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  • Well, you were a party pooper to a thread of sexual innuendo and odd fetishes. Maybe if there was a thread about abstaining from sexual innuendo, you'd post sexual innuendo just to poop on the party. But... you did give me a link to a fanfiction site. If you were a party pooper, wouldn't you have just said, "I know a good home for your fan fic... My Documents!"
    Why am I here? Simple answer: I decided not to take certain people seriously.

    Long explanation: I first came here, and was IMMEDIATELY flamed out of existence... almost. I decided not to let one douchebag, if that's appropriate, define my being. Well, not my being, but you catch my drift. So I came on here, and I mainly theorize. It's also a challenge for me to stay intersted in Cave Story. Another reason why I'm here is because on other sites people have used the name "darkcrusader" but only post one or two things and leave. I didn't want to be one of those people.

    Now why I have I asked about you? Because you are unique. For instance, everyone (well, noteveryone, but a lot of people, including myself) did the whole Kanpachi jokes thing, which was basically X can do Y. X being a person/being interchangeable with Chuck Norris, and Y represents some ridiculous accomplishment or characteristic. And you saw how dumb it was from the beginning. Then you made some funny Kanpachifail posts.

    So you're not like everyone, that's why I asked you questions.
    Well, why are you still here?
    What's your niche?
    Modding, theorizing, fan fiction?
    Why do you still cling to the site?
    Maybe I'm under-informed, but it doesn't seem like you fit in with the rest of these people.
    No offense.
    You're unlike many people on here. That's a good thing, I suppose.
    I'm assuming there are others like you in some regards. But you're just the only one who is standing out to me right now.
    I was replying to
    MS is on an egotistical powertrip and is moving EVERYTHING event SLIGHTLY off topic to the SPOT.
    not the fact that mod/hax thingies no longer count.

    And I'm also sorta pissed because I lost nearly half my posts. HALF.
    Do you know why posts in the hacking/modding subsection don't count anymore?
    Heh, I remember Bartz's story during Dissidia being summed up in three words:
    "Adventure? Cool beans."

    And Tactics? Probably one of my most favorites FF games, gameplay wise.
    I absolutely loved the job system...
    The Tactic Advance sequels didn't seem to do it justice, though...
    Ha, I see a lot of things in common with FFVI and FFVII.... {For example, there's a bit of coping with the final bosses. Same attack names, both have the same close-up before an ultimate attack, etc...}
    And, Kefka does kill a main character in VI, General Leo....
    Not as big as Aeris, maybe, but it was still a person you played as....

    And I haven't played FFV yet, unfortunately.
    Due to Nintendo's big screw up with the numbering of III through VI, I played II and thought it was V....
    I rather like them both, Kefka more I suppose, but those Sephy-bashing pictures were more for those people who play FFVII and nothing more, and think Sephiroth's the only real FF villain there is >.>;
    They're both just as awesome in Dissidia, but it sorta makes a mockery of them at the same time...
    Sephiroth plays Cloud like a doll so much, Tropes even made a joke that Seph would try and convince Cloud that he was behind the reason he ate a certain sandwich that day...
    And instead of Kefka simply being an insane man revealing in destruction, they decided to throw in "He was only doing evil to fill his broken heart" bit right at the end, which doesn't suit him at all...
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