also have a rough new idea for an elemental magic system, but it's totally different from anything we have so far. Maybe I'll share more on irc tonight.
    K Sweet. It may make more sense to have greater temporal distance between the calamitous war and Georgia's exploration, though I'm not sure exactly how to work that in. Maybe Davies studied records of the Abrian tongue and always wished he could go there? Also do any earth species get onto Abr before expeditions to there are ceased? It may add an interesting dichotomy to the enemies if so.

    Lastly: What about Cai or Morgan as names? I'm not super hot on either Martyn or Georgia.

    Lastlylastly: Are these okay controls? <pre class='basicprint'>
    WASD move
    mouse aim
    left click primary weapon
    right click secondary weapon
    shift run
    space interact (read signs, pick up stones, etc)

    And elements would be chosen via gestures (if there are five, for example, we could have gesture up, down, left, right, or in a circle). Attacks are charged while the button is held, and happen upon release. So to fire a bow farther hold the button down more.
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