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How was the Floating Island created?

Jan 28, 2010 at 4:56 AM
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Was it Ballos, or Jenka, or was it just there?
I don't remember if it was uncovered during the game.
Jan 28, 2010 at 5:09 AM
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Jan 28, 2010 at 5:12 AM
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I was looking for a thread like that. Thanks, and i'll get a mod to close this.
Jul 10, 2010 at 11:59 PM
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WELL. Two necro bumps in one day! Huzzah?
The thread I linked to didn't get really get into the creation of the Island, and now I have a theory. It's all wild speculation, but it makes sense. I thought it up while I was writing some lyrics for Toroko's Song, so that the whole subject of the song makes sense.

There was an ancient civilization of philosophers, magicians and scientists. They are the Good Guys, although this isn't necessarily a struggle between good and evil. The Good Guys were prosperous, they built many beautiful things, and they lived peacefully with the Mimigas.

As incongruous with their nature as it might seem, they were also religious. A shrine was built around a holy site, where they believed that the Goddess first bestowed magic upon the humans. They constructed a tall, beautiful tower, and other, shorter buildings nestled in its shadow. They protected the shrine with enchantments, to make it last for ages. Below the shrine were catacombs, filled with sand for some reason. I don't know. Maybe these people really liked sand.

Anyway, the Good Guys' religion revered frogs. Perhaps they are magic as well. It is a mystery. All we know is that the monks living at the shrine wore frog-like robes. (And they feasted on mortal souls?)
There was no city built around the shrine; it sat on green, rolling hills where the Mimigas lived. The Mimigas made their homes underground, but walked aboveground like the humans. They were not subterrainean creatures. So the Mimigas were friendly to the monks and the pilgrims, and even traded when possible. The Good Guys and the Mimigas were happy. On average, I suppose.

But of course, you can't have Good Guys without Bad Guys. The Bad Guys were a nation of warriors and conquerors, and they also possessed magic. Since they focused their magery on destruction and death, the Good Guys could not defend themselves sufficiently, and realized their downfall was inevitable after a few months of war.

The Bad Guys had no respect for the Good Guys' religion, and they burned and razed all monuments and places of prayer. Learning of this, it was decided by the Good Guys that the only way to save the shrine and the holy ground it rested upon was to keep it out of the Bad Guys' reach. All the most powerful magicians were summoned to the shrine, to lift it off the ground and send it traveling amongst the clouds, closer to the Goddess and away from harm, while the cities below it burned.

The Mimigas had never bothered with human conflicts and politics, but they understood that the Bad Guys would certainly try to wipe them all out, because bad guys tend to be dicks. So they asked the Good Guys if they could live on the floating ground. It didn't seem at all fair that they should be killed because of the humans' war. Obviously, the Good Guys didn't think it was fair they should die either, but Mimigas were rather ethnocentric, I suppose.

So the Mimigas made their tunnels in the ground below the shrine, and the land was magicked into the air, where it would float until... well, you know.

What the Mimigas and Cthulhu didn't count on is the difficulty of living at high altitudes. The monks refused to let Mimigas live in their quarters (they are holy buildings), and the outside of the Island is cold, windy and dry. The Mimigas moved underground, where there was food, water and grass for some reason. After a few generations, they avoided the exterior altogether. The Cthulhu also go underground, but take care of the shrine whenever no one's using as a base for world domination.

What became of the other humans, though?

The Good Guys were wiped out, all their knowledge and architecture forgotten and destroyed. The Bad Guys instated their kingdom, although you can hardly call the entire race Bad because they wanted to take things over. For instance, Ballos was a kind soul. Too bad the king was a dick. You all know Ballos's story (and if you don't, finish the god damn game, you pussy). Jenka was the most powerful magician in the Kingdom, so she was able to transport Ballos and the Core to the Island. Pretty straightforward.

So that's how the Island came into being, and why the Mimigas, Cthulhu and an entire zone made of sand are there.
Aug 16, 2010 at 12:53 AM
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About the water and the grass, I assume that part of the Island's magical properties drew water towards itself. This is displayed by the large amount of clouds surrounding the island, as seen on the balcony. It must have had a wide radius of attraction, because the clouds stretch for many soccer fields of length as is evident when Quote and Kazuma escape. And with water, grass can survive. Of course you always need light, but there must have been some or else the game would be entirely black, or extremely dark.
Aug 16, 2010 at 8:43 AM
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darkcrusader said:
About the water and the grass, I assume that part of the Island's magical properties drew water towards itself.
alternate idea:island is huge correct? well, guess what really deep earth is? that's right, wet. as for the grass, Mimigas track seeds or whatever into the caves they dug -> grass gets spread -> grows.
light: see also the Core, technology (i.e. the teleporters, if you can make those you can sure as hell slap some lighting in.), evolution.
Aug 16, 2010 at 2:42 PM
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Metruler1990 said:
alternate idea:island is huge correct? well, guess what really deep earth is? that's right, wet.

Well, because the island floats the moisture in the soil would not stay in. Plus the reason why deep earth is wet is because there's a continual supply of water (and is isn't dried out by the sun or air). 79% of a planet's worth. Or however much. So they'd inevitably run out of water. They'd have to have an influx of water. A mechanism like the waterway may have sucked in moisture from the earth.

Also, other ideas about the island!

I believe that it magically teleports, or was teleported at some point in history to Earth (or whatever planet this game takes place on). If you had a crazy magician locked away in it, you wouldn't want it on your planet, now would you? Not exactly ethical, but the government in Ballos's time wasn't either. Eventually someone saw planet earth (and its great water supplies) and realized that it was far superior for supporting life than the planet that it was on. I'm assuming large water content on a planet is a rare thing, of course, and Earth is special and awesome. Perhaps the Demon Crown wearer, to establish his dominion, moved the planet to Earth. How he observed the planet Earth and it's conditions could be explained by superior astronomy techniques. Technology is ridiculously good on the island, but probably not made by mimigas. These people obviously had way more advanced technology than we do, so observation of planet light-years away would, of course, be possible. And there's always the explanation of magic.
Well, I've said a lot here! I'll see what you guys think before I post any more.
Aug 18, 2010 at 12:46 AM
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darkcrusader said:
I'm assuming large water content on a planet is a rare thing, of course, and Earth is special and awesome.
You assume wrongly, but Cave Story takes place in an alternate universe, so whatever.
darkcrusader said:
Perhaps the Demon Crown wearer, to establish his dominion, moved the planet to Earth.
The Demon Crown was made on Earth... I don't understand your words.
darkcrusader said:
Technology is ridiculously good on the island, but probably not made by mimigas
Jenka said there were humans on the Island before Miakid, the robats and Enraged Mimigas raepd everyone. I think most people assumed that humans brought the technology to the Island and lived in Mimiga habitats. They probably built the Egg Corridor as well. Sounds more plausible than aliens to me.
Aug 18, 2010 at 1:04 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
You assume wrongly, but Cave Story takes place in an alternate universe, so whatever.

The Demon Crown was made on Earth... I don't understand your words.

Jenka said there were humans on the Island before Miakid, the robats and Enraged Mimigas raepd everyone. I think most people assumed that humans brought the technology to the Island and lived in Mimiga habitats. They probably built the Egg Corridor as well. Sounds more plausible than aliens to me.

Couple things:

How different is this alternate universe? And how do you know about water content or inhabitable planets other than Earth? Don't make such claims if you can't answer these questions. If you have some solid answers then bring them up.

The Demon Crown bearer must have been on the island at some point on land. You can't prove it was made on Earth, either. Not to mention I don't know what the crap you're talking about. I was talking about the bearer, ot the crafter.

I never said they weren't humans. They could be humans from a different planet.
Aug 18, 2010 at 1:26 AM
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It's exceedingly apparent that Cave Story does not take place on Earth. Now GTFO my thread unless you want to talk abot how the Island was created.
Aug 18, 2010 at 1:31 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
It's exceedingly apparent that Cave Story does not take place on Earth. Now GTFO my thread unless you want to talk abot how the Island was created.

That's hardly logical or an explanation. Also, when did this become "your thread."

Anyway, I think the Island was created with bulldozers.
Aug 18, 2010 at 2:12 AM
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Aug 21, 2010 at 11:58 PM
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But I created this thread. Also, I never noticed that it had attracted so much attention after I abandoned it.

Now we get back on topic.
Aug 22, 2010 at 5:09 PM
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Nameisnotname said:
But I created this thread. Also, I never noticed that it had attracted so much attention after I abandoned it.

Now we get back on topic.

What if the island was
Aug 24, 2010 at 6:19 PM
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i know you guys are having fun with going into insane detail over this, but really i'm pretty positive Jenka actually created the island, even though it may not explicitly "state" that in the dialogue

really, Jenka was supposed to be an awesomely powerful sorceress, but we never really get to see that, or even any evidence of that, except for the fact she created the gaudi (big deal). I think the testament to just how powerful and legendary she is--or at least, once was--is the existence of the island itself.
Feb 23, 2011 at 10:27 PM
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ragnaroq said:
i know you guys are having fun with going into insane detail over this, but really i'm pretty positive Jenka actually created the island, even though it may not explicitly "state" that in the dialogue

really, Jenka was supposed to be an awesomely powerful sorceress, but we never really get to see that, or even any evidence of that, except for the fact she created the gaudi (big deal). I think the testament to just how powerful and legendary she is--or at least, once was--is the existence of the island itself.

Partially correct. When Ballos was being tortured he unleashed all of his magic, destroying all around him. Jenka had to prevent any further destruction. Jenka had the physical ability to kill Ballos, but could not bring herself to do that to her brother. Instead, she sealed him away underground and used the rest of her power to create the core, which lifted the "Island" suspending it in the sky. So she didn't generate the island out of thin air.
Feb 24, 2011 at 12:57 AM
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Nameisnotname said:
Was it Ballos, or Jenka, or was it just there?
I don't remember if it was uncovered during the game.

Was it Mistery that made the island?:momo:
Feb 24, 2011 at 10:39 AM
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It was either just there, or Jenka made it. Ballos and _Misery_ are both too young.
Feb 24, 2011 at 2:41 PM
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The core doesn't make the island float, it just stops Ballos from dragging it to the ground with his magic.

There are 3 readily apparent possibilities:
1. The island was in the sky well before Ballos went insane and Jenka merely inprisoned him there.
2. Jenka tore the kingdom from the surface and made it float by a means not mentioned in the game.
3. The kingdom was never on the surface but was instead built upon a floating island in the sky.

In two of those possibilities the island would be a natural phenomenon rather than created. Hell, floating islands might be commonplace for all we know.

@littlecoolguy301: Misery is not on the same level as Jenka and Ballos. It is unlikely that she could pull something like that off.
Feb 24, 2011 at 2:49 PM
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the core existed in order to keep the island from falling due to ballos' magic..
once the core AND ballos are gone, there is no problem that needs a solution.
thats my guess.