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Recent content by hammil

  1. hammil

    Sue and Kazuma's father?

    Re: Sue's Dad? Yeah, maybe, or maybe her dad just buggered off years ago.
  2. hammil

    Streaming Cave Story

    http://www.thermalright.com/new_a_page/product_page/cpu/hr-02/product_cpu_hr-02.html Yes, it exists
  3. hammil

    Streaming Cave Story

    I've got my processor at 3.2Ghz with no probs. Basically, what happens is this: Increase FSB = More heat + Less stability Bigger heatsink | Faster fan = Less heat More heat = Shorter component life Increase voltage = More stability + Shorter component life (from electron migration) So: Increase...
  4. hammil

    Spur and the Snake

    Yeah, they always bothered me. I remember once that if you shot them they go to the background but that hasn't happened recently. I think just platforms.
  5. hammil

    What happened to the Red Crystal?

    Yeah, there was that thing with the MASSIVE EXPLOSION reserved only for the destruction of Omega, the Undead Core and Ballos.
  6. hammil

    How was the Floating Island created?

    It was either just there, or Jenka made it. Ballos and _Misery_ are both too young.
  7. hammil

    Cave-Story the movie?

    I hope you're joking.
  8. hammil

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    Neither did you. err........................Counter bomb! PS: Toroko's theme remains the most awesome music in existence btw. PPS: How is he called "General Breaker"??
  9. hammil

    Kanpachi is so badass that...

    Kanpachi is so badass that even the Chinfish stays away...
  10. hammil

    Cave-Story the movie?

    What the fuck. Let's do it! I'm wearing a paper bag.
  11. hammil

    Cave-Story the movie?

    A CS movie would be so unbelievably bad and cheesy that I might just tear out my eyes.
  12. hammil

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    6/10: Traverses the egg corridor unscathed, but pwned by Igor Zombie dragons
  13. hammil

    Streaming Cave Story

    Whack on a heatsink the size of a small car, and overclock that shit!
  14. hammil

    Favorite retro games.

    The Avernum series, if that counts
  15. hammil

    Greatest Video Game Acomplishments

    Well, this should be easy, I've been playing games since I was 3... hmm... Oh! Getting Mass Effect for Christmas and completing it by boxing day. The ending cutscene was playing just as everyone went to bed. Pretty epic. Hang on, Mass Effect is like a 30 hour game, and I tend to take games...