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  • Oh yes and about the mod I think you should also include a few easter eggs, like where Arthur's Grave is put a silly quote or something.
    Bumperrrr!!!! You must have seen it on my profile, I was looking at it just before you made the post :P
    Oh. Stupid me...
    And umm... where does it end? I got to the part where Sue offers the rapid-fire watch but I'm not sure if there is anymore to it.
    I think I got most. It seems like only the Mimiga mask is a change, though.

    My Laptop is down right now and I'm very limited with my computer due to this annoying lag... mabye tomorrow D:
    I think it has much potential! Keep working on it, and mabye add a few cutscenes to break the platforming-only cycle.
    If I could suggest anything, mabye you could make a secret side-quest for the nemesis or spur. Or a collectible item.
    Skipflags exist only in the game's temporary memory
    They exist for as long as the window is open.
    For one, if you don't yet know how flags work then eeehhhhhhhhhhck



    <PRI<CNP0300:0000:0000<SOU0011<FAO0003<TRA0014:009 4:0005:0009<END

    #300 = Door
    #100 = trigger

    Try something like that
    Really? That' wasn't even the intended hint. I guess it works still, though.
    Hmm, maybe double check your player starting position and event? Pressing new makes the player start in a certain spot on a certain map, running a certain event (essentially like a <TRA). By default, it starts with event 200 in the First Cave (or is it the Start Point? I forget...) but you can change it. Are you using SW or CE?
    basically yes, flag jump jumps to the event (in this, case 101) if the flag (in this case, 5998) is set.

    You can also change npcs instantly using npc commands like <CNP <MNP <SNP <DNP <ANP.
    The "appear when flag set" and "disappear when flag set" flags only affect whether or not the npcs load when you first enter the map. Doing an <FL+ or <FL- once you're already in the map won't affect the npcs until the next time you enter the map (incidentally, though, the reverse of that actually does work, i.e. if you do a <DNP on an npc that is "appear when flag set", it implicitly does an <FL- on the flag, and if you <DNP a "disappear when flag set" npc, it implicitly does an <FL+). What I would recommend doing is, instead of having 2 separate npcs, just have one and do an <FLJ, like so:

    <FLJ5998:0101<KEY<MSG<TURIt's locked.<NOD<END


    Here's your weapon,<AM+0013:0000<NOD
    and heres the booster.<EQ+0032<NOD<CLO

    Also note the <CLO and <END I added to the signpost event.

    For future reference, it's generally better to post these kind of questions in the quick answers thread rather than an individual user's profile, so anyone who knows the answer can help you out.

    edit: of the 2 npcs, delete the 101 and leave the 100 for the above to work. Also, if you wanted the graphic to change (say from a closed door to an open one) you could throw in a <CNP0100:0000:0000 after the <FL+ (and maybe also a <SOU if you wanted).
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