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  • Please answer. What were you talking about in the status comment, and why did you sound frustrated? If I annoy you, please tell me how so that I can improve. Give me that much, at least.
    (sorry I couldn't use the computer yesterday so that's that)

    I was talking about like when you spoke of how the forums are changing and related it to my argument because it just seems that you update your status right after a argument and seem so depressed as if you don't want me to do it without directly stating my name.

    And I'm sorry, wasn't trying to sound agitated/aggressive. I keep forgetting that this isn't voice chat and I can't say things /how/ I'm trying to say them without sounding rude. :/
    Bombchu, I don't even know what your argument <em class='bbc'>was</em>. I don't pay THAT much attention to what you do. I didn't relate it to you at all, and if I make depressing status updates after you do things, it is pure coincidence.

    What's more, I don't think people understood that I was trying to say is that things feel off, but it's probably just me. I have been 1/4 melancholy recently. My perception is screwed up.
    I've been wanting to be a streamer for quite a while, but there is one compelling reason that I cannot.
    Nice postcount.
    Wait, so you don't care about event postcounts, but you do care if you have more than someone? That seems a little odd.
    Not really, it's just a thingy beside my userpic.
    Not really, it's just a thingy beside my userpic.
    I'm working on an NPC hacking guide/FAQ right now.
    Automatic cat creating machine coming soon.
    Weeeeeeeeeellll. It looks like my Hard drive is fried.
    No Sue's Story.

    No Doukustu assembler.


    for the next three days anyway, I ordered another one via express shipping.
    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="MagicDoors" data-cid="179356" data-time="1388294938"><p>just delete the post</p></blockquote>  <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="Bombchu Link" data-cid="179365" data-time="1388334941"><p>But that would make your post equally stupid.   And I would <em class='bbc'>never</em> make my bestest buddy doors look stupid.</p></blockquote>If you deleted your posts, I'm sure Doors would delete his too. <a href='http://www.cavestory.org/forums/index.php?/statuses/user/2705-haydenstudios/?status_id=31330' class='bbc_url' title=''>Dunc did the same for me on another recent occasion.</a>
    I know he would have, but I felt like having a little fun.
    And by the way, do you document EVERYTHING on this board?

    It's like you have all the links of everything and such.
    Well uh. Perpetuating an off-topic discussion about double-posting on a thread kind of creates spam, which is something the staff members don't like. Just saying.

    Haha, I hardly have to do any documenting seeing as how this board does that for me. The only documenting I've done is keep track of my Kanpachis nominations throughout 2013. Aside from that, all I have to do is remember who the original poster of said thread or VM conversation was, look through their content, and there I have it... Well, okay, there are a few other things here I document, but not as much as you seem to believe.
    yo, like... not to be a butt or to hate on you, as you seem to be a good guy, but you're posting malicious/useless mods all of a sudden, and i personally don't see your reason, like... why waste time making a useless mod when you could be workin on something else? im... im just wondering.
    I wouldn't call it malicious necessarily.

    I'm just reeeeeeaaaaaaallllly stuck on Sue's Story right now.

    That was going to be the last one anyway.
    Looks like we're both online. Might as well say hi!
    Yeah, I just hit 550 myself.

    The forums haven't changed that much since I first joined.
    Other then the modding section, there's been two or three nice mods in development right now that I like.
    Cool. And I just love the "Cat" count. So many cats!
    Yeah, it's nice to see that there's some humor left in this forum.

    I honestly have no idea how this all stays alive with CS turning 7 years old.
    but at least the mods are still good.
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