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  • Honestly think I could live without it, but if you want, sure, always nice to have extra control.
    You're just giving me more and more ideas...

    I've also got to leave until tomorrow afternoon, so I guess that all works out?
    Thanks again for your help, and hope you don't run into any problems or such..
    {Also, lots of credits go to you now~}
    Oi, the second option is now tempting me, just because of ideas I'm already having at the thought of that...
    I'm honestly not sure, though...
    The Modifier sounds easier in the fact that I could keep the same 'degree' between jumping height and running distance inbetween Water and Land, but since you've started giving me ideas on being able to control both water and land speeds individually and in strange ways, and that I'll have to memorize the normal 'degree' between running and jumping when changing Land speeds anyways, I think I'd prefer the third option for complete control over Water physics as well Land...

    EDITS LATER: I also need to try to keep my thoughts in line, lots'a grammatical errors there...
    Aw, man, you've made me glad I came back. That'll help a lot, thanks. {EDIT: Heheh, saving that...}

    As for the decision about the water, I guess it depends on what will happen if I try to change the speeds and then the player goes into water. If you went the easy way, would it override the new speed with the normal half speed of Cave Story? Or simply use the half speed of the current speed? If the second, I think I could live with that. Or, hell, I could just make fake water and use H/V triggers to modify the speed with the TSC, if it still didn't work, right? Wouldn't mind that extra work, as long as it was in something I understood {Like TSC}. And if the rest of the water worked normally, I'm talking about what would happen if I tried changing the speed and then entering water, here.

    Honestly, I feel a bit bad having you do this for me, so I wouldn't want to press you to do the overly difficult stuff, just whatever you'd think would be best and not require me to come back wanting more Assembly help with the same thing because I suddenly find it's not working for something else?
    Oi, actually, remembering back to everything I had done before stopping again, I remembered there was one more thing Assembly-wise I needed, but it's a lot easier and I might be able to just figure it out on my own, if it's too much of a bother...
    Just needed to basically change the damage done by Ma Pignon's various forms of attack, such as damage-on-contact or the falling rocks... {I just don't know how people find the stuff so easy, but there's bound to be offset lists somewhere for him... And I don't think I can just use Cave Editor, I believe it didn't work for the falling rocks, or his charging attack, or something else...}
    Heheh, well, I really only needed that one command for now, didn't plan on much more Assembly, at least until I start making more new guns, and had a special plan for the Booster...
    I'd greatly appreciate it if you could help me with this, though.
    What? Why only nine?
    But in serious, er, really...?
    I don't want to seem lazy, but I really don't know Assembly very well...
    I'd be willing to attempt what Lace recommended, I understand the idea fine, just not the actual commands and such to use...
    I'll probably send you a demo of a mod based on that map that took me more than an hour to do.
    wait, -40 = -40?
    wow, cool. well, at least I got to show you that I can spell fahrenheit.

    and how are you gonna pull of a conqueror outfit? I mean, you already are one, bun convincing others otherwise is a bit hard. nice of you to remember though. :P
    Thanks lol that really made my day. Well, I'm not entirely sure what those grates are. Perhaps they're just grates? But yeah I'll add more nuances to the color since the holes just aren't enough. I could create a story just from that one map.
    Darn tootin', you better like it.

    And, I honestly dunno if I'll stay or not, this is just a curious visit at the moment...
    Really didn't expect my absence to be noticed much at all.
    Uhm, surprise, Merry Late Christmas? {We're your presents}
    Well, like the sound of the 'new' Jacob, too, he didn't seem aggressive in the few threads I browsed..
    And Lace actually contacted me a few days ago, that's why I'm here again.
    I'd expect Ralren to be back, he's rather melodramatic about this kind of thing...
    Actually, Fire and SP leaving were two reasons I decided to pop my head in for a bit, though I am a bit saddened to hear of Boots' inactivity...
    I saw Merlinoboy and the ruckus with him for a bit, but didn't bother following it a lot.
    I thought
    Ryuuoutan was doing better before, too, everyone was just too busy still clinging to old stuff and being asses, which only antagonized her and made her act worse, and looplooplooploo--*Crash*
    And I think I might've saw T-Jack leave, I remember him at least going incredibly inactive... So much for that Adventure thread...
    So does that mean Captain's left twice and came back each time, or was that still the same absence?

    Also, am I mistaken, or is that Jacob back on the Forums, after his fussy quitting?
    That's good to hear, and can see the art's coming along fine with your current avatar, always wish I could do better in that degree...
    I suppose they would seem the same, I heard some 'majors' dropped off though, thought things were changing or something, guess not...
    Also not actually surprised at the last bit. This sounds like it'll be interesting.
    I... I just slept in, that's all.
    Though, just between you and me, doubt I'll stay long, so we'll have to make the thing quick.
    Ha, saw your post on gir's profile. Yesterday night if hit around negative forty fahrenheit.
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