Nope. You're the one who is still kinda egging me on about this. I may have been a bit bummed that my thread was de-gayified, but hey. I kind of wanted it to end there. You were the one who decided to post on my wall upon seeing what I said on Fab's.
Acting high and mighty and holier than thou, and whathaveyou. I understand that you didn't want 'such trash' in the forums, but you know? It happens. My friends and I were just continuing a joke. We really didn't need to see if you appreciated it or not. And even if you consider my thread 'rule breaking', well...the posts you made were quite off-topic. Call it grasping at straws, but it's still a rule violation in of itself.
I may seem like the 'loltroll immature liar durrhurr', and hey, maybe I am, but acting like a pretentious, power-hungry cunt and attacking me is no better.
Now, I would appreciate it if you left me alone. This is pretty stupid, honestly.