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  • Hey, could I get some more Assembly help from you?

    I've been trying to follow your advice on preventing Missiles from dropping, but I haven't had any luck yet...
    Mostly, just been following this code:
    Noxid said:
    PUSH (flag #, hex)
    CALL 0040E930
    ADD ESP,4
    But I've had terrible luck so far...
    I don't know what the flag for the Missile Launcher is, either, so I've just been messing with any block the contains the bottom two lines... {Specifically, changing the PUSH number to something obscure}
    None of them seem to be stopping the Missiles from dropping. {Though, I've skipped the Register ones, thinking it wouldn't use that. Was that a mistake?}
    I wish I understood this better, it's the last change I need for LMAP before I can 're-release' it....
    Hey, how are you? Are you still planning to work on that beginners guide? I certainly hope so. I did read 3-4 quicky guides on Assembly, but they didn`t help much. Funny new avatar you have btw. You`ll get a present if you know who my avatar is! Best wishes.
    Hey, i have a question maybe u can answer. I want to port my tileset on one game i was working on to another... But, I don't know how to access the fileset outside of CE. Can you tell me how i can port it? thanks
    around 41592d, it appears.
    Edit: I rescind that information as it is lies.
    Wobluh Edit: Despite olly's many goodnesses, it has a sucky find function. Due to never remembering to keep track of what I do, all I have is the swimming executable, so poop.

    The way I normally find obvious offsets is just to open up the assembly dump in notepad, and then search for the obviousness, in this case cmp [49e650],mask.

    Yeah, I did. Unfortunately, I'm ridiculously busy at this point. :<

    I'll answer over the weekend. Sorry for ignoring ya. ^^;

    Random Q: How far did you get in my mod?
    Ergh, got forgetful and posted on my own little corner of the universe. sorry bout that.

    I honestly don't know.
    I've been using chrome so long that I didn't even know the tabs were in the wrong spot. I don't know how to change this, sadly, but you might have better luck with cheese.

    as for addons:
    ahahaha, miraigamer. even I am finding it incredible that I didn't get that; then again, I've only been looking at the tribute site for about 4 years now and never until today did I even bother to check the forum link, god forbid.

    of course, the doom text thing I don't think anyone this new would even be expected to know about. and about kanpachi, I always thought he and mahin were the best. the fact you guys have elevated at least one of them so is pretty top-notch
    not only do i not know what almost any word in the phrase "MG tenents like doom text" is supposed to refer to but I can't figure out the context you're even saying the statement in

    ohhaitharjustwantedtoletyouknowimmagonnausethattaglineformetroidphazoninmysignaturealsothisthing wouldhaverunonforsometimebutunfortunatelyiamgettingatadboredsoi'llstop.

    Heheh oops... Sorry 'bout that...
    I had like 10 threads open in tabs so I could try and figure out weapon modding so I guess I confused them...
    Damn, I'm still missing at least 400 posts than before all this happened...
    I'm more curious about where those 400 went than upset, though...
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