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Also*2: According to UUworld, obama went to the first UU church of honolulu as a wee babe.
Then he became a christian :[
Wedge of Cheese
Wedge of Cheese
Assuming you're referring to the org and not the rope (which looks exactly the same as the one you showed me yesterday), nice job! And iirc, yes, 40x40. I think, however, my earlier idea of having solids be polygon-based might overcomplicate things, and maybe we should do tile-based and only use 45-degree slopes? I also think my earlier idea of having the player collision shape be a circle may be a bad one.
The rope physics were actually updated a bit, unless I accidentally sent you the wrong exe again.
And danke. I figure if I keep trying enough times I'll eventually spit out something decent. (Although I'm afraid I may be lacking in creativity as far as creating tunes goes).

Have you had a chance to mull over ideas for the weapons yet?
And why is circlecollision a poor choice?
Wedge of Cheese
Wedge of Cheese
Thoughts on weapons:

Total # of weapons should be either 3 or 4. 2 is boring and 5 or more makes switching a pain, which makes the player more likely to use 1 or 2 weapons exclusively, defeating the purpose of having moar weapons. If I had to pick 4 from the list you posted earlier, I would pick: grapple, blocks, ricochet, shotgun.

<p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>The main concern I have with these is that (with the first two at least) it seems like pretty much everywhere could be accessed at once.</div></div>

That isn't necessarily a bad thing, though an easy way to avoid it would be to have the weapons be collectibles rather than things you have right off the bat. Also, collectible weapon upgrades, like maybe you need an upgrade to be able to retract your grapple, and before you get that upgrade, it just works like pendulumeca (fixed length once it attaches to something).

re: music
The tune you use in bars 4-7, which is the same as that of 8-11 is considerably more dissonant than that of 0-3. You might try leaving 8-11 the same but changing 4-7 to something more dissonant than 0-3 but less dissonant than 8-11 so it's a more continuous progression of increasing dissonance.
The good thing about having three weapons is that any weapon is accessible with a single switch, and it also decreases the amount of mechanics the player has to figure out. On the other hand, unless these mechanics are very deep, it could get kinda boring. Perhaps there could be five or so weapons available, but the player can only hold three at a time. In order to get another one, they would have to find an enemy that has that type of weapon and then kill it. Ofc, if we did that it would have problems of its own, most notably making us unable to have rooms that required a certain weapon to bypass (unless we wanted to be real mean about it).

We could make weapons disposable/collectible and just have a choice of three or four I guess. It wouldn't make much sense to have a grappling hook stay in your inventory if you left it on the ground somewhere. Collectible weapon upgrades surely sounds like fun.

As far as weapon choices go, I'd lean towards having the windifier or parasol or some other defensive weapon in the set of weapons that you can have. So:
- Grappling hook or block gun (tactical/mobility)
- Shotgun or Richochet gun (high damage)
- Windgun or Parasol (defensive)

Shotgun and windgun could probably be combined, and given a wonderfully witty name like the blundergust or something. However, while that would be a high damage output weapon, it would also be essentially melee. If having no great long range weapon (grappling hook is real hard to aim, remember) is okay with you, we could then have:
- Grapple
- Block gun
- Shotgun
- Parasol

But if decency at range is important, we could go with something more like:
- Grapple
- Stake gun
- Shotgun
- Parasol

- Grapple
- Block gun
- Shotgun
- Ricochet gun

The last of which is what you suggested, but which doesn't have any shield-type weapon.
About the parasol, the reason why I keep tacking it on these lists is because while it certainly wouldn't be that good at attacking, it could have some interesting secondary uses (and would also be a kinda unique weapon). Inducing or reducing drag, for example, sounds like good fun, but I'm also not quite sure what the practicalities of that would be. Maybe it could also be used as a boat or to create an air bubble or something when underwater. Heck if I know.


Also different weapon sets are differently suited depending on what we want the pace of the game to be. If we want it faster, then damagers are the most important, but if we want it slower, then a diversity is good.

Also I just had another idea but I have dinner now.