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  • Heyyy, you probably already know but Night in the Woods got a director's cut update... It might be time for some new crimes
    Can't wait to get weird
    I found out about and played youve got mail a few days ago, and it was hilarious but...why? I'm not even mad but what reason would you have to make a parody of a mod I made 5 years ago? Did Mail Story become a community meme or something?
    Hey, can i borrow your Arthur's sprites from King's Story? i'll give a credit
    Thanks, this will help a lot!
    Can I take your bubsy plushies on a walk tomorrow? I promise we will look both ways before crossing the street.
    Now that's asking a lot, blink
    what's the best translation for this game
    ive only ever played the one where they call grasstown grasstown
    wait did i need to say that twice? or should i have said they call bushland grasstown
    Both translations are flawed really. AGTP got a number of things wrong in their translation (Koron, Bloody Holy Land + other credits vs game naming inconsistencies, Nikumaru, "Earth" instead of surface, Litagano Motscoud, etc), but Nicalis lacks the flavour of the AGTP translation in a number of places. I would personally love a merged translation that offers the best of both.
    oh yeah i heard the name "Koron" before and that confused me

    Colon makes much more sense once i realized that curly brace and quote weren't names and were characters on the keyboard
    When first watching playthroughs of CS+, I wasn’t too fond of the changes. Buying and playing the game, however, I found it wasn’t as noticeable of a deal. Sure there are some, very memorable quotes from AG that just lose all life when translated literally but for the most part, I really didn’t notice when I was playing CS+.
    It's really not good. Bubsy says the exact same lines over... and over... and over. I mean, he did this in the original games as well but at least it was only when he DIED or at the start of a level. Also, a lot of stuff blends in with each other like enemies and the background. The level design isn't memorable. It's not worth 30 dollars.
    They literally give you a slider in the options for how often bubsy talks so if you turn it up that's no fault but your own.
    I thought the levels were fine if a bit bland. The bosses were nice.
    oh shit, sorry, didn't know that.
    In my game there are two parts where it gets REALLY hard
    1.) One puzzle at the beginning is really hard unless you look at the guide I'm making
    2.) A boss fight or two is also pretty hard

    Do you have any ideas on how I would put an "easy mode" in it?
    I'm not sure if everyone would look at the guide...
    One idea was:
    Select easy/hard mode at the beginning. COMPLETELY Different puzzle at the hard puzzle parts. ALSO life capsules might give a little more life (using flags and stuff to sense), and hard boss fights will either have some spikes removed or weapons will be better before that

    Do you think that's a good idea? I just don't want people to get discouraged from playing because some parts are too hard to beat.
    Or the second idea was to say:
    "If you're having trouble download that Ultimate Doukutsu Trainer and skip parts"

    Also the story line continues from the original cave story, so should I ask at the beginning if you haven't played if you want a summary of it?
    if your mod is too hard for you then it's way too hard for anyone else
    and you can pretty much assume anyone playing mods knows the story of cave story.
    Ok, I won't include a summary then.
    Things like the puzzle aren't hard for me but since I make them I'm not sure if others will figure out what certain things mean.

    I don't consider myself any amazing player at this game, but I think I'm decent. I just want to make sure people who aren't as good still have some sort of chance at winning
    what do you think is a good loading screen?
    I'm not sure if i should change the colors of the letters or just leave it as is
    sometimes i feel the need to change things just to show people I CAN

    also i like the scorching back music for the egg corridor it really fits it
    i've seen some people do the outer wall music for water stuff i like that too yay
    The loading screen itself doesn't matter much, but what happens between it and your title screen should serve as some sort of introduction to your mod.
    oh i think people were getting a little confused I meant the loading screen as the part where it says "Loading..." and that's it

    I already made the other loading screen (like the one where the doctor walks to the crown with misery and balrog in bubbles)
    Ah.. 'kay.
    What do you think is better:
    A high quality cave story game with lots of cool features that takes a year to make with about 2 hours of gameplay
    or another 2 hour of gameplay cave story game, but it's really basic and is only map and script changes (no different art, custom bosses or cool storyline) BUT it only takes 2 months to make

    my first games were the second option, and the one im making right now I'm HOPING is the first option
    I just wonder if I'm wasting my time in making a better quality game, when people maybe just want a better quantity game
    so do you think it would be best if i tried to make a better game, even though it will take me probably around a year to make?
    ok hopefully mine is good in quality
    i think its better than the one or two I made a long time ago
    The second one I made was better than the first, but it was a lot shorter (probably because I didn't have the patience to make it that long with it being that "good")

    I wrote a big plan, hopefully it's about as long as the original cave story
    do you know why sometimes maps glitch out and act as if they're a background? one of my maps is broken its the waterway map (River I think) and I just fall through it and the arrows that are supposed to be the flowing water still look like arrows...
    oh yeah... it says 00 for all of them
    time to do what the englishted guy says! thanks people ill tell if it works
    IT WORKED!!!!
    Honestly just being honestly honest I would have never gotten that if I spent 2 months trying to figure that out
    It's a shame I deleted my old version of the map... luckily I didn't spend that long on it (just some basic things.. I should really test it first next time)
    It may help knowing that you can always edit tile IDs by right clicking them in the tileset(aka not in the map).
    why was the thing saying cannot use right now before
    anyways do you think egg corridor music fits the sandzone? just curious
    I think egg corridor music fits egg corridor
    yea both seem kind of similar though
    at least more similar than other ones
    hi what is your favorite background? i like the scrolling moon one
    gunblademaster thats like the moon one but i think just a brighter version
    both are good but i like the moon one because its easy on the eyes if youre playing at night

    i may not be able to finish my game for a while, i think i'm like 4/10 through
    i have a lot of work now which is sad but i bet itll be finished at most in a year
    i hope its good i cant really judge myself
    at least theres no major glitches, or messed up tiles and stuff like that
    For any X, there is a metadiscussion Y about X.
    This includes metadiscussions.
    hey just curious not sure if you know but in one of the jenka nightmares mods they had the night ghost things (the one that sneeze yarn snowball things on the outerwall) and they drew it to look more like a machine
    at one point they made it as a boss with a ton of health (like 400) but later they made it with the normal amount of health (i think 64) in another outerwall area, although it looked the same
    do you know how they did this? I know how to give it more or less health but I don't know how to get it to vary throughout the mod..
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