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  • Wow. There's so much history here. Didn't really know about poor leadership until we started talking. This can't be too hard a site to admin, though. There's maybe 150 active members and there are even unused forums.
    That's odd. Wanting you to spam his profile. And your posts got deleted. Quick question, how bad do you have to be to be banned?
    Also, who's Oliver? Is that his username or what?
    Is that because they don't look? People could have their own, private, unregulated forum on their profile pages if they so pleased. You can moderate your own page too, so it would be most advantageous. Except you could only have one topic.
    Oh, I just noticed you posted your Chinfish speech. I already copied and pasted it into a word document :D
    Okay. Well, that was a nice chat. I've *yawn* got to go now. Good evening. Or afternoon. Or whatever. Ta ta.
    Yeah, at this rate, the Chinfish story could get removed. That was pretty epic.

    So yeah, I'm basically resolving that you're much unlike the others in a cool way. Maybe that's not what you are but that's my hypothesis for now.
    Wow, I feel so rebellious, I got a post deleted!

    Anyway, back to the conversation at hand: So what does that mean? You're, for the most part, like the people on this forum, but I shouldn't take that at face value? So you're not like the people on here? Or they're like you too, but you just don't talk about the strange fetishes.
    Well, iron sharpens iron....

    But one of the first things I said was that I was probably under-informed, which I am.
    I said you could do what you want. I am just trying not to leave "Some subtle sign that [[you]] should leave the forum because [[you]] don't belong?"
    Well, maybe that means playing it to death for you. For some people it means getting a 3hp run all the way to the good ending.
    For you it may have meant, "Woot, the Doctor's dead. That was fun."
    Then why stay? I mean, stay if you want, I think you're cool (for now, at least; you might be actually mean for all I know). But it's not worth it. I just came on here to post a fan fiction. I was gone at camp all summer and hadn't a chance to post it. But you don't have much of a reason to stay.
    It's been quite nice discussing logical stuff instead of the regular sex stuff that's discussed here, but you've probably already played Cave Story to death and maybe you should focus more on other things.
    But you also said you were having fun. So as long as you're having fun, I suppose that's good. Unless you're just saying you're having fun to irritate that guy with the ghoulish avatar.
    I am understanding you perfectly, not sure why you think I don't. Do people commonly misunderstand what you try and say?

    And about the appreciation thing, I don't really care either way. Appreciation is not something I desire or expect from people on this forum.
    Well, if you weren't nice you wouldn't care if people read my fanfic or not.

    And about you being different, if I mean anything like that at all is that this forum doesn't suit you. People here don't seem to appreciate you. It just looks like a truckload of flak is flying up at you, and you're flying through the atmosphere as a Blue Eagle.
    I don't know if you caught that or not, but if so, I hope it explains what I'me trying to say.
    Precisely my point. No one said, "oh, fanfiction.net has a two-day waiting period, so use this site instead." You're different.
    So you must be nice. I kindly thank you again, ma'am!
    Even though you don't like fan fiction you helped me publish mine.
    But what made you feel like all the other people would spam my topic and not help me?
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