HyMyNameIsMatt;113851 said:
Assembly sucks when you first start.
Are you serious? Oh lordy. Listen - if assembly sucks when you start, you are doing something horribly, horribly wrong. Assembly is not some tool for you to abuse, it is a way of life. Look at noxid, look at gir, at dooey, at rune. These people breathe assembly, they drink assembly, eat assembly, and snort assembly. They're all damned good hackers, and its not because they force themselves to trudge through assembly -- they look forward to it, they love it. You see, it's the process, not the result, that matters. If you're just using tsc and assembly to get to a finished mod, and for no other reason, you need to find a different hobby.
The same point holds when learning assembly. If you don't
really want to learn it, if you think learning it would be too hard, if you aren't thrilled when you can use what you know, if you don't like using it, then stop. There is no point in even attempting to learn a new language if you think it sucks. You will
never master it, or even come close to grokking it. Ever.