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  • Ack, this forum is one of those with a really small PM box? That sucks...
    Comon, you can't say it's confidential if you've shown progress on that thread...! (I won't mention it publicly again, if that's what you're wanting)
    Que? Do people not use PMs anymore? (didn't check my profile until today. Sorry about that!)

    This... "confidential" thing. Is it about the double rez thing, or your unfinished part? (referring to post #1014 in Released thread)
    Urgh so many choices! Let's see... The top one is a bit too dark and hides the blue a bit... Hmm... I'd say the green works best I'll put it in the face.pbm in a bit. Thanks for all the help I would never have been able to do this
    Whoa. I have only one recommendation: can you make his anteanna blue? Like from the standard blue robot in cavestory? I just want to see of that would work. Geez these are really good
    Ooh. If it's not too late, make sure he's not TOO scrapwork. The parts were salvaged from parts of other destroyed robots. Striking reseblence is necessary, hat is optional (haven't decided yet, you choose what looks best).
    Starts off normal but creepy, after a small amount of time he turns evil. Maybe just make one facepic that's straight-faced but creepy
    So how is this second one supposed to look?
    Gimme some details and such.
    Ok... so I tried to change it to slightly not black, but cavestory automatically makes black and therefore transparent. I even made it grey and it still came up clear. MS paint sucks.
    uuh problem. I put the quote facepic into face.pbm, but quote's black hair comes up as transparent (the text box color) I've had this problem with respriting before, is there any way to fix this?
    I was using ms paint before, the windows 7 ms paint is waaaay dumbed down, a serious downgrade from XP (I never needed vista). I've seen a lot of good things about paint.NET, but in the end I may just end up using Pixen. It's a primium pixel editor for mac only, which allows me to save the trouble of booting up parallels for windows 7
    when i used quote's facepic in the mod, it looked a little grey so I redid the greys with the color palette of curly (minus the eyes)

    Worse... Or better?
    excellent. I implanted quote with dark blue eyes into the face.pbm, I replaced ballos (this won't be one of the mods where ballos somehow IS ALIVE!!!)
    Perfect thanks I'll tell him. We're trying to create a mine dropper weapon by setting the wep speed to 0, plus the acceleration I guess. Wait could we just change the velocity check to 0? Eliminating all speed?
    My weapon modding friend is wondering:
    about where does the offset for missIle launcher speed start? We found the missle launcher itself, but the code is nasty
    You were right, bright blue is bad, but I actually like the black eyes a lot. I will have to consult my crew on this one
    Can you make them the same blue as curly brace's? They have the same eye color in the sprites.
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